Someday or One Day is a fantasy romance but poignancy comes through so realistically and touchingly because it deals with a subject that is not easy….it is about how to face the sudden loss of a loved one….how can one deal with such longing for somenoe who had been such a significant part of your life and how must a person move on to survive through guilt even when no one is at fault.

The intimacy of the wonderful writing with apt direction really makes me feel like I am part of these characters’lives. The lead actors are fantastic portraying these characters at varying places and different times.

Greg Hsu’s character at the discovery of his budding feelings

Greg Hsu’s softly gazing at his love after many happy years during one of the most touching conversations I have seen recently in Dramaland

Each episode I see the affirmation of their love and through their eyes I feel how they are loved by one another.