I am so happy with APAD’s ending. I know some people thought it got boring after Dr. Ye and Bo young started dating, but I really loved how little drama they had in relationships. Good communication and simply being happy together. They both deserve that

P.S Okay, but it is still out of fantasy world that those two didn’t get caught


    I really wanted to see an epilogue where they would show us the dept, where they would break the fourth wall and address us directly, saying ‘ you really think we don’t know?’


      Hahaha..like what they did in Jugglers!! That would be super awesome.

      I was thinking the same thing too, How could anyone fail to notice how completely smitten Dr. Ye is with all those adoring gaze! This is literally Dr. Ye: 😍😍😍


        Exactly like jugglers! Maybe they didn’t notice because they were too busy cringing when he tried to become comfortable with them.but for someone who’s too nosy, they sure were oblivious.


    i was so in shock as to how no one there observed His Eyes glued to her but then saw them all drunk/semi drunk so gave them benefit of doubt…
