They’re showing us our current situation vs the upcoming vacations. Kinda harsh but sweet at the same time? It gives me the hope that I definitely need right now.

I expect NOTHING. People doing nothing.
This is Bruno Mars’ Lazy Song.
This is DAY6’s Be Lazy.
And I’m gonna love it.

If I see one soul doing something I swear to my freaking cat in a box…

For real, if a show named “I don’t want to do anything” is about hard working people, killers, revenge, traumas, or someone dying, then I’m done.

This pals and gals better be kdrama fans that are going to spend their whole summer laying in bed, eating ramen, pizza and rewatching Run On.

I haven’t watched a decent slice of life in a while so I’m really scared. Tbh, every time I start a new drama these days, I feel scared.
Why writers don’t add this to their trauma sources list? I would watch a show about a kdrama fan going crazy because of kdramas. I’m pretty sure kdramas are driving me crazy. Or maybe is the homework I haven’t finished, who knows.
Let’s clic play.
