I finally finished watching SKY castle!
& I’m moving to SNU in 5months for a research position!
So many comments in the comments. This show kinda reminded me of my childhood, just not that intense!


    The story is just so well paced!
    I was not expecting tragedy to hit SKY castle so early in the show! within the first 2 episodes!
    The introspective look into the educational system and the unrealistic expectations that some people have was fascinating to look at.
    I was happy that they showed a variety of student perspectives too.
    There was the smart girl who truly believes that as long as she studies she will get #1 and thus everything that follows.
    The sister who is smart but rebels due to lack of attention and care
    The twins, who are pressured by dictator dad and feel trapped
    The kid who is just getting by because he isn’t at a critical level (end of high school) yet and the parents are also kinda less pressury
    And the smart kid who just moved in who is what a student should look like. Supportive parents and he genuinely likes what he is doing.

    It is so easy for most shows to go with 1/2 kinds of kids, but it was refreshing to see the spectrum including the genius kid who completely burnt out (Kay) and the kid who became a pawn and lead to the downfall of the family.


    Being Asian, I totally understand the stress, the importance on getting into a good univ and the emphasis on grades.
    I have had times in the past when coming 2nd in class was not an option.
    These kids are basically robbed of their childhoods by being forced into a square called studying (unless it is doing volunteer work that would help Ye Suh to get specs for college)

    The way most of the issues were tackled were wonderful!


    As I said before, the pace of the show was remarkable.
    I am so used to 16 ep shows these days that I was getting worried when I reached ep15 and the other tragedy happened and it did not look like things would be resolved. But then i discovered this is a 20 ep show and breathed a sigh of relief!
    It was great to see Woo Joo’s parents being so supportive and to see the twins’ mother finally put her foot down towards the end.

    I was scared that Ye Suh’s mom would aid the test cheating but thankfully that was averted.

    Side note: a) The OST was absolutely perfect!
    b) Nice to see a song that was featured in It’s Okay It’s Love ‘s pop playlist here too!


    RIP HyeNa. I was really growing to like her and her guts.
    I kept thinking that she must have survived some how . Maybe the coordi locked her up in a hospital wing somewhere, or there would be amnesia etc. but no!
    The show went straight for the death blow (death throw? I don’t know)
    But my heart ached for her at that moment.
