If there’s anything good we can get from this show, it’s that it showcased Hyun Bin’s impeccable acting skills. I was completely sold – hook, line and sinker. Consider me a new member of the HB bandwagon. But I mourn for the amazing show this could have become. It had everything going for it – a fresh, interesting concept, great leads, beautiful locations, an amazing production crew… WHAT WENT WRONG??? Seriously, I’m starting to agree with what people are saying. Don’t give this writer another project please – well, not at least without a co-writer to keep her head off the clouds. Better yet, let her come up with a concept and have a better writer write the story. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️



    Agree. I have seen most of his works and he somehow always felt fake to me. But here! I am completely sold too!
