So I watched the Taiwanese drama Autumn Concerto because I was craving something slightly angsty. Do NOT expect emotional maturity or common sense from this drama. It has a really cute kid though


    😂😂😂 That’s an interesting way to put it. It is an old drama right? I guess it was very popular back then.


      It came out in 2009 with all the weird fashion and hair lol. And yes, it seems to have been very popular


    I could never bring myself to watch this, even at the height of it’s popularity and now being regarded as a classic. My sister loves it and I saw bits and pieces of it back then, and I couldn’t help thinking this was basically a mashup of all the most annoying cliches in Meter Garden S1+2 and Mars but with a kid. I don’t mind cliches honestly, but it being compiled in one drama just to up the angst was too much.




        You don’t know the classic Mars with Vic Zhou and Barbie Hsu ? It was with some actors of Meteor Garden but this time Vic Zhou was the lead.


        As Kurama said, Mars is a classic with Barbie and Vic. A lot of drama.

        Mydramalist summary:
        Han Qi Luo, an extremely shy art student went to the same college as Chen Ling, a popular play boy. By chance one day they met at a park when CL asked HQL for direction to a hospital to visit his friend who was injured in a bike racing incident. Hurriedly HQL drew him a map, unknowing that she was drawing on the back of one of her sketches. She ran off before he could thank her. He then noticed the sketch of a mother holding a baby and was touched. In school HQL was sexually harassed by a teacher and CL came to her rescue. They began to grow fond of each other but each of them had a secret past that needed to be addressed and overcome before they could accept and love one another freely.


        Just to add, it gets really crazy but if you’re looking for angst and a great OTP, I’d recommend Mars. It touches on a lot of sensitive and dark subjects too.


          Thank you so much. I’ll keep it in mind for when I need to watch angsty stuff


        MARS is an AWESOME drama! I watched it a few months ago, and LOVED it completely. It’s totally OTT, but with an OTP that works so beautifully, I couldn’t root for them enough. Plus the story actually still holds up ~20 years on. I’ve been saying this for a while now, Mars is the show that is ripe for a remake. If only the Asian drama industry would look beyond Meteor Garden!


          I think there are Japanese remakes (movie and drama).


            Isn’t it based off a Japanese manga? I’d love to see a tw-remake, honestly. They captured the raw emotion of the base story so well, and the OTP was great in itself, but I felt the acting was lacking. :/


            @pickleddragon the acting in the Japanese version?

            For the TW one, if I remember well Vic and Barbie dated after Meteor Garden. So they really had a great chemistry.


            Ah no @kurama I meant the acting in the tw-version. I loved the OTP to bits, and yes, I read about the real life connection, but I don’t think Vic Zhou did a great job with the acting there. :/

            What I meant was I’d love to see Taiwan itself do a remake of it, or other Asian drama industries pick this up.

            I haven’t watched the Japanese remakes, though. Do you recommend them?


            @pickleddragon I think that the Japanese versions were less dark that I remembered in the TW version.
