I have something in mind already for LF Thursday and Friday, but I can’t think of anything for today. I want it to be something fun though. So yea… with your encouragements, here I go again with an attempt at fake poetry with added challenge to make it rhymes. Never say ‘never’, guys….

WARNING: Read at your own risk.
DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for your cringes, eye-rolls and/or spitting of hot beverage.

Even Me
by Ms. Rabbit

I think it happened when I was around 2
when I dived head first to the floor
and my aunt had no clue
Of course, I remember no more

My grandpa blew his lid like he had just ingested C4
My poor aunt got an earful of chide
though she’d already felt reproachable before
Yet, she took it all in stride

At 6, I cried no more
when grandma took me to school
and left me there inside the classroom door
I remember liking grandpa’s $1 allowance than grandma’s no-candy ground rule

I wrecked my brain for number 8
but can’t come up with something great
Perhaps that fall at two bears some weight
to my brain not working straight

Though I would not get a perfect 10
for this fake poem as a score
thank you all for reading then
and trying not to snore

Love (Even Me),
February 12, 2020