I cannot believe they jumped the shark with Cha young’s. I guess anything to justify her and Vincenzo becoming a criminal couple together.


    That wasn’t the only part I didn’t like about the episode.


    I think we should remember that she was never a rightful lawyer as she worked at Wusang being fateful to money, and when we meet her we saw her use manipulation as one of her tools. Therefor her and her father have many argument about their different beliefs. When she said in a kinda joke way that she is not righteous lawyer but angry after her father passed away sum up her character motivation.
    When Yu-chan mention monster fight monster for justice tells the tone for the drama. I belive the point making is that you need to get your hands dirty to play against the villain to bring Justice.
    They clearly play on a thin line with our two leads.


      Exactly. The only differences is now she’s fighting for the side of justice and not for money sucking, innocent people killing Wusang/Babel.


      He was clearly speak about Vincenzo and possibly himself.

      Cha young was a gray character and for all her immoral behavior, she would never go as far as to physically hurt or kill someone. That is why Joon woo was so fustrated that she would not return to Wusung or he could never get a read on her. Her doing that with the car is and was out of her character.
