My eyes are rolling out of my head. Seriously. What is wrong with people like this? (Drama is Sweet Combat, but character is in so many…)


    Right?!?!?!?!?! Why on earth do you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you?? Yeah, it might hurt for a bit while you get over them, but surely that’s better than a lifetime of misery!

    (Of course, my unwillingness to push through may be the reason I am an old maid . . . )


    I wonder sometimes if it is cultural too. Because in western entertainment people like that are portrayed as outright crazy, but in Asian dramas they are portrayed as normal. I also cannot fathom why a person would want to be with someone who doesn’t love them to the point of harassment and schemes. It’s a key point of conflict in a lot of dramas.


      I know. I get the “you don’t like me, but I’ll still like you quietly until it wears off” schtick, but not this.
      Though in Western media adulterers/cheaters are often shown as romantic heroes/heroines, so maybe we just use the same trope differently? I’ll have to give it some thought.
