I choose to watch An Empress’ Dignity mainly for Shin Sung Rok, and he didn’t fail to deliver!

With the amount of screentime he had, I am starting to think that he’s the actual evil male lead here. I am so happy to be entertained with his variety of evil ways on my screen that at this point, I don’t care whether Choi Jin Hyuk will be in the drama.

Secondly, I want a rom com featuring Shin Sung Rok, preferably along side of Jang Na Ra. Reason? His suffering face in episode 3-4 when Sunny stuffed him with those exotic foods during the theater team’s after party. Those are gold.

But Shin Sung Rok, please don’t quit being the villain in kdramaland even if you land a role in rom com. You make villainy so enjoyable.


    He played a nice guy in Trot Lovers but I still kept thinking he was going to kill someone.



      When I was young, our tv channels like to air Indian movies during the weekends. In the movies, there’s this one guy who would always (99.9% of the time) play the villain role – head of gangster, corrupt politician, etc, you name it. So whenever I see this guy on screen, I would be very suspicious of his character. So, in his later years, when he started playing nice-guy roles, I was still very suspicious of his characters, and had the same reaction like you. I kept expecting that he’d suddenly turn around and brandish a machine gun or something.


    Shin Sung Rok and Namgoong Min are two actors who, even when they are in a romcom, I’m still here waiting, tapping my fingers impatiently, super on the edge and paranoid, thinking, “So, uhh….. Who’s your next victim going to be— you (sometimes— MOST OF THE TIME—murderous) creepy creep??”


    I wanted to watch this show initially but when I found out SSR was a villainous second lead again, I gave up. I thought he’d play a nice guy for once 😀
