I still think there was no need for Rin to leave except that he wanted to. They could have put the fault on SongIn or Jeon and it would have been true. It’s not like Won’s own nephew wasn’t emperor.


    But Rin’s existence is a threat to Won. Being a pure blood himself and also Won’s best friend, others would always find ways to provoke Won through him. They will use Rin to show Won’s weaknesses, which were his temper and his overprotective nature towards the ones he loves. I also think that, Rin needs to explore the world on his own rather than being Won’s shadow.

    In the end, Won’s mother was right. King cannot have friends. He can only have enemies and allies.


      If Rin tells Won that he doesn’t have to worry then there’s nobody who can make Won distrust him. Only when Rin himself wants Won to misunderstand him will he be able to provoke Won.

      Yeah but if Rin wants to leave then nobody can stop him.

      I feel so sad for Won though.
