The calm and thoughtful conversation that took place in episode 27 of I’m Not a Robot resolved the angst-fest that was episode 26. But I can’t completely forget my frustration.


    Show left me with slight trust issues. I feel Min Kyu’s pain.


      While I appreciated they didn’t let the angst last too long (at least in episode count), my frustration at episode 26 was so intense I found myself shouting at the screen at our female lead. It felt completely unnecessary. Not to mention the relatively simple resolution in 27 makes the drama in 26 seem even more like a cheap way to draw out the plot rather than a meaningful element to the story. Feels like lazy writing.

      As much as I tried to rationalize it, Min Kyu’s reactions were the only one’s I could really understand. Thank goodness he calmed down and demanded an explanation or we might still be in angst.
