Convenience store Saet Byeol script reading photos. Wow, Wooki looks really young. Can not see the big age gap and they look visually fit to me.


    I don’t have a problem with the age gap but the story.. hmm.. Curious to see what important happens in that convenience store..


      According to the original webtoon writer said that the original story will be changed allot. Here is what writer said:

      “Please have a look at this.
      To the fans of Kim Yoo Jung and Ji Chang Wook.
      You’re worried about the lack in/insuffiency of my work.
      I’m sorry and I fully understand your worries.
      But please don’t worry too much.
      I’m not writing the drama and…
      a lot of the content will be changed to fit the drama.
      Please think of the great PDnim and actors and don’t be too nervous.”

      I belive there where already some people voicing their worry for the content in the webtoon being turned into the drama.
