Okay so here are my two cents about the ending of The Crowned Clown….

I have been raging like a lunatic and I have been flabbergasted like a peasant on what this drama was actually trying to teach us! The first 7 episodes were solid AF! The acting, the cinematography, the score was 10/10. Then they committed regicide and that went downhill very very quickly.

There are no good and bad sides, as per the continuous discussions here on DB. But go and rewatch the scenes were the ‘good’ side were getting poisoned and/or dying as opposed to the ‘bad’ side getting their cummapence. Yes, I use that word specifically because the writing, the dialogue and even the background music clearly pointed to us who they wanted us to side with! There was a clear cut good side.

To me the biggest villain was Haksan, who the writers kept insisting was the GOOD guy! I will sound like a broken record if I list out all the terrible things that he did. Okay no i’ll list some here anyway…cause you know I have time…

– he killed the mad king for HIS OWN benifit. Who was he to decide what was best for the nation? Who gave him the right?
– he chose the Clown not because he was good and righteous but because he looked like the king! So this was no democracy I tell ya!
– he bowed to the Clown when he was forgiven for his sins. And omg don’t let me start on child murder and the killing the rightful heir to the throne.

I could go on and on but i’ll Just stop there. The Queen was adulterous. Pure and simple. How many sagueks have we seen were people in the position of power sacrifice their happiness for the nation? She was the opposite. It was not refreshing. It was selfish.

I expected the Clown to have a storyline where he does turn out to be the rightful person for the throne. I wouldn’t have minded a ‘twins separated at birth’ trope here. It would have made sense.

And finding a wise prince to give away the throne to was so random. Where was this guy when all the scheming and murdering was happening?

The Queen Dowager should have won. A mother blinded by revenge to avenge her young sons death should have been the GOOD guy! It did not make sense!!

Oh and the ending? What a load of utter crap!!! The worst…the shi…ahh!!! I’ll see myself out..


    The ending was a weird mixture of happily ever after snippets. The one that seemed the most odd was Woon Sim. How many single women traveled alone through all the provinces?
