Beanie level: Errand boy

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

[Genesis 1:31]

Love, February

RDTK2 Ep.10

Am I supposed to feel symphaty for Dr. Park? Cuz I am not… feeling it. Don’t blame other people for your own inferiority complex and cowardice, Dr. Park. It’s all you.

Looking forward to next week for the cameo from you-know-who. Such a tease!


    Yang Sejong! I’ve missed him (I know I just saw him on My Country), but I really liked his character and it’s arc in this show. I wonder if he’ll flash us those pearly whites!


      I am sure he will. He’s supposed to be a much more cheerful Do In Bum in this one. Can’t wait! 😁


    I need this soooo mucho!


      And I need Do In-Bum to tell dad a couple of things 😤


        Maybe he can persuade dad to move to the South Pole or something. Work your charm, In Bum!


A Word
by Emily Dickinson

A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

New words (and definition) I came to know thanks to you beanies:
* narm
* mesmerstare
* petrichor
* t***hp**k and d*mp**s
* defenestration, endosolistration and friends

Love, February


February 4, 2020

To: Ms. J

You probably won’t get to read this or even remember me. I was just one of the hundred students you had in your class that semester.

I remember it to be just another ordinary day that I needed to endure. From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I already could not wait for the day to end uneventfully. Although I didn’t dread going to school, I had no interest nor hope in anything I do. Life was hard, uncertain and scary.

I remember it was the week after we took the first quiz for your class. I looked at the paper you gave back to me and I got a 76 (C). I didn’t have any feelings whatsoever on that grade. I was neither sad nor disappointed nor relieved. You can imagine how suprised I was when you asked to see me after class.

I remember you sat me down, asked me to take out my test paper and went through every question that I got wrong.

I remember feeling extremely impatient. I didn’t care. I just wanted to go home.

I remember you crossed out the 76 and changed it to an 80 (B) after we’re finished. You told me I seemed to get it, and asked why I did so poorly on the quiz. You also asked if everything is okay with me. Did you know that you are the only one who asked me that question? I had not even thought of that myself.

I remember feeling something that I hadn’t felt in a very very long time. Perhaps it was awe. How did you know I did that quiz half-heartedly? Perhaps I was amazed. Why did you care? Perhaps I was awaken. I am not okay and I could not continue living my life this way. But ever since that day, my life changed. You changed it and I would not be who I am today without you.

Even though I write this decades later, Ms. J, I remember it like it was yesterday. I want to let you know that I truly appreciate what you did. I am forever grateful and will keep this in my heart for as long as I am able to remember. I am sorry for not having the courage to thank you in person. I hope you are in good health and still continue teaching and making a difference in other students’ life.

Once again, thank you.

Love, February


#BlackDog16 (Final)
Ms. Han, I really don’t follow that logic of yours.

I never thought this drama would pull a separation trope, but it did. At least it is organic and it makes us see the real growth of the Admissions Dept trio a little better.


Ugh… New boss gets to stay for another week. But it looks like Chief Kim is coming back next week. Woohoo…


RDTK2 ep. 9
Another cutie pair 🥰 + mandatory Dr. Bae screenshot.

Dr. Park, what is your problem? 🤨


    These two are super super cute.
    I haven’t seen the whole ep, but made through this scene. Oh, Ahreum is just 🥰🥰🥰🥰



LOL at Teacher Myung Soo being envious of Haneul and Sung Soon’s couple teddies. I kinda wish Yeon Woo would entertain his ideas.

I am glad Bo Tong dropped out of school with a plan. He knew what he wants and is pursuing his dream. I am also glad that he made up with his teachers.


They are SOOOO cute!!! 💕🥰💕

And can the new boss turn to dust and fly away already?? 🙄


Many beanies shared about their Sundays in their “Love, February” posts. I spent my Sunday reading those wonderful posts. One of my best Sunday moments. Thank you, beanies! 🤗

My Sundays are usually filled with mundane chores, ranging from grocery shopping, doing laundry, house cleaning and/or cooking. Yesterday, Sunday, it was a cold winter night. I wondered… What should I eat? What do I have for dinner? I opened my refrigerator and there it is, the soft tofu I bought after being inspired by @raonah post. I had an eureka(!) moment and started to get to work.

After chopping and stirring for ~20 minutes, dinner was ready. It hit me in all the right spots.

Thus, a lovely end to my Sunday (02.03.2020). 💝

P.S.: I wish I know how to make that egg “floats” for a better photo op. 🤔

Love, February.


I am not good with words (and probably will never be), especially with words of love, encouragements, appreciations, and compliments. Recent dramas that I watched made me realize how little I spoke of those words and that those kind words can really go a long way.

In the spirit of love, I am going to start small by trying to say it more often at least in comments. Hopefully, I can carry it into real life too.

This is only the second day of February and I am loving it already. Waking up every morning to read beanies’ “Love, February” posts is my new favorite thing.

Here’s to you beanies



Love, February.


A few of my favorite things

Last one is obvious. 🥰🥰🥰

Love, February



Ugh. That job interview was infuriating! I am glad Bo Young called them out. But what’s with this last minute inferiority complex, writernim??

Otherwise, Bo Young is really a winning character. Her little talk with Min Ho at the end was aptly her. Always looking for the best in people. I am team Bo Young all the way. What makes her happy, makes me happy.

Dr. Ye’s attempts at using banmal cracked me up. Him toggling between banmal and jondaemal was super cute! 😄 This is a nuance I would not have picked up had I not discovered DB. Thank you and ❤ you DB for enhancing my kdrama watching experience! 🥰🥰 Consider this my early Love February post. 😘

A Poem A Day 끝!


    @ally-le, I am ready for that fanfic link now. 🙂


      Okay! Oh, I forgot to ask you, did you see the Beanie island party and the Isle if Neutrality nonsense on the fan wall when this was airing? And the the poetry slam that coincided? There was SO much activity on the fan wall at that time. I can post links if you’d like.

      Anyway, the fan fic, it was so long that it was split into 2 separate posts. And several of us wrote it so there is this really crazy mashup with like 6 different writing styles. For my part, I only concentrated on Nam Woo’s story and back story because I felt he got left out and I needed a ship to sail there.

      I present: The Minhoyoung Beanie Fan Fic!


        Thanks! I’ve seen some fanwall posts that were in the recap comments. Haven’t read the 8-16 recap though.


      And a lot of us were on the Bo young being happy ship! We loved her no matter who she ended up with! Did you see Lee Yubi’s DB video?


    Aww, so glad to see this drama getting love again! 😍



Now that the ship has sailed, I no longer need to drink Duck Tape. However, I am not sure these sugary drinks are good for me either.

Speaking of drinks, do we have some Growth Potion to give to Na Moo and Min Ho?

Na Moo’s self wallowing was funny at first, but it started getting annoying, especially after Doctor Park joined in the Misery Club. Na Moo ya, may I give you some advice? It’s been 10 years. It’s about time to grow out of that alligator shirt.

Now on to the last 2 episodes…


Thoughts in comment [SPOILER WARNING]


    So how does things work in this universe? If the death he sees is not fate/destiny and it can be changed, then what is it? Murderer’s intent? Premonition? And how does the murderer know that he can manipulate the time of death when Tae Pyung didn’t even know?


    If the police has the resources to seal off the hospital and do a building-wide search, why can’t they increase security and actually place an officer or two INSIDE of the room?


      Because that requires some thinking, which is not their forte… Don’t ask too hard questions, there are no answers there!


        Haha. Thanks for warning. I have to keep my mind busy while watching. Otherwise, I can only think about the leads acting and I don’t want to go there.


          Ignorance is bliss but he really can’t, i feel sad, because he was my first oppa ever and i watch all his dramas but oppa can’t act T_T! But in my honest opinion this show has three people in it who can’t do what they are supposed to do, equally bad, the director, the writer and the main lead, lol!


            The only thing I love Taec in was Wonderful Days. In this one, I have to blame it on the writer. The director just need to do less close-ups and tone down the music. So far the leads haven’t done anything glaring that make me want to throw something on my screen. Plus, I am in this for Im Joo Hwan primarily. 🙂 Sadly, he is the bad guy, so I am thinking of dropping…


            Me too, that was just very good, wonderful days. I loved how awkward he was.


            I guess the only emotion required in that one is angry. Easier for him. Thoughtful and contemplative is just not for him.


That’s the reason he becomes a firefighter??


Nothing happened in this first hour that we don’t already know. Forest. Mystery. Trauma. Fiery hand. Memory loss. And oh, he loves coffee. 끝


Finally, an episode where Im Joo Hwan is on screen for more than 5 minutes. Yet… 😧

Ms. Secretary, why did you do that? What is he, like… five? And also, you fell for that excuse? Tsk.

This drama has the cutest props though.


Ha Suk Jin cameo is a hoot. Now why can’t he take lead role like that in his own dramas?

Awww… Alligator. 🥺

Goodbye, angst! That was quick.

“Happiness,” by Na Tae Joo.

It’s not about where we were yesterday
and it’s not about where we’ll be tomorrow.
It’s just about where we are today.
And, you.


RDTK2 ep. 8
Woohoo, the 🚢 has sailed without much difficulties. 🥰