AYHT thoughts:
1. 지비서가 왜 그럴까? Why would YH think that revealing the world the truth would force Shin to sit down and reflect on what he really wants? Is it because power in the hands of an angry Shin would put him on a path of no return? What they did is essentially telling the truth but why does that feel like such a betrayal? With the company in Ji’s hands, Shin did lose interest in it and he did get out of Seo’s power but… at the cost of (seemingly) losing the person in the world he most cherishes. The way Shin was pleading with YH to explain and not to leave him just broke my heart.
2. After losing everything it’s no wonder that he focuses on his fixation with Shinnamon – what else what there left?
3. It’s interesting that he used the other Shin’s love for KSB as the argument to get him away (Shin now acknowledges that he does have feelings, despite him trying very hard to see him as just an object that cannot be deserving of anyone’s love — for obvious reasons). He also trusted him to say his goodbyes and come on his own rather than to try anything to serve himself (so Shin also acknowledges that he is honest and a man of his word).
4. I am not sure that Shin would have gone through with it had it not been for his mother
5. Apart for the setup of staging a murder and turning humans against the robot I don’t quite see how LO’s death helped with the greater narrative purpose. It’s stupid and pointless. This felt like a let-down for an otherwise tightly written script.
6. Some positives: dad buying Shinnamon seaweed soup for his bday was so sweet.
7. The robot who does not understand love or death – learned a new important lesson – time is short; cherish whatever happiness comes your way. Glad that Shin got his wish-to say I love you and mean it.

One episode is so little time to do what still needs to be done – have Seo get his comeuppance, have human Shin get back to YH and sort out some sort of peace agreement with his family and the other Shin. Hopefully the writer will not waste the entire time on Shin-false-accussed-murderer anti-robot humans drama. We also have very little time. Let’s cherish it and use it wisely, Jo 작가님.


    I know! I am so worried about having only one episode left: hopefully the murder accusation will be like the amnesia, swiftly dealt with!

    –I love Young Hoon, applaud taking power off those who use it for evil, and I know he wants only the best for Nam Shin, but I too don’t understand the rationale for his perceived rejection. Keeping his promise not to talk to Nam Shin if he hurt someone? If he was super angry about Nam Shin strangling So Bong and couldn’t look at him, I’d get that! But it seems like YH’s behaviour is part of a plan to help him and I don’t see how it does that–drive him away into his mother’s arms to effect a reconciliation? *wrings hands* What is going onnn?

    –I too was super sad that Nam Shin’s only thought was to run to Young Hoon and beg for an explanation: he really does just want love. (He really is sandblasting opportunities to BE loved, mind.) Maybe Young Hoon, also abused, doesn’t value himself highly enough to know HOW bereft Nam Shin would feel? Trying… to… fathom…

    –It is possible Nam Shin wouldn’t have gone through with the kill switch/button push! He had a definite air of bravado, like he was hoping Nam Shin III would talk him out of it by making him feel better/ceding him power, but I fully get Nam Shin III being brave and fed up: Nam Shin would’ve kept messing him around, with the power of life or death hanging over him. Agreed that Nam Shin does reluctantly perceive Nam Shin III as a person, which both further infuriates NS and makes what he does more awful.

    –I am wretched about Ro Ra, her life was so terrible and she was such a genius! I was hoping Dr Mother Frankenstein and her creation would both live. I worry her going means Nam Shin III is doomed too–can David repair him? Can he repair himself? If both the creator and the creation disappear, the world doesn’t get disrupted… so that may be where they’re going? I don’t know. I hated seeing her go. I loved her calling Nam Shin III ‘my kind son.’

    –I don’t know why a super genius robot would hide a kill switch behind a sofa cushion!

    –I do love love. I wish So Bong had touched him back during the kiss, oh dramas, but I’m happy they both got that moment. And her dad’s blessing! I run around in tiny circles, here almost at the end of all things.


      I agree with all of that, but the one thing I didn’t understand (okay, but it’s a kdrama, yeah, yeah…) if Shinnamon was so intelligent why couldn’t he open the kill switch and disable it?
      Obviously, it wasn’t locked or Shin couldn’t have opened that case so easily… really?????
      I’m still loving this show…..


    YH is only human, also. I think it’s a combination of being hurt by Shin, being angry at Shin, wanting to do something drastic to help Shin, and being mentally worn out. It’s all tangled up, his motivations aren’t going to be cut and dry. Maybe along with thinking it would help wake shin up, it felt good to be cold and ignore Shin after all he’s done to YH. I wouldn’t blame him. I’m happy he’s treating Shin like an adult for once.

    Laura’s death seems fitting to me. Like, no one should die, of course, and I’d have been thrilled if she’d lived, but fitting for her arc. She’s been a tragic character from the get-go, powerless and with few options. She was in an impossible place, really unable to forgive herself for either abandoning Shin or creating Shin III and loving him as much as her own son. She seemed unable to save either, so really her only course of action was to sacrifice herself for her sons. This only works really well if this is the impetus for Human Shin to finally turn a corner towards redemption. I guess we’ll see.

    But yeah… who’s gonna repair and built the other robots? I guess Shin III can repair himself…?

    Lizard and his whole character I find so weak compared to the others. I don’t think Writer needed him–he could have accomplished everything with the other characters. Why have a silly villain when we have a great anti-hero already? Gah.
