#YJGS ep.6

Confession is the theme this episode.

Awww.. poor buddy. That’s okay. Main ship is sailing.
His dedication is admirable. I would be touched too, if I were Fengyu. You deserves happiness!

LOL. Junlong almost-going-to-confess sessions were gold. And his dramatic dash through the storm, blaming mosquitos had me in stiches… 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You’ll get all the 🙂 stickers from me!

And ladies and gents, we have a towel scene without screaming. 🥂


    I LOVED that ep <3 x) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!…!!!!!!!!!!!
    I laughed so much watching it hahaha !

    That was what I was talking about when commenting on your previous post , this was the ep to look forward. Happy to see that you enjoyed it a lot ๐Ÿ™‚


      It’s the best episode so far. Young grandpa’s acceptance of the girl was great to see, even though I was a bit sad for him for having to do that.

      Buddy Ling Jian and his I-am-sad-I-am-not-the-one-but-I-only-wish-for-your-happiness made me teary. It was Junlong that put me to tears. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Yes, I enjoyed this episode a lot! ๐Ÿ˜€
