Hee-sung is truly a bull in a China shop. (Korean bar??) His mouth is going to get him killed at this rate! 😂 #MrSunshine


    The whole scene did depend on him and his comedic timing and he pulled it off flawlessly. Kim Eun-sook lucked out with some great actors for this show (I mean, she typically gets good actors to sign on to any of her shows at this point) and so far this is pretty much pitch perfect casting.


    I still haven’t watched Misaeng! I’ve heard amazing things about it and it’s full of actors I really like but I just don’t know if I can watch a depressing story about real office life. Everyone always says that after they’ve watched it, they never feel like they can watch it again because it’s so heavy.


      @tacourtn Interesting. You’re the first I’ve heard say that! Still, I’m not sure if it’s the show for me, but I’ll keep it on my to-watch list and when I’m having a real sunny moment in life maybe I’ll take that opportunity to finally check it out and see if it’s something I can roll with. 🙂
