Last Friday a passionate Jackson was telling the London Ahgases to keep fighting against the darkness, because we are strong enough, and we will overcome it. Emotional Mark added that no matter how dark things were or are right now, better times would definitely come for us all in the future. I was moved by their words, now they also hurt.
Sulli was suffering mentally and tried to overcome all the online darkness, but her pleas for help were not heard. This is crazy. I only know her from ‘To The Beautiful You’ and some inspiring remarks she made, but I do not have to be a fan to be devastated about this.
If people could just be nice and supportive, that would be great. But I am realistic and willing to settle for just leaving other people alone. One of the main reasons I am still around.
Hugs and support to all beanies who are affected by this news. Come find me if necessary.


    What i don’t understand is.. when these things happen, depression is not the cause of death here.. it is cyber bullying

    it is like you physically assault a person day in day out.. and when he dies.. you say that the person was hurting and wounds were not treated.. NO!.. it was a murder.. borne out of crime..

    She stood by her beliefs.. she fought back.. so don’t say it is because depression wasn’t treated/ recognized.. you don’t even know that..

    (by you i mean most of these views that come up every time someone commits suicide.. depression is not the answer to all suicides)


      I think you misunderstood my point, but I admit that I could have chosen better wording.

      I did not use the word depression, but ‘Sulli was suffering mentally’. There are many mental illnesses, and I do not know Sulli well enough to point out which ones she suffered from.
      Instead of ‘her pleas for help were not heard’ I should have written that Sulli needed more support from other people than they ended up giving her.

      This is a painful contrast with how Jackson and Mark were offering their full support and verbally encouraging people who might suffer mentally. They were the perfect example of how haters should have responded whenever she talked about her struggles. It is why I wished for everyone to be either nice and supportive, or just leave the other person alone.

      I apologize if my post hurt your feelings. I hope you understand me better now, and I promise I will be more careful in how I write things from now on. *peace offering*


        no no.. don’t apologize..

        i just see this as trend, people make everything about mental illness.. but here’s a thing..

        depression doesn’t just appear out of thin air.. negative thoughts trigger it borne out of situations or lack of nutrients.. and when it is because of situations/social aspects then one needs to call out those… because treating depression etc is not as easy as popping pills.. there aren’t even full proof method.. so society should be held accountable for their actions
