Yay, I leveled up! But what drama does water maid refer to?


    Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉



    For reference, check out the drama Dong Yi. Dong Yi was a water maid who ended up in the palace, the king fell in love with her and she became mother to a future king of Joseon. Of course there are other details I’ve missed here, but that’s the basic story.


      I looked it up and it’s 60 episodes! Thanks for the info.


        You’re welcome!

        Yes, it is a long one for sure, but it is pretty good!


    It also refers to IU’s demotion to the water maid status in Moon lovers, it’s a slave status which is much lower than the prestigious court-maid status.
    But with luck, you can catch the eye of a handsome prince or even king, who will think it’s SO picturesque to see a fresh-faced girl with mussed hair and doing all the dirty work rather than a dolled up court-maid serving tea! 😉
    It happened to Dong-yi, Hae Su and Jang Ok-jung, so who knows, you might be able to win your majesty’s favor and cosplay as his personal eunuch! (Which is I’m doing now,btw)
    Congrats, nightmoon!


      Did you like Moon Lovers? I’ve heard mixed things about it, but it still sounds wonderfully intriguing. But I also don’t want to waste my time with so many other great dramas to watch.


        Oh it sure is quite a peculiar drama. It was SUCH a hot mess of TONS of wasted opportunity and everybody who watched it knew it, yet every week on DB recaps comment threads reached thousands in numbers within few hours. And NONE of the commenters were “I luv Oppa!” fangirls but the most witty and senior beanies we have here. They weren’t there to bash the drama either, but to discuss its lost potential and analyse every episode.
        I’ve NEVER seen something like that, and I call it a phenomenon at that time.
        So yes. There’s something charming about Moon lovers and I don’t think anyone can exactly put a finger on why is that despite the fact Lee Jun-ki is responsible for the most part of it. Think what an epic Asian classic it could’ve been if it was well made!
        I recommend. It’s very enjoyable, but at times, you’ll have to focus on the unseen potential and let YOUR imagination take the reins. (Which is fun, believe me. Reading the beanie theories and poems on the threads was even more fun.)
        THEN you’ll name the drama as a strange but memorable experience, otherwise you’ll think of it as a waste of time.


          That sounds amazing! Just checked the comment section on a cuple of the recaps and the amount of convos going is insane. Hopefully there will be another drama like that soon.

          Hopefully I’ll be able to watch it at some point. It seems it was a DF exclusive…


            I suggest reading the recaps and see whether it’s your cup of tea. The recaps were done by the most experienced and wittiest historical drama recapper we had here: HeadsNo.2 (First 3 recaps are done by the head recappers JB and GF because Heads was in an emergency), so recaps are SO detailed and vividly written and stuff so the experience would be only few levels below the actual watching experience.
            ☀ML is available on non-official sites, if you don’t mind it.😜
            ☀ There are plenty of people who disliked the drama, so if you too feel like that, don’t worry and just drop it without forcing yourself! You won’t be alone in your opinion😃.
            ☀ One of the weakest points of ML is its historical-drama-inappropriate pop songs, with the exception of two and half of songs. But also, one of its strongest points are its highly appropriate INSTRUMENTAL track, which is just lovely. It’s only second to the Dae Jang-geum and Arang and the magistrate tracks in my opinion. So when you’re watching the drama, just ignore the silly rapping and English lyrics, and let yourself be captivated by the instrumentals.😉

            Happy watching/reading!


            @peony I’ll definitely check out the soundtrack for sure. I absolutely love some good instrumental music.

            I can’t stand it when music doesn’t match the time period, so I might just be giving the recaps a look-over.

            Thank you!


    Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉
