Revelations over at WWWSK have been so abundant this week, it’s so great!


    It’s good that we finally know why the parents have been keeping the identity of the real kidnapped son under wraps. I’m not sure if I can blame them now though – because they had no I idea that he retained his memories. On the other hand though, I feel like if he had been experiencing those nightmares every night for the past 15 years or so and has an intense phobia over cable wires, they should have suspected something was wrong. Shouldn’t they have questioned that or brought him to the doctor for help somehow?

    So although I can’t call them the worst parents on dramaland, it’s just upsetting that they let that issue go and took that route because its easy.


      Yes. I can’t say they’re evil anymore, but they took the easy way out – apparently they never even took YJ to the doc to be sure about the amnesia?


        And it never seemed to occur to them that the amnesia could be impermanent. I understand their incomplete understanding of PTSD issues, but this much (that amnesia is not always permanent) would’ve been a clear logical deduction for them, or the doctor they consulted would’ve told them the possibility.


      I think there’s some inconsistency in the writing. If he has been having nightmares every night ever since, which he tells Mi-so, I’m sure his parents would’ve known he still remembered the incident. Plus he had a phobia of cable ties and women who looked like his kidnapper. It would’ve been hard to hide long enough till he moved out from his family home.


        Though, he doesn’t wake up screaming from his nightmares; they seem to paralyze him more than anything, at least see an adult. And that house is big enough they couldn’t have heard him.
        The phobia of women, though, how did they never make that connection? I could buy the cable ties, but even amnesiacs can develop phobias they don’t remember.
        His parents definitely had willful obtuseness in this situation any which way though.
