Oh RUN ON! How much I love thee! 😭💖
Tonight’s ep. was wonderful. Between our OTP making up AND making out (😏😏😏), the hilarious movie vignettes interspersed throughout, the beautiful scenery… I’m already sad it’s ending next week. I’m really gonna miss this show’s vibe and characters.

Also– I loved the “ramyeon” scene! It was just so natural and subtle. And OMG look at SG joking around and teasing Mijoo! 😭 They are so well-written as a couple, and I always love their long conversations about life!
And even though I have my reservations about them together, for this ep. I have to shout out the Dan-Hwa couple, because their scenes were so beautifully shot and acted!


    Aw, that “Young-hwa-ya” and his expression! Love their conversation so much and indeed it was beautifully shot. The way they stand not touching each other, but somehow feel like they are of one mind there at the end…


      It hit me this episode that Dan-ah does not really have any experience with affection or expressing it. I know she laid that kiss on him a few eps back, but that was more heat (and maybe a little power play?) than warmth. He’s the one who pulled her in for the hug, which she allowed, but only briefly. YH even comments on the “physical distance” between them. The few times where she’s stroked his face briefly always seem to me like a momentary slip of her self-control.

      It feels like…she wants to experience the physical manifestation of their affection but she’s scared and doesn’t really know how. She already feels fragile because of her heart condition; and here she realizes she is putting her fragility into his hands – literally. So when he pulls her into his arms to rock her to sleep, I thought: our 2 couples are so flipped. MJ and SG already have emotional intimacy, so ramyeon invites are a logical next step. But for DA and YH, they don’t need the flash of that flame, they need the warmth. And that’s why that scene felt really intimate to me (also, god, their eyes). He rocks her to sleep, he carries her to the medical tent. She sends him away, but with much less of her usual bark and doesn’t protest when he won’t go. She’s starting to let him be with her.

      My treatise now over (😂), this episode hit close to home because I think I have felt many of the same things that all of these characters have felt in the course of inter-personal relationships, and it’s been a while since I’ve felt like I could relate so strongly to an ensemble. There is something refreshingly realistic about the way this drama looks at people, lives, and connections.


        Aw, beautifully said about warmth and not flash of flame… Feels like calling him by his name is her starting to drop her guard bit by bit…


          That was so intense. Their facial expressions are conveying so much.


    It was a wonderful episode.

    I was kind of surprised SG knew what “ramyeon” meant to tease MJ lol. Happy for a proper make out scene.
