I haven’t watched the news since around 2012, but I thought I’d give it a go as things are getting interesting here. I only lasted around 10 minutes. I feel so sorry for the reporters, they’ve been on air for like 3 straight days now and have nothing left to say and are digging around in their brains furiously for content. This must be like what a drama writer feels like writing ep. 14 and they’ve run out of plot and just heard they’re getting a 2-episode extension.


    Kidnapping/noble idiocy/timeskip to the rescue, writer-nim!


    This is why I still don’t watch the news and only read the NYT or 538 lol


    I’m so impressed by the depth of knowledge that enables reporters in the field to explain topics in great detail. I often think, wow these people are so much smarter than I am, and they’re so much younger. I wonder where you go to school to get that smart, really.


      I think you do have to be able to retain a lot of information, but the more impressive skill to me is the ability to spit it out in an articulate way on the spot. I could never in a million years do that. I know some people who can, it’s fascinating to watch.
