Uh oh! Bad clone has a secret at his sexy back. #Duel


    I have not watched this episode. So this is the shower scene! Strangely, I like men who aren’t too buff. He is just right 😍😍😍


    I just really want this bathroom in my house. Clearly I am old.


      That bathroom looks cool but also kind of impractical.


      Your comment prompted me to waste my time inspecting the first picture to see more details of this bathroom and….Seriously, it’s not practical at all. There is like half the space wasted by putting that shower weirdly in the middle, the half murky glass of the shower is not making much sense either except maybe if you are a guy but it’s still awkward to just stand there in the middle of the room when someone else like e.g. family member wants to use the sink for example which by the way is really tiny in comparison to the massive space that they could have used. There is like this one hanger thingy for his towel but what if he has more towels? Where would he store them? There are no cup boards next to the sink! I would have no idea where to put my toiletries and a magnifying mirror would have been nice….or a place to just put one as well. Better hope that glass door is sealed well at the bottom cause if the water leaks out under there then it could get slippery and there are steps in front of it which I generally think is a bad idea to have in a bathroom. The lighting doesn’t look the best, if one of those ceiling lights breaks you will be basically showering under the moonlight and there is this random chair next to the shower which I am pretty sure no one would actually sit in? Oh wait, no, that one is necessary cause I don’t see any other possible place to put your clothes or other stuff on that you would take off to go into the shower. And where even does he put the shampoo in that shower? Does he have to kneel down and pick it up from the ground?

      Yeah, don’t give me that bathroom….just give me the money it would’ve cost instead. 😅
