How did nothing really even happen in that whole episode but I’m all depressed anyway? ugh. should have waited and binged the last 2 eps together. #RHGHR


    I feel like it needs at least 2 more episodes to wrap up everything nicely… but I’m just hoping for a satisfying ending.
    I still have no idea how it will end. But at least there’s a hint for a happy ending for the couple? I hope?


      i feel the same! this is my least favorite kind of episode—a filler episode where the whole thing is just characters finding out things we, the audience, already know. it’s emotionally draining but also feels like a waste of time. the worst. and now they have SO MUCH to wrap up in the last episode that i fear it will be super rushed and unsatisfactory. ugh. i wish they had spent about 1/2 of episode 19 on all the things that took the whole episode, and used the rest of the time to start wrapping things up more solidly. i guess i can’t know for sure until i see the last episode, but it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be a smooth landing.


    I have to disagree with you. More happened in ep 19 than the entire first four episodes haha. XD *kidding* But it was definitely a very eventful episode – everyone’s past/historyand plans came out in the open, the brothers turned against one another, GHR forgave her brother, the historians got one of Min’s people on their side. That’s…a lot of development. Except yes, there was nothing on the romance front. I’m sad the show is ending but LOVE this kind of political plot movement. 🙂 So I’m a happy camper.


      I agree that the brothers turning against each other was a big development, but the rest of it just felt like motion to me — motion without action. Everyone’s plans are in the open, but none of them were surprising to us (the audience). We already knew all of it. We had to watch the characters catch up to us, which I always find frustrating. The chancellor seems to have joined the historians, but then he’s back to his usually shrivelly self when the ministers confront him. back where he started. GHR forgives JG, but that was almost less satisfying to me…like, it makes no difference to the plot, really. if it had happened earlier maybe she would have left home angrily or had some soul searching before she forgave him, but the whole resolution felt sort of gratuitously tacked on imho. Plus, we already knew his role in it. maybe if we hadn’t known that, it’d have been a bigger reveal and felt more impacting, but this just left me drained and sad.


      following up, greenie 😉 — as someone who enjoyed the last episode: do you feel like we need several more episodes (not just 1) to satisfactorily wrap everything up now? i definitely do, but maybe that’s my general show-angst carrying over?


        I feel that this episode should have happened 2/3 episodes back. And rim fighting to get back his throne and historians getting justice.


        Hehe I’m with Blue on this. This episode and these developments should have happened 2 episodes ago. There’s so much left to resolve now I wonder how they’ll do it in one ep.

        Also, to respond to above, I do think that a lot of movement happened (such as the historians’ decisions and their petition etc) but this episode mostly set us up for the finale. That might be why you & I can’t agree on its purpose – filler or essential to the plot. ^^ But essentially, this set up should have been established a couple of episodes ago, as you say. I agree with point.


    I didn’t think this was a filler episode.
    Prince Rim and brother – we kinda hoped the brothers won’t go against each other. But it was still sad to see how quickly the crown Prince changed his sense of justice to keep his throne.
    The scene between GHR and her brother was so Heart breaking. We knew the brother did something bad, but still that he sealed the deal was very painful.
    Also, we see that there are still loyal to ex-king people in the palace. So am very eager for tomorrow’s episode.


    I also feel the same way! So many complicated feelings (and even more complicated relationships) … how are they going to resolve everything in 1 hour? Unless Netflix is going to pull another Arthdal and make a Season 2, but we all know how THAT worked. Can we petition the Drama Gods, ala historians, for an extension?

    And… my poor Prince! In a few days, he got dumped by the love of his life, found out about his dad, was rejected by his brother, discovered both his Grandmother and his faithful Eunuch had been hiding the secret all his life, found out who he thought was his dad KILLED his real dead, AND voiced for the first time his feelings of being alone and set aside. Jeez that’s enough angst for a whole new drama.

    Looking back they could’ve cut short some of the build-up (did we really need that much screen time romping in farflung villages and learning French phrases?) to develop the political backstory. If Prince Dowon had more time to come to terms with his roots, and confront all the people who’d been lying/hiding things from him all his life, then he wouldve stepped into Episode 19 with a plan and not just a reeling sense of betrayal.

    And up to now I have NO CLUE where Sa-Hee stands.

    Sorry I hijacked your post with my own thoughts. Clearly shaken by Ep 19!


      if this is hijacking, then more hijacking please! ☺️😉 happy to hear your thoughts!! tomorrow cannot come soon enough!!


      Well said.
      I mean the betrayal of Seum-bo deserved screentime. I would think that is the hardest thing for Rim to handle since he spent 20 years of his life with him.

      I really wish this had happened 2 episodes back. I wanted to see crown prince conflicted with his decision, Rim fighting back, Dowager and Rim joining hands etc. and of course we know nothing of Sa-Hee yet.
