After watching The Crowned Clown (where they take one step forward and are forced to take three steps back – ack!)
Then My Strange Hero -which is full of the sweet shots of Bok Soo but more importantly the badass strong woman Seo Jung who is so strong – she is female goals!!!!!

Then I watched Clean with Passion for Now – and I laughed and cried and clapped for both Seon-gyeol and Oh-sol who have found their way to each other. They are both so totally sweet, but Yoon Kyun-sang is killing it with his fears and angst.

This is why I watch and love dramas – to have an evening of love, angst, silliness and tears. Yep it made my nice long weekend.
I just wish in the US we had nice columbarium for our loved ones like we see in the Korean dramas – it would be nice to go take flowers to my parents. Sigh


    I love Soo-jeong too! She’s definitely up there in awesome FL list💖


      Me too.
      Also, I love how Min Ju seems to be able to do anything – even kiss her CEO like that! hah
