You’ve Fallen For Me PD switch rumors denied

Rumors have been swirling about possible changes in the direction of You’ve Fallen For Me — namely, that PD Pyo Min-su is being replaced — which have been refuted by the production and Pyo, who have confirmed that he is not leaving.

That doesn’t mean the rumors were entirely groundless: For the past few days, Pyo hasn’t been seen on the set, setting off speculation that he’d leave the production as penance for low ratings. In actuality, it’s because he is turning his focus away from directing for the immediate future so he can work on scripts.

PD Pyo, who directed episodes 1 through 4, acknowledged certain issues raised by the viewers, such as its “unfocused plot.” He agreed that the plot about getting the big 100-year anniversary musical on its feet has pushed aside the four leads’ own stories, but asserted that the following episodes would bring things back to them.

Deciding that the story needed some beefing up, he has been working with the scriptwriter, Lee Myung-sook, and left the directing to a different PD. The assurance also raises a few red flags, though, especially upon hearing that another writer has been brought onboard. Pyo said, “The three of us have been putting our heads together, and after I work with the new writer to make sure the storyline has been stabilized, I’ll return to directing.”

Pyo added, “There has been talk about me being a director who brings low viewership ratings, but You’ve Fallen For Me is a story with popular appeal. It would be nice if this gave me the opportunity to shed the nickname of ‘low ratings director’ in favor of ‘popular appeal director.'”

Hmm…I’m not entirely reassured by this reassurance. Does that mean the upcoming scripts were really that much of a mess? Has writer Lee run completely out of steam? Her last (and only other) drama credit was for 2007’s Just Run, a comedy that starred Kim Ji-seok, so it’s hard to make judgments based solely on her record.

To be honest, while You’ve Fallen For Me hasn’t had the tightest plot till now, I’ve actually found that refreshing, rather than a glaring weakness — it’s the breezy spirit that actually speaks to me. I don’t want tons of anguish and angst; I appreciate the casual campus feel and the cute character interactions. I think the lightness of the directing, buoyed by the pretty scenery and color palette, help achieve the drama’s fresh, youthful feel.

On the other hand, perhaps Pyo realized that the future scripts weren’t going anywhere, and acted quickly to rectify the problem. He’s worked on enough dramas (Full House, The World They Live In, Coffee House) to understand the need for proper conflict and direction, and if the writer was struggling, it’s probably wise to bring in backup.

I agree that it has lacked focus, and would prefer more time spent on our feisty heroine Kyu-won (Park Shin-hye) than the mopey ballerina (So Yi-hyun). I vastly prefer Shin’s (Jung Yong-hwa) interactions with Kyu-won over teacher lady, too (even though I appreciate seeing him going after love and experiencing disappointment, rather than being the standard cold assy hero). And while I’m here making requests, can we have tons more attention on the amusingly cocky director (Song Chang-eui) and scene-stealer Ki-young (Lee Hyun-jin)? Pretty please? Scenes always seem to crackle to life when they’re onscreen.

Stronger story is a great thing; I just hope there isn’t a huge, jarring change in future episodes. Because now that we’re six episodes in, I think if you dislike the premise or the plot or the characters, you’re probably going to keep disliking them. So, conversely, if you like it thus far, you probably don’t want them to shake it up too much so that it loses whatever made it enjoyable in the first place.

PD Pyo Min-su

Via TV Report


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but they have some mistakes in telling this story I would like to see them fixed


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unfocused plot...thats what it has. the 2 main characters story are pushed to the side. i see more of the parents story, teachers story, the other students struggle.
this PD is killing me since coffee house.


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one more... wth happened to KY? please dont turn her into another Oh Ha Ni... pull yourself together girl! he's not that great!


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Agree with everything you said
This is such a downgrade from Coffee House and I'm disappointed


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AHAHAHAH - that made me laugh and sad at the same time, but i did think the same thing :x


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the winning thing in Dream High was the plot focused on students... believe it or not ... the actors didn't have Oscar level acting... but the story was that compelling what I loved even Gangster ahjussi (the dad in Coffee House)

in Coffee House I had a problem with the secretary... she was too assertive even though this is the essence of being a secretary(to listen the boss almost no matter what) and a bigger problem with main female lead...too little screen-time

I wanted that badly to see Shin running after KW... but sadly I can't feel a thing for Shin and ballerina ...

I don't mind shipping main char with secondary char (I wished so badly to see GuMiHo with Foxy Hunter or in Baker King MaJoon and his OTP(Eugene), SKKScandal Moon Jae Shin and Yoon Hee, BBF Sunbae and the girl ...etc but this time I have the same feeling for the secondary girl as I felt in Full House FF all the way


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Change is good but not too much hopefully. I do find the laid-back and breezy style a refreshing change.


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No wonder I like this drama. I love this director's work. Always


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I actually likes the light and airy feel of the drama for now. And I very much appreciate all the music scenes. Please don't turn it into something like 'Mary stays out all night' please.


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if only there was a like button then i would have liked your comment a 100 times!
i started watching MMM with such enthusiasm but the show totally turned out to be a train wreck and i couldn't make myself complete it!
i m really liking you have fallen for me...i dont mind the low on the anguish angle of the plot...i love the lead's banter...i hope it continues being a fresh breeze of air like it is right now ^^


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i love heartstrings the way it is now. i agree with javabeans, the story is so refreshing and that's what makes me keep waiting for its every episodes.
whatever they're doing, i hope that won't affect the characterizing because i love the interaction between all actors.


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If this new direction they speak of is turning Kyu Won into a mopey mess like the dreaded ballerina, then I will pass, thank you. I LOVED the fact that her character was strong willed and with a strong sense of pride/ego of her own. Let's not forget that this all began with her wanting to teach him a lesson in humility. But so far, she has been the one learning it. I mean she set out to prove that she could beat him but then ended up his slave, then he got to show her exactly why all the girls are running after him all crazed. I sympathise with Shin's pain, I do. I think being denied your first love and losing the father you barely met are painful, painful things and I would be inclined to cut him some slack, really. But WHY does this have to mean that our heroine has to become just another idiot chasing after a boy when just yesterday she was spunky and full of life? And meh, as I type this, something along the lines of: "let she who has never gone gaga after a cute guy in college cast the first stone" comes to mind. Bah, I wish she'd take after Kim Nana a little.

Anyway, I hope the production team gains some focus from this whole brainstorming thing they seem to have going on. Unfortunately, what I feared has happened, ie the ratings vs initial concept war. Like in most wars, there shall be casualties. Hopefully the heart of the production shaln't be one of them.


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I agree about not liking the direction Kyu Won is heading. I mean, she used to be feisty and all, but then she heard Shin sing, now she's all lovesick and crying over him. What the? And I do wish they cut the scenes with the mopey ballerina, her storylines is just dragging me down in spirit. I mean, I understand Shin's love and rejection is painful, but they spend TOO much time on it. It's enough to make me wish for more witchy Hee Joo (i think that's her name?), who I hate! For me, if they have Ki-young start interacting with the main characters, build up that plot, have Kyu Won less mopey around Shin, have Shin less mopey about ballerina, really get going on the musical and the people in them, then I think it would be much more interesting. Episode 6 ain't helping!


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Oh, forgot to add, the family drama (between Kyu Won and Shin's families) is interesting to me, too. So I hope they concentrate more on that than ballerina.


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What part about old, mopey ballerina is youthful? I honestly don't understand. I mean, when I think of youthful dramas, I think of either easygoing "take things as they come, enjoy life as it is right now" or determined "I'm gonna achieve my dreams!" a la Dream High. But the whole ANGST thing between the wet blanket Yoon Su and the director... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

And also, I'm getting sick of the staring contests from afar. Please, if they cut those down, maybe we'll actually get somewhere with this story.


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I really, REALLY want the director to get over the ballerina already. I don't know what it was like when they were both young and just starting out but it's obvious that right now they are at different points in their lives and I just really don't see them clicking the way they should.

And yes, the staring contests have GOT to go. It was cute at first, a little too coincidental afterwards but now it just feels like a crutch. Like the only way to advance the story is by having people whitness something they shouldn't or catch a glimpse of something that sets off their jealous streak.


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I actually prefer Woori's character too, even though she is quite unlikeable but at least, by golly, the girl has spirit. And she can also cause some pretty funny moments, by either getting owned or shoving her own foot in her mouth. And there is conflict to be found in her interaction with KW and the rest of the crew. Hell, get her in a catfight with Bo Woon, have her throw poisonous darts at KW (metaphorically speaking of course), anything that isn't a has-been ballerina gliding around looking tragic.

And also, don't even get me started on how they made Kyu Won react to Shin's sister. I get it, she likes the guy and it has turned her silly, but does she really have to take crap from a spoiled brat? Seriously? The first encounter with the sister made KW blow smoke out her nose with fury and now she's playing into her bratty crap? Bah.

I hope this week's finale makes KW get really pissed off at the situation. That's really the only way I see to come out of this honourably. I want the first scene in the episode to be her throwing the stupid necklace at Shin and the ballerina and then mimicking the reaction ShinWoo hyug had when he found out about TaeKyung and Jeremy's relationship in the YAB fanfic scene: "I will destroy you both!" *ahem*

Well, I have to say, if anything, this episode, if nothing else, did cause quite a reaction >_>"


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Guys, I feel your frustration. I started off this drama with so much anticipation and rooted for the Idol and the plucky heroine from the word go. Mopey Ballerina is my thorn in the flesh. She just irks me. The moment she appears with her mopey face, I get annoyed. And she has so much screentime it's torture for me. So now I fastforward all her mopey scenes to all the Shin-KW scenes. And what do you know, he's gone all mopey too cos of the Curse of the Mopey Ballerina. Arghhhhhhh!!!!! Director and Scriptwriter should just take her COMPLETELY out of the picture, like send her for a cruise or something. She's dragging this drama down down down. Shin should just stop moping and be a MAN again. KW should stop moping and become the gutsy girl she once was in ep 1. So unreal to have a plucky girl transformed by love into a mopey lovelorn girl. Arghhhhhhh! This annoys the crap out of me!!!!!! Arghhhh!!!! Arghhhh! Yes, and like everyone is saying, enough with the coincidental eavesdropping and the glances already!!!!! They remind me horrifically of Taiwanese dramas where the plot moves forward with characters listening in on other characters' conversations or eyewitnessing some climatic scene like a kiss. SO unrealistic!


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i completely agree with you...i wish that shinhye's character is feisty as she used to be when the drama started and being the only girl not going "gaga" over the campus idol...i just find her character now so annoying, so clingy to YH's character...please, bring back the old feisty, "i dont care if he is everybody's crush" Kyu Won...

Likewise, let YH's character stop being clingy to the dance professor...i was wondering why 2 guys are fighting over her when she is not the female lead here, isn't it supposed KW that guys should be fighting for???? sigh..

i'm just disappointed because like almost everybody here, i like the feel of the drama light and breezy...and i happen to love shinhye and YH since YAB...


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I hate the mopey ballerina scenes and the constant staring contests as much as everyone else. But I don't mind the relationship between the professors. Its been a while since I've seen a good reunion relationship well written and played ...i.e Coffee Prince... I was hoping that's what they were going with the professors. But Shin is mopey, ballerina is mopey and now KY is mopey it makes it unbearable. Its good that people want more character interaction but the whole 100 year celebration concert is a nice cement to keep the focus on youthful endeavors which almost always contain the love, growth and dream search we were all looking for...and some more skin-ship, i mean their in college... anyway focusing on the angst is a sure fire way to make it the mess that was Mary...ugh if there isn't an immediate improvement with next week's episodes, I'm jumping ship.


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I forgot to add love Ki Young and KSH. Both are powerful and a breather so very necessary.


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I meant KW is mopey


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Here here. I too liked the drama in the first 4 episodes for its breezy feeling. No wonder the latest 2 kind of became so angsty for all the wrong reasons: a change of direction ...

Main thing to focus on should be the main leads: KW, LS and KY and add some SH also just to make LS more jealous. Please keep the dance professor away on any of the scenes for a while because her story doesn't progress the plot. It's hindering it from developing into something more.

Yes, I also want KW spunky character back. Make LS chase after her, miss her and work his butt out to have her.


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Um...Javabeans, if you don't want a lot of angst and well...dragging melodrama, you might want to avoid today's episode ep 6). My God, there is enough angst in there to last it the entire series. I'm glad I'm not the only one who went "HUH?" after ep 2. I don't get how KW suddenly changes her mind and heart over Shin so quickly. I rather hoped that KW and that guy (the one who has an awesome voice but had fears about the stage) would have some deep interactions seeing how KW helped him out with the accompaniment that one time. KW was genuinely impressed and I think it might have been interesting to see how Shin reacts with KW being genuinely interested in someone and being impressed with his talented vocals. But this episode...well...it was a downer...literally and figuratively.


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Oh My God, this!!! It would have been so awesome to see KW and KY (haha) interacting. And maybe liking each other to an extent that makes Shin uncomfortable. I didn't like yesterday's episode with KW sniffling but still coming back for more vitriol directed toward her. And Shin needs to learn some humility - heck, a little bit of niceness would help. I think I'll wait to watch episode six until next week. I don't know if I can continue the series if it goes on in the same de-womanizing vein.


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Oh yah, KY hasn't even seen or interacted with KW yet. That's what I waited for since last week that KY gets impressed by KW playing the gayageum.



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I agree. I want more of Kyu won with Ki young. This will make Shin jealous and learn about humility and try to win Kyu won's affection. I want Shin to feel irritated, helpless and falling for Kyu won. This time Kyu won will turn the table and make Shin suffer a bit before she can be nice to him again. Develop more Kyu won's character to be more aggresive and assertive.
Shin with the teacher ballerina has to stop. I don't like seeing them together because she is a bit old for him, let her be with guys of her own age. Let Hui Joo fall for Shin's friend, the cute drummer boy.


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What are the ratings for latest episode?


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Hi Messi

Rating for ep 5 was 6.3%....


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I'm loving the show so far. But I agree I want more focus on KW than on that downer dancer. I think seeing KY more (with KW) would be amazing.


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I had such high expectations for this drama. However, it has so far turned out to be really awful.
See, normally, when I don't like a drama, but I still feel some attachment to it, I tend to stop watching but keep reading the recaps. That way I am still able to loosely follow the story. However, this drama sucks so bad even reading the recaps is painful/boring. I'm giving up. Good bye.


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omg,i just hope the changes they made with the writer is not the one responsible for episode 6 coz seriously,after episode 6 earlier,i hated the writer!please,please.please,enough yoon-su's already!!it's too much,can't take it anymore!and i miss the feisty kyu-won.how come in episodes 6,all she's doing is running after lee shin,where's the girl that said to woo-ri's character 'lee shin?!even if you gave him to me,i will not take him!" and now all she's doing is following him around and crying because of him.pd pyo,please bring the feisty,bubbly kyu-won that we first love!!i hope to god this new direction they are talking about did not start with this episode 6,because honestly,this is the only episode i didn't enjoy watching!!i miss the old kyu-won,bring her back please!!!!


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episode 6 was noticeably different. i think it depends on next week's episodes though. it's either set up for a total melo or just enough push to get everything rolling with the two leads.. and hopefully, lee hyun jin's character. if they go the melo, melo route, i might just cry. i just wanted to breeze through the show and feel just enough for the characters to enjoy it, which was what the show was accomplishing.

somebody tell the writers and pd i liked the show the way it was. please don't let go of the lightheartedness! they could afford to drop the ballerina line a little (lot) though. sheesh. i get so annoyed when she comes onscreen. and really, i'm a little bummed that cocky director is with such a bore.

just let kyu won be a feistball again. she can still have her crush and be one. i wish they would have her distance herself from her crush a bit. and do something [insert jealousy] to make lee shin feel or realize something. please.

aghh. i'm hoping they don't ruin what i feel for the show.


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for me, this drama had that light feel, like, has anyone seen the jdorama 'orange days'? different story, different premise, but the same college setting, and in that drama also, there was this certain lightness inspite of the heroine being a deaf musician...

so hoping for probably a tighter script but not a change in the feel...


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yayy orange days...much loved


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Don't compare this horribly contrived drama to Orange Days. -.-


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Not the drama as a whole, just the light-hearted feel of the drama... i know that both dramas are vastly different...


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.. I have actually not watched any episodes yet, I've been saving them up but I can't bring myself to watch the drama, somehow. :/ I felt really guilty and after reading this article I feel even worse because I really don't want another disappointment on the scale of Mary Stayed Out All Night to happen to me again. AUGH. I don't know what to do..


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Damn...if they turn it into a melodrama, I'll jump off the train. I also like our heroine as she is and I detest the mopey 'chasing after a guy that doesn't want you' type. >.<


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Well it was being advertised as a youth melo from the beginning.


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Really? I wish I'd heard that bit. -_-'


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I'm actually kind of enjoying Heartstrings for most of the reasons previously stated, I'm not expecting any depth on its plot, and the breeziness and lightness in the series as a whole makes it entertaining enough for me to care. And I love that it's about music. But as some said, I cringed at the idea that she is falling for him so fast and losing her edge, I really hate that, specially when the girl ends up taking all the crap the guy gives her while crying her eyes out, until he's man enough to accept his feelings. I mean, keep her a brave and strong character and make the guy beg for her!!! Didn't PDs and screenwriters learn anything from Best Love???


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I agree with you that's why I'm really disappointed with episode 6.


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I don't get it.
Now I'm wondering if all that nonsense in the beginning of this production - naming and re-naming and re-naming again! the title - was a foreshadowing of where they are now in this current knee-jerk reaction to the ratings?

Looking objectively, aren't they just going down the same path that Playful Kiss was on? Youth oriented, broadcast times conflicting with block-buster dramas that had head starts, and lots of cyber criticism resulting in terrible ratings until the "big guns" finished their runs. A year later, and PK has laughed all the way to the bank. Its popularity exploded in other markets and is still running strong.

YFFM can't succeed against City Hunter or the awful, but established, Romance Town. Unless there was something really off in the writer's room, I just hope the PD Pyo maintains some kind of clear purpose in developing this drama and that it isn't allowed to crash and burn like Lie To Me.


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I think he has the same problem "unfocused" spot in Coffee House and this is getting worse
I was excited when he was back with anther project ( I love Coffee House) and PSH... But the story hasnt been forcus on Yong and PSH love line, but the dance teacher... Her acting is just ok, I have no feeling ( sorry about that)
PSH can act and she know what she is doing but I dont like where her character is heading,- like she keeps following him and has no pride. It keeps repeating and I am getting frustrated. Her character is not stand-out... .I want more PSH, more emphasis on PSH charater , the Director and the new guy please.
Yong acting is improved but he's not same the level with PSH and others yet... Melodrama is not easy as Comedy ones. It's sad that watching this, make me wish that Lee Wan was the lead instead... Their acting in Heaven Tree was awesome... Yong can sing though, just.... he has a long way to go in acting
Am I picky for being disappointed?


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and I dont get how GW falled that fast...
I want to old GW back, the fierce and fun girl


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We need a really strong heroine who doesn't chase around a guy. SHe was great from the beginning why turn her into another Oh Hani...pitiful really. Please include Ki Young in the triangel square reactagle whatever just drop the focue on the dopey ballerina...always so needy. Writers please don't turn our girl into a desperate looking for love girl....she is stronger than what was portrayed these last 3 episodes. FOCUS ON THE YOUNGSTER NOW 4 or 5 whateve leave the ballerina alone in the dark where she love to wallow in her pain


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I think this drAma is awesome because the storyline is not going how I expected it to be which is awesome! I like the fact that the main roles are pretty straightforward in expressing their feelings and I like the fact that shin is experiencing his love/crush just as kyu won has a crush on him... I only HOPE that they make her character stronger soon and not be like the girl from mischievous kiss because I would totally DIE!
they have the right cast and a good script it just needs some good DRAMA then I think well be good :)..... well that's what I think lol


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The past few eps have been kinda boring to me. Im tired of seeing Shin have his huge puppy love crush on the ballet teacher. I don't see any focus on the main leads at all so far. I hope to see more of Shin and Kyu-Won if they are really the "main leads"...if not then change the scripts for Ki-Young and Kyu-Won to start having some scenes!..im actually pretty curious what role and part Ki-young brings into the drama.


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Amen to that. Ki Young and Kyu Won CHEERS No Oh Ha Ni please.....A strong girl lead is what we need.


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As long it's getting better than badder everything is ok for me but can they please let Shin be a man? In episode 5 that ballerina told him to back off or something like than, I thought yeah she is out of the picture but no in ep 6 he hugs her! WTF is this about the ballerina or about Shin and Kyu-won?? I think the past episodes were fixed on how sad it is that he loves his teacher or what ever >..<


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It's so weird to me that they realize AFTER the drama starts airing, that they don't have enough good material.

Is this the norm?? To write each episode as it goes along?? I thought writing-during-airing was only for superficial tweaks, and major changes, if any, would only be penned in for the finale.


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First: (+) first time I've seen a pic of director pyo min-soo. he has nice teeth - better than most actors and actresses. i'm sure smiling gives him a lot of confidence.

Second: (-) yes, from episode 5 Kyu Won is no longer the "feisty" girl from episodes 1 to 4 that I like so much. the change is not spontaneous from ep 4 to 5. (I don't like girls crying over a guy. Guys must never have the benefit of being cried over by a girl - we will do the crying for our children but not over a guy...so I don't like that. its the "feisty" me who wants a "feisty" kyu won in episodes 1 to 4.)

Third: (-) yes, too much screen time for the ballet dancer.

Fourthl: (-) too early for seok hyun and the ballet dancer to say: "oh I still love you!.."

Fifth: (-) too early too for Kyu Won to fall in love with Lee Shin. (again this me - girls must never fall in love with a guy at a snap of finger. let them do the "courting". let them suffer too...since its in courtship that we have the upper hand..sorry!)

Six: (-) I hope that they'll not emphasize too much on the failed relationship of lee shin's mother and kyu won's dad. they had their time. It might be relevant in the story, but must never be the center of this drama. in short, it must be treated as "lipstick".

seven: (+) I love this drama - its really refreshing and for "general patronage".

eight: (+) I love the songs...

nine: (+) i love the portrayal of youth's emotions. simple yet convincing. i can identify with them.

ten: (+) its very popular overseas. part 1 of the ost was presold at 50,000 + and the drama is pre-sold to 8 countries even prior to its first episode.

eleven: (+ ) I will continue to watch until its last episode, because I love the songs and i'm dying to see Park Shin Hye dance (she's such an EXCELLENT DANCER!).


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Like some others, I really like the ambiance of this drama right now but I dislike scenes of the energy sucky dancer lady, less scenes of her please. And I want shin to go after kyuwon first, why is it that the cheerful good girl always has to fall for the bad boy first?


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i've actually enjoyed all his recent works and didn't find anything particularly jarring in WWLI or CH. i've yet to watch this one (backlogged... too many dramas ahh) but he's a personal fave of mine, so i'll reserve judgment till i finally get to this. but in a way kinda disappointed to hear people nick him as "low-ratings PD" :(


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yeah I agree. I never have any problem with him. In fact, I reallly reallly really love Coffee House and I gotta say I like You've fallen for me too.. He's great, just doesn't suit some of people's taste


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switching directors and/or scriptwriters in the middle of a drama? this seems to be the "sickness" of korean dramas. what does this mean? don't they have any project planning? its like band aid measures?. they had been in this business for too long - if korean viewership rating is the benchmark of a drama; then they must do a comprehensive market research and develop dramas around the findings of the research. they must learn from advertisers ..... (sad!).

i can't help but to compare "hayate, the combat butler" which is telecast in taiwan and where the lead actress is also Park Shin Hye. Hayate was planned during the 2nd quarter of 2010 with production team and the manga writer. they planned for everything, including the hairstyle of park shin hye etc. the shooting started in October 2010 and completed in February 2011 - almost 5 months of continuous shooting (shin hye stayed in taiwan during those months, even spending Christmas and New Year there). the drama's first episode was shown only on 29th June 2011. regardless of ratings, the drama is completed - no chance for viewership ratings to influence the plot of the drama.

my opinion only.


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Taiwan's style is different from Korea...they finish the filming and other production stuff before airing which i think is the best thing to do...

i was always with the thought that the script is finished way before the filming begins but then this happened in MMM when they had a sudden change of scriptwriters..

as to HS, i believe that episode 7 is very crucial for shinhye's character change...i wish to see her old self, a feisty yet so adorable character, one who is not love/star struck to the campus idol..i love her just the way she was when this drama started...she is the only girl in the campus who is not going "gaga" over LS and in fact the only one who had the guts to challenge him...

as im seeing it, she is not the female lead here, its the ice princess dance prof...what's so special about her, anyway to make those guys fight over her??? KW should be the they should be fighting over...

anyway, i would still like to maintain the cool and breezy feeling of this drama..episode 6 was too sad for me..the only scene i love last night was the RAIN DATE..no words needs to be spoken, they were just there standing side by side and playing with the rain drops..so sweet and romantic...ooohhh, i love how LS took KW's gayageum even after they had shouting argument..he softened again... but then, the last scene made me teared up again seeing KW cried and saying such emotional sentence...poor KW..i pity her


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It's really sad that he's been seen as a low ratings director. I have loved every drama he has done.


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If they're struggling with scriptwriting, and are ready to change the plot in the middle of the drama - why not open a blogsite for international scriptwriters? one episode written by one etc...of course there must be rules that the drama must be spontaneous.

i understand that a ready script which is good for 16 episodes might be difficult - especially if one's talent is limited. But the world is full of talented scripwriters needing a break. but, of course they have to pay these talented writers who are located beyond their shores.


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I don't agree with people on how kyu-won is becoming weak and is no longer "feisty". The reason she's not as spunky as before is because she's starting to fall in love.. and hard for a guy who doesn't like her back. She still has her spunk but of course she's gonna be sad and cry when she sees the guy she's falling for with another woman. Especially the fact that she's never been in love before so her emotions will come out stronger.
This is a youth drama and it can't be a youth drama without some first love angst, which is going on now with the lead characters. Shin has the right to be all angsty because the woman he likes/love rejected him, and he seems like a guy that doesn't let people get too close to his heart and he let the ballerina really close to his heart so of course he's gonna feel pain from her rejection. And now that he lost his dad... he's even more sad/angsty.
I just hope there's not too much of a change because I like how the drama is developing. I hope to see more KW/KY interactions. I feel like they can help each other out.. and maybe get Shin to finally notice KW because hey... what's a better why to get someone's attention than with jealousy?


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Como uma fã, tanto do kdrama quanto dos atores vou continuar apoia-los *___*


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I hope it just doesn't dissrupt anything and it ends up being a mess :(


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I hope there won't be a huge shift in tone, I love the light and breezy feel of the drama now, I'd cry if they decide to steer the whole thing towards melo-land.

The directing is not that bad especially since the camera had become less crazy. I won't mind if there were less focus on the professors. SCE is cute but his character kinda rubs me the wrong way and while I don't hate weepy ballerina, she is rather dull. So, what I am saying is... JUST GIVE ME MORE OTP SCENES DAMMIT.


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i think to get the ratings go up is less dancing teacher even though she is a great actress.. she is soo blah.... OMG.. watching the end of episode and Kyu Won saw it again... that is TWICE.. Pretty please Kyu Won.. he is not really worth it.. get it together...

i think they should stick one pd and one one writer who write to make sense of the storyline... and LOTS of musics and HOT Shower Scenes... ^^


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I don't know if it's for the better or for the worse because the week episodes are boring. The one-sided love is turning into Playful Kiss.


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First of all Playfull Kiss is about love sick do anything to get her man, girl. So comparing them makes no sense. That girl was supposed to be pitifull and that was the whole point of the story!

Kyu won is a totally different character and she's not chasing without encouragement. Lee Shin has a very unique relationship with this girl. And he does like her but I don't think he knows he likes her but pays her way too much attention if all he felt was indifference.

The problem is that they are dragging out the older couple too long and making them central to the story. By episode 4, 5 and 6 the ballerina and the director should have moved to the background and Lee Shin and Kyo won should be front and center. Still having problems and conflicts but moving forward as a "couple".

The pieces of the puzzle are all there and its actually a very unpredictable story but its time for the main attractions to pull out all the stops and take over the drama.


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Agree with you. Playful Kiss worked for me, Hani was supposed to be lovesick and to mop around KHJ all through. That was the whole theme of the drama, that her persistence and steadfast love paid off after a long long time. Her character stayed consistent throughout, and even when she was mopey, Hani was still immensely likeable. The two main characters were central throughout, unlike this one where Mopey Ballerina has suddenly become the lead. Gah!


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I actually like this drama, its pace, its premise, (most of) its cast, etc.

But the one thing I'd like to change is how the OTPs love line is progressing. I seriously need more fan service with the main pairs. They're even promising a KY-KW loveline which I'm really looking forward to, and six episodes into the series, I have yet to see. SO MORE ABOUT KYUWON, and I think we'd be great.

(Okay, I lied. I really want to change the camera technique. It's so wobbly and wiggly at times, I've wanted to smack the cameraman for giving me dizzy fits when they suddenly zoom in or pan down. Ugh.)


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My suggestions watch it without subs.It is already frustrating sometimes if I read what nonsense they sprout it makes it worse.

The thing is I came to this drama for the 2 leads and the director.I love Yong Hwa and the director.I love Ki Young and have followed his last 3 dramas.

The thing about this drama though-I am so getting the soundtrack.It is terrific with all the music pieces.

Thank you for the recap.I am waiting to see where the story goes before I watch it with subs :-)

I need some loving and couple-ship before I come on board.


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And you what ??????????????


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so why are you here? dont watch if you dont want to...


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please, no bashing...


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Actually I like this drama because of the actors and the soundtracks. Yea, I feel so sad about the story. Because they pull the story to Shin - Yoon Soo. I hope they give more refreshing story between Shin-Kyu Won, about their feeling each other.
I don't want the story goes like Marry Me Marry. Getting missorientation in story line. I still want watch this drama. Please... please.. give us more thrilling and palpitation feeling inside the drama :)


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I just wonder,,who is actually the main actress in heartstrings???????????
PARK SHIN HYE or "the dance professor????
Why they make so many scenes for that professor??
It is very veryyyy boring..
Please cut off her from episode 7..
I watch this drama just because of PARK SHIN HYE..
I want to shinhye scenes more,,,and please give her a better dress..She is very beautiful,,but why dressed her like that??


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i stopped watching this after ep2... as much as i love PSY, i cant stand the face of that teacher ballerina...
i dont know... but her nose is distracting... i think its sideways or twisted... lol

i'll go back watching if there's no more teacher & Shin shitty love affair! grrrrrrrr


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lol...funny....cause we have similar observation. I've noticed that since ep... lol.


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You know, I kind of agree with you Javabeans. I like this light, breezy feel. While I'm not completely addicted, it feels like there is more to come.

And I'm going to sound like a total otaku, but if anyone has seen the anime "Honey and Clover", this kind of reminds me of it. Not the same plot, but the same feel. H&C was not very fast paced, but still had feeling.


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Well, it didn't occur me until you say it, but it does have honey and clover feel. And I LOVE honey and clover. beyond words


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I completely agree with the 'unfocused plot' part. Honestly, I understand why it has such low ratings because it's not very interesting--sorry, but it is. Sure, the main cast have something there but they're dragging it out.

Maybe the change in writer is a GREAT thing! I say go for it!


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I like this drama but the script should give more spotlight to the two main characters..


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I hope Kyu Won will give up Shin and fall in love to another guy and leave SHIN and that's when Shin will start and realize he loves Kyu Won but it's too late but still he will try his best to get her heart back!

And I sure hope that the next episode will have good ratings. I really love Park Shin Hye. And will Suk Hyun even like Kyu Won? I hope Suk Hyun stop liking that ballerina and goes to Kyu Won and he will comfort her and faLL for her ok??? pls!


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