My little theory about why we have come so far with pyscho ex-boyfriend: because he set up this incident in HK’s office in order to discredit him the way he discredited Keanu. * more below


    I’m sure he called DH so that she would witness the event and he probably called the reporter as well. His malicious plan will all be seeming to fall in place, but Keanu is going to come to the rescue and do for HK what he didn’t do for himself. And they both will be vindicated, and JH will be locked up. Finally. And then Keanu can move in with AY and our OTP can enjoy a quiet meal together. Right?


      IDK if I want JJH to be locked up. I just want him to stop what he’s doing, admit to fabricating the story he made re Keanu, leave Hae-hyeong and Do-hee alone, and get some effing help.


      Locking JJH up won’t help him. He needs to get some VERY serious therapy and help.
      And we need Keanu and AY to get together – but only after she gets over her hate of psychiatrists…..


        Even mentally ill people like JH know when they are committing a crime. He has committed quite a few crimes to get what he wants. Therapy may help but it can’t give him a conscience or empathy if he has none. So I do think he needs to be convicted and committed. Otherwise how will he stop hurting other people?


          Yes he needs to be committed somewhere – I missed that very important point. Putting him in jail wouldn’t help – in an institution for criminally insane – yes!
