fellow beanies,
I am really sorry to burden you, but can u guys plz help me
I just know the plot of a drama where the male lead really loves the female lead a lot but it is revealed only at the last.


    That sounds like just about every “Reply” drama lol


    Do you remember anything else?
    How long ago you saw it?
    Was it saeguk or modern?
    Is it definitely a kdrama or could it be a jdrama or cdrama?
    Any other scenes?
    Were the leads old, young, the same height, height difference?
    Any details would help 🙂


      ah, wish I could recall such things…
      But all I remember is that
      the male lead also loves the female lead a lot but he hides it and it is revealed somewhere near the finale.
      It was cute seeing things from his perspective and it showed how adorkable his love was.
      And it is modern drama (oops I am no longer sure whether it is a drama or movie)
      Besides I only watch Kdramas and thai movies.
      ( Cdramas I have seen only two, love 020 and ten miles of peach blossoms plus I have never seen a jdrama).
      I know the hints are vague but this is all I could remember, biyani
