Side note: does Park Gyu-young’s character not have a real job?? For a person who’s a police officer in a crime-riddled, dystopian Seoul, she sure has a lot of free time to investigate the slightest sliver of leads on Kim Yo-han, almost all of which, realistically, should have gone nowhere. Does she not have real duties or responsibilities? Do her superiors not care about her not doing her job?? Or is her job just to be a love interest/personal info-gatherer/emotional support to Jinyoung? It’s annoying and I don’t like it.


    The latter, unfortunately. I also fear her job is to die at some point so Jinyoung can cry and be torn between revenge and justice.


      I’m tired of female characters existing only to provide emotional support for men – or be fridged when the story needs a dark turn for a man’s character development. I deserve better as a viewer watching this mess and Park Gyu-young deserves a better role. She is too good of an actress to be saddled with this misogynist shit (not that any actress deserves this).
