Three Days: Episode 9

We’re in the second three-day chunk of Three Days, which escalates the story—and the stakes—nicely, adding a twist and heightening conflict. Despite the dumbness of naming a drama Three Days and then exceeding three days in your timeline, I do think this escalation is working for the story; the initial premise of the first three-day time span felt like we were in familiar narrative territory, but the story continues to deepen and our characters get even more enmeshed into the bigger plot.


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President Lee commences his press conference by stating that the Yangjinri report findings are false. He confirms that he has evidence to support his statement, and introduces it—or rather, him. Enter Major Rhee Chul-kyu, whose arrival comes courtesy of Tae-kyung and Rhee’s decoy. (I’m using Rhee over Lee, as that’s how North Koreans pronounce the name and the difference is preserved in the Hangul spellings.)

President Lee declares that Yangjinri was a tragedy that mustn’t be repeated and that he will give full cooperation to the special investigation. He introduces Major Rhee as the man who coordinated the Yangjinri Incident and steps aside to give him the podium.

Belowstairs, Tae-kyung and his decoy are cornered by Chairman Kim’s army of lackeys, who realize they’ve been outmaneuvered when Prosecutor Choi joins the party, having heard the whole exchange. My mind is doing a quick wait-how-much-incriminating-stuff-did-they-just-reveal replay, which must be the same thought process running through Chairman Kim’s brain. And Prosecutor Choi overheard plenty—such as Chairman Kim trying to bribe Rhee.

Everyone hangs onto Rhee’s every word as he explains the deal that took place at the expense of human lives and starts to reveal who dictated the proceedings. Suddenly the room goes dark—the power is cut. A confused murmur ripples through the building.

Tae-kyung takes advantage of the distraction to slip away, while secret service jumps forward to surround the president. A loud bang (a gunshot?) sounds and the guards escort the president out of the room, leaving Rhee behind in their haste to secure the VIP. President Lee urges them to protect Rhee, and now I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Tae-kyung arrives at the press conference hall just as Rhee is being escorted out the exit by men in suits—good guys or bad guys? I’m betting bad. Tae-kyung dashes after them.

The president is shown to his car, but first asks his staff urgently what happened to their special witness. Only grim looks greet his question.

Watching the press conference on TV, Bo-won realizes that something’s gone awry and hurries off.

Agents are able to turn the power back on in the building, just in time for Tae-kyung to arrive on the parking level and see a car screeching off. Chairman Kim tries to leave as well, but Prosecutor Choi isn’t done with him yet. He holds up some documents that Tae-kyung had given him, and Chairman Kim’s eyes widen to read the title: Confidential 98.

Prosecutor Choi declares the document quite interesting and lists the names of our main baddies, which includes Chairman Kim Do-jin. Although the chairman does a creditable job of keeping his cool and telling the prosecutor to investigate away, he leaves the encounter fuming and orders his lizard-tattooed henchman to locate Tae-kyung, stat.

Tae-kyung drives out of the building not too far behind the gray car—driven by our younger flower boy assassin, apparently named Yohan—and follows it through traffic. Yohan’s driving gets increasingly erratic as he becomes aware he’s picked up a tail, and he weaves in and out of traffic and ends up at a construction site.

Tae-kyung gets out of the car and starts running up the stairs of the half-built structure… just as a body falls from the top of the building. It’s a long way down to the concrete, and a hard fall. Rhee lies on the ground in a pool of blood. Crap.

Tae-kyung bolts in that direction, only to get clobbered with a two by four on his way down. Chairman Kim calmly joins him with his entourage of killers and tells Tae-kyung that this will be the most unfortunate day of his life, because today’s the day he made the chairman’s shit list. (I’m paraphrasing.)

Chairman Kim states that he’d once told the same thing to President Lee, to not do anything or risk lives being lost. Tae-kyung’s interference is what killed Major Rhee, he says, and continuing in this fashion will result in more deaths. “When you lose the people around you one by one, remember this: They died because of you.” (OR, orrrrrrrr, they died because the chairman killed them? Just sayin’.)

The chairman promises to make Tae-kyung’s death as painful as possible. Tae-kyung growls back a promise of his own: “I’ll make sure people know how much of a crazy bastard you are.” The chairman laughs in his face and leaves.

Tae-kyung rushes to Major Rhee’s side. He’s still alive but not long for this world, and he hands over a photograph—the same one sent to Chairman Kim. He barely manages to ask Tae-kyung to give it to the president before dying.

At the press conference site, the secret service gets to work locating the source of the blackout. But the bad guys are a step ahead, and we see a piece of equipment being stolen from the security room, effectively covering their tracks.

Bo-won arrives in the building and asks to see Tae-kyung, but lacks the proper access to be let through. She sees Cha-young walking by, though, which piques her interest.

President Lee meets with Prosecutor Choi, who admits that at first he didn’t believe him. He didn’t even want to meet the president, thinking it would color his objectivity. But it’s that integrity that led the president to entrust the investigation to him in the first place, and he asks Choi to reveal the true story of Yangjinri.

President Lee confirms Jaesin’s chairman’s involvement, outlining Jaesin’s deal-making with Falcon that began sixteen years ago. Chairman Kim built his network of powerful connections with his slush fund of dirty money, which was handled by one of his cohorts, a fund manager who was recently murdered. The president knows that a signed contract between the chairman and the fund manager exists, which would serve as hard proof if it were found.

President Lee gives Choi the warning that men of power benefited tremendously from these dealings, and will want to silence the truth of Yangjinri.

22 hours after introduction of impeachment bill

The secret service determines that the blackout was caused by an unauthorized user hacking into the system. Just then, they receive an unexpected visit from a special prosecutor who asks for a roster of agents working during the blackout. He insinuates that it’s easier for an insider to have flipped a power switch than for an outsider to penetrate the heavily protected presidential network. Our young techie agent argues that it could have been done via a wireless access point inside the building—the device that was swiped.

The prime minister arrives at the Blue House to seek a meeting with the president, only to get blocked by Secretary Shin, who asks, “Do you still trust the president?” Clearly not for long with you playing Iago.

Shin suggests that the blackout was orchestrated by the president as a diversion from the impeachment vote. After all, in the aftermath, talk has shifted away from the president being a murderous traitor to speculating about other culprits.

Bo-won rushes to the hospital to catch Tae-kyung on his way out. He’s pretty roughed up from his clash with the chairman’s killers but he’s got more important things to do than sit around healing. He needs to see the president right away, and while Bo-won stops arguing, she isn’t about to obey when he tells her to leave.

They stop short to watch the news report playing on the hospital television (what would this drama do for exposition if not for the news?), which outlines the conflicting stories coming out about the blackout. The Blue House is arguing an external hacking attack, and the prosecutor’s office is pursuing the internal job theory.

Bo-won has the same thought as the techie agent, thinking that it’s possible to hack into a system utilizing a wireless access point—and she happens to have seen one while the press conference was being set up.

Ah, now we flash back to her spotting Cha-young in the building and following. Cha-young enters a bathroom, where she seems to be deeply rattled by something. The leap to the dark side, perhaps?

So Bo-won watches as Cha-young pulls a wireless device out of her bag—the one she’d just removed from the scene of the crime. With Cha-young playing double agent, it’s no wonder her teammates can’t find anything.

But Tae-kyung can’t—and doesn’t—believe Cha-young would do anything of the sort. He says firmly that Bo-won must have seen wrong.

And yet, Cha-young makes the drive to the Han River, that site of all of dramaland’s shady rendezvous and conspiracy plottings. She meets Secretary Shin there and hands him the wireless access point.

Tae-kyung’s departure from the hospital is prevented by the arrival of the team of Seoul prosecutors, who ask to take him in for some questioning. Tae-kyung tells them flatly that he has no knowledge of the blackout and wasn’t on duty then, but is told this has nothing to do with that.

To the interrogation room he goes. Sure, they’re not accusing him of the blackout, but that’s no consolation, since now he’s been pegged as a suspect in Major Rhee’s murder. Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Tae-kyung explains that he followed Rhee to the construction site after seeing him kidnapped, but the prosecutor is the height of skeptical. His investigation has revealed that nobody was there at the construction site other than Tae-kyung, ergo Tae-kyung was the only one who could have shoved the body off the building.

And so, the prosecutor accuses Tae-kyung of bringing in Rhee to provide false testimony regarding Yangjinri, then killing him to shut him up, all upon the president’s orders. Granted it’s not the most far-fetched theory, especially since the prosecutor has made the link to Tae-kyung’s father: Daddy Han was one of the Yangjinri co-conspirators, so Tae-kyung could have offed Rhee to cover up Dad’s crime.

Tae-kyung confirms that Han Ki-joon is his father, but challenges the prosecutor’s accusations as baseless. Either he’s got no evidence, or he’s just decided Tae-kyung’s guilty and is acting upon that assumption. Hm, has Chairman Kim gotten to the prosecutor’s office too? Or was he just careful enough to remove any evidence to link him to it? Not sure which is better.

The prosecutor concedes that there is no evidence to back his theory, but he’s so certain that he’s right that he declares it’s only a matter of time before he takes Tae-kyung down with that proof.

Tae-kyung is mobbed by reporters on his way out, who bombard him with questions about his father and Major Rhee. He’s both a link to the original case and a possible suspect in the recent murder, and the assumption is that he’s either working for the president or on a personal agenda.

Exhausted and battered, Tae-kyung just stands there in the middle of the media firestorm as they hurl questions at him.

Then a honk cuts through the cacophony. The crowd parts to let a car through—it’s Bo-won, who escorts Tae-kyung to the passenger’s seat and drives them off. Ever the stalwart Girl Friday, she is.

She pulls over to check on him, but his attention is fixated on the news screens announcing the upcoming impeachment vote. Then it’s his own face on the screen, captioned as a murder suspect. He exits the car and walks on, lost in his thoughts.

Secretary Shin drops by the president’s office to ask whether he will want to reconvene the press conference. He suggests waiting until the morning’s impeachment votes are in to decide, because a press conference may not be necessary. So he’s assuming the impeachment will pass, then.

Frustrated, Secretary Shin adds, “Why must you be like this?” He points out that because of this incident, the secret service is seen as the president’s personal team of con artists and Tae-kyung has been made into a murderer. President Lee replies, “You should know full well that that’s not the truth. After all, you were one of the people to make that so.”

Secretary Shin argues that everything is sixteen years in the past, and that people have lived just fine not knowing the truth. Revealing the circumstances now won’t improve the lives of the citizenry or change the economy. President Lee agrees, but adds, “Still, isn’t it the right thing to do?”

Secretary Shin disagrees—people will continue living on in the face of even worse crimes. He asks, “Why must we be the only ones to be this way? Why must we give up everything we’ve worked for all this time?”

President Lee looks Shin in the eye and replies, “Looking at you is like looking at my past self. Knowing what the right thing is, but giving up and seeking the easy way out because of cold reality. That’s why, when Han Ki-joon began this work, I excluded you.”

Secretary Shin agrees that he would have opposed it, because that’s his job. And he will continue to do his job now: “If impeachment is decided, I will have to prepare to assist the prime minister.”

Tae-kyung takes another secret meeting with the president that night. He says he’s doing fine, but the president sighs that his father had been right in not wanting to drag Tae-kyung into this, calling it a mistake to involve him now. Tae-kyung corrects him, however, stating that this was his choice.

Tae-kyung relays Major Rhee’s last request to the president, and refers to the 1998 economic talks between North and South Korea as the starting point for the Yangjinri case. That’s where Chairman Kim met with leaders of the North to plot the incident: “But that was not the end.”

He pulls out the photo Rhee gave him—and the meeting between Chairman Kim and Northern officials is photo captioned North-South Economic Cooperation Talks 2014. This can only mean that Chairman Kim is plotting something else: “A second Yangjinri Incident.”

To confirm that suspicion, we cut over to Chairman Kim taking a meeting with an American (a Falcon rep perhaps?), who refers to their quickly approaching D-Day. Chairman Kim assures him that “our president will be taken care of” before then.

Tae-kyung suspects that Major Rhee knew more about this plot, and thus finding out that information is now his priority. President Lee tells Tae-kyung to step back and let him take care of this, but Tae-kyung reiterates that this is his choice to continue—he will stop Chairman Kim, prove himself innocent of murder, and clear his father’s name.

He tells the president he’ll infiltrate Chairman Kim’s penthouse and grab info from his computer. Since the money sent to the North sixteen years ago came from Kim’s slush fund, he’s looking to find clues pointing to that. It’s a pretty ambitious plan for a lone man to tackle and the president offers another protest, but Tae-kyung’s a man on a mission.

President Lee gives Chairman Kim a call that night to ask for a meeting. That leaves his place empty, though no less heavily guarded—it’s gonna take quite a feat on Tae-kyung’s part to work his way inside.

Security guards spot something suspicious on their monitors—a men’s bathroom is open. A guard is dispatched to check it out, and one quick knockout later, Tae-kyung has his disguise. Ha. He walkie-talkies back to the control room that it was a mechanical problem, and they accept the explanation.

President Lee meets Chairman Kim in their usual spot and surprises him with his request: Please halt the investigations of both the press conference blackout and Tae-kyung as murder suspect. After all, they both know who really killed Major Rhee.

Tae-kyung tries to casually make his way past a couple of night guards, but when they stop him, he attacks swiftly. He knocks one down immediately, and when the second guard grabs him in a chokehold, he tases him. Two down.

Of course, it’s hard to ignore two downed guards on the security cameras, but Tae-kyung makes it to the control room just as the discovery is being made and catches them by surprise. He dispatches them readily and shuts them in another room, taking over the security control room.

Time for Bo-won to join in. He grants her access inside the building, referring to blueprints to direct her to the penthouse. He uses security camera vantage points to keep her out of sight of other guards, and when she’s spotted, he’s able to open gates and shut them behind her to keep them a step behind.

Chairman Kim all but throws President Lee’s requests back in his face with a laugh, saying that a deal requires both sides to gain something. And currently, the president has nothing to offer him. He gets up to leave and the president doesn’t try to stop him, since the purpose of this meeting was to stall Chairman Kim (and more to the point, his elite team of bodyguards).

Bo-won makes it inside the penthouse safely. It’s not outfitted with cameras, however, so now Tae-kyung is the blind one and must advise Bo-won based on her verbal descriptions.

She beelines for Chairman Kim’s computer terminal and turns it on, and he guides her through the process of essentially hotwiring the computer to bypass the CMOS password. That leaves only the basic Windows login to crack, which should be a simple matter for the program he supplied her with.

They wait anxiously while the program gets to cracking the password, aware of the seconds ticking by. And then Tae-kyung spots Chairman Kim’s car pulling in on the security cameras and urges her to hurry. Like she needs to be made more nervous.

Bo-won gains entry into Windows and starts copying all his files… only to find that they’re copy-protected. He grimaces in dismay and realizes that this is a futile task, and urges Bo-won to escape immediately.

Bo-won, however, can’t give up so easily—not now, not in this golden opportunity. So while he insists she leave, she keeps trying.

And then Tae-kyung looks up at the security monitor in horror. He races out of the control room and down the stairs… only to run smack into Lizard Hand and Chairman Kim himself at the entrance. He’s immediately apprehended.

But it’s not Chairman Kim Tae-kyung’s focused on. Eyes fixed elsewhere, he asks incredulously, “Why are you here?”

The camera pans over. Cha-young.

She looks guilty as all hell and Tae-kyung yells, “Why the hell are you here?!” So much for your faith in her.

March 9, 11:45 p.m. 27 hours 45 minutes after introduction of impeachment bill


I probably don’t love Three Days as much as I wanted to, but to look at this glass-half-full, the drama is doing a lot better than I feared it might in its duller moments. It’s not the greatest at laying groundwork for plot or expositing anything (gah, those clunky news broadcasts and press conferences), but whenever the story focuses on our three leads—Tae-kyung, Bo-won, or the president—it’s pretty compelling, and sometimes even gripping.

It helps that the three leads are nicely complementary characters, who work well together and fit together narratively as well as in terms of moral compass and ideology. Tae-kyung makes a pretty solid team when paired with Bo-won because they’re so different in the way they approach things that you feel them driving each other forward—as opposed to, say, Tae-kyung with Cha-young, who when put together I could picture just sitting there morosely and fatalistically, angsting in a whirl of existential crisis until they both either gave up or repressed into self-delusion. Bo-won may be hotheaded, but her clarity of thought and momentum are just what he needs when he’s lost in a sea of self-doubt.

But it’s really the president and Tae-kyung whose partnership grab me, because I see them not as opposites but different points on the same spectrum. President Lee is the cautionary tale—what happens when you allow yourself to ignore your moral code—while Tae-kyung is only now opening his eyes to a world beyond his black and white rules. As the dedicated secret service agent his sense of integrity was never challenged, since all he had to do was take a bullet in the line of duty—and he’d do it with a smile on his face and sense of deep satisfaction. I loved that the show thrust him into the throes of confusion and wouldn’t mind if it actually confused him more because I’d find that trajectory deeply interesting, but I do also suppose I enjoy rooting for him as our hero so I can satisfy myself watching him going after the bad guys.

I’ll admit that the mechanics of the Evil Plot are never going to be the thing that captures my interest the most about this show (or any show, really), but I appreciate the direction we’re heading into with the hint of a second incident, of another Yangjinri in the works. I thought the first Yangjinri incident worked just fine to bring us where we are now, but once the possibility of a new conspiracy was raised, I realized how much better that is—it gives our conflict a jolt of immediacy that is very welcome.

It’s one thing to set the past to rights, but when given the choice between grappling with an age-old, long-buried injustice and one that’s going to be unfolding in the here and now, well, there’s no contest. Bring on the new mayhem.


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Thank you for the recap! This ep. left me with mixed feelings. I was surprised at how easy it was for KDJ’s men to get to Colonel LCG. For once, I came to see the PSS as being incompetent. I know this is a mystery and thriller drama (among its genres), however, why did TK and the President not think that KDJ (or someone he bribed) would not have access to LCG? How LCG was taken and killed seemed kind of too easy, especially considering the lengths TK, the President and BW went to bring him to the press conference.

I guess Averagerobot was right when she suspected LCY to have (maybe) crossed to the other side. I still have my reservations about who LCY is siding with. She looked somewhat hesitant in the bathroom, and she looked hesitant again after giving Secretary Shin that box in the car. I know that we saw her with KDJ at his company headquarters (poor TK), however, I wouldn’t be too surprised if in the last ep., it turns out that she infiltrated KDJ’s organization, because she felt that someone needed to be on the inside and effectively beat him at this game. At least, that is what I am hoping for. So I will keep some hope up regarding LCY and her affiliation. I also feel that we have not been given (yet) some reasons why LCY would suddenly switched to KDJ’s side, and that is one of the things that make me suspicious. I have been rewatching this drama, and LCY cooperated with TK a lot at the beginning, even giving him the benefit of the doubt. She also tried to talk him out of resigning his position. If she has really gone to the other side, I am curious about what her motivations would be. We know what SKJ’s motivations are, so I am waiting to find out about LCY.

I really wish the Prime Minister would make an honest effort to sit down with the President and talk to him. Since he has come back from China, we have not seen him discuss what is going on with the President. How can SKJ have more face time with the Prime Minister than the PM with the Prdt? They (the PM and the Prdt) are supposed to be working together, aren’t they?

When PYC went tumbling down the stairs, I felt bad for him. He said in an interview that all the action scenes are real (or as real as they can be, I am assuming). He hurt his shoulder during training, and I wonder what that fall did to his shoulder, unless they used a double for that scene. I know Korean actors are dedicated, however they need to be careful.

My heart went to my throat when BW was trying to get info from Jaesin. I kept wishing that the Prdt had detained KDJ a little longer, though I guess it makes for more suspense the way the end of the ep. unfolded. Also, the look of TK at realizing that LCY was on KDJ’s side, poor guy. TK was smart in giving the Special Prosecutor a copy of his dad’s report (the original). Now, I am hoping that the Special Prosecutor won’t die before the whole truth is revealed.


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My thoughts also about LCY! :)
I commented same thing too before i have read yours.
I'm hoping too. XD


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Hello aceprincess,
I just read your comment, and yep, we are thinking along the same lines :-). Hopefully we will find out soon. In ep. 10 maybe? :-)


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I've watched ep10 already... :-D
Im waiting for the ep10 recap. I don't want to spoil anyone here. Hehe


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Good! Please don't (spoil). Let's wait for ep. 10's recap together :-). I will say that the writer surprised me though :-)


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YAY thanks jb! been waiting for this recap! off to read now :)


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Trust no one..Suspect everyone..urgh show!!
But show, I really really really love you!

Though my heart keeps beating ups and down, and it hurts but for me this is one of the great episode..
Can I say that Choi Won Young's bad acting makes me hate him even more..His eyebrows...sawraee!

HTK & BW Fighting!

TQ for recap JB^^


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I just love the emotional anguish TaeKyung had when he noticed about ChaYoung..gosh it hurts and unbelievable at once and he's concern for BoWon is endearing as it gets..

Compared to a lot of stories-this one show has been showcasing how BoWon has been TaeKyung saviour and driving force..it makes it all the more sweet-i don't know how they'd develop into romance later-but I really do hope it would-not within 3Days-maybe after 3 months he'd realized that she's a really cute and charming lady at the same time she's a tough cookie


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Thanks for the recap, JB! Appreciate that you did this so quickly and early! ^^

I do have a few different impressions from you about this episode:

1) Remember the President asked Tae Kyung if Cha Yong can be trusted? Frankly, I'm not so sure that the President is the GOOD one here, ever since the beginning. Although he keeps saying that he feels guilty about 16 years ago and the truth should come out, there are hints here and there that this may NOT be his ultimate motive. (eg. he uses words to describe his motive like "to have what I want" quite often and not "for the guilty ones to be punished") The more he keeps saying he feels guilty and truth must be told, the more I feel a lack of real reason behind spilling the beans 16 years later. I would love it if SHOW has something up the President's sleeves and give us a BANG on the real reason he wants the truth to be out now and that he is not as clean as he seems. I mean, WHY NOW? In the middle of his Presidential term? Kinda strange if you ask me.

2) My take on this episode is that Cha Yong was actually acting for the President when she "cross-over" to the dark side. In other words, she is helping the President, whom I believe to be not so clean, for his ultimate motive. That is why when Tae Kyung asked the President WHY he suddenly brings up Cha Yong, he just brushed it away and said he just wanted to know. He didn't tell Tae Kyung WHY and that is suspicious to me already, AFTER him saying that the ONLY person he trusts now is Tae Kyung. Then why not tell him everything? Hmmm, strange?

3) Yes poor Yuchun injuring his shoulder here, at the staircase scene....... Hope he takes care of himself well during filming.

4) It was great to see Tae Kyung losening up, in terms of screaming out his feelings more often. Remember Bo Won said once that he should drink and just let go, which Tae Kyung was obviously not accustomed to do. Finally we are seeing chages in a good way to Tae Kyung and I love it that Bo Won rubs him the right way so far. Although I am still suspicious of Bo Won (I am suspicous about everyone here except Tae Kyung frankly), at least for now Tae Kyung has help from her!

Can't wait for tonight!


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Thanks Javabeans for this wonderful recap.

Hi Jen - I am sure the President is not in cahoots with Chairman Kim. In an earlier episode, he indicated that he regretted working for Falcon and subsequently had an offer/deal from Chairman Kim (in order to leave Falcon) culminating in the fatalities 16 years ago. He wanted to expose the incident which will also bring about his own disgrace. Chairman Kim then sent the fabricated Document 98 to the prosecutor in an attempt to bring down the president. Now we know that Major Rhee surfaced (probably found out about the planned 2nd Yangjinri accident); spoke to Minister Han who then completed his findings on the Original Document 98. In turn it triggered the killings and president assassination.

This episode shows TK has strengthened his resolve and conviction especially with the knowledge that Jaesin and Falcon are planning yet another covert operation. Greed knows no bounds.

Whilst this show has not garnered fantastic ratings in domestic market and internet hits, the staff and cast must be proud to be a part of this quality production. And for the international audience like us, we also get to enjoy a wider variety of genres.


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Hi Ih39!!

I am quite sure too, that the President is not in cahoots with Kim. In fact, I believe that 1 of his ulterior motive is actually to get rid of Kim. Remember the very 1st episode, when Kim and President were talking in the same restaurant over soju? And President was asking Kim not to request him for the same favours again? The President also said something like "I have a favour to you too. Please DON'T do this." So he is obviously not in cahoots with Kim and wanted to stop him, although we were NOT shown WHY he wanted to stop Kim then.

However, I am still convinced that the President has an ulterior motive other than getting rid of Kim and stopping his plans for a 2nd Yanjiri.

As the President, why would he want to expose the incident 16 years ago in which he is definitely implicated and hence will be his downfall? WHY, is my question. We can say that he is so upright that he feels he cannot live with the guilt any longer or tolerate another Yanjiri. But in the first place, remember that the President was actually the one working for Falcon and although he wanted to LEAVE Falcon, it was because he didn't want to be Falcon's DOG any more. It WASN'T because he didn't want to work for a merciless and unscrupulous company like Falcon any more.

Getting rid of Kim, is similar to what he did earlier, getting rid of his title as "Falcon's DOG".

What the President said and told Tae Kyung may not be the truth. We do need to take it with a tinch of salt. He used Tae Kyung's father to convince Tae Kyung to protect him when Tae Kyung didn't want to stay in the Blue House any more. Believe me, he is resourceful and convincing if he wants to, using people's feelings/weaknesses as weapon.

More twists please, SHOW! ^^


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I am so much more invested in this drama than I thought I would be! Started it only 2 days ago and already I'm waiting for new episodes to come out >.>' The pace is probably one of the things that's keeping me so invested, so much just keeps happening and revelations come out fast - which makes it so much more interesting. Yoochun is forever my bias too haha so I guess that's another reason I'm invested. All the major characters (bad and good) are doing a stellar job too. I can't wait for tonight's ep! Thanks for the recap :)))


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Thank u for ur recap.^^
This drama make me crazy.Now I don trust anyone except TK & BW!


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Omg!! This drama getting better and better.. I love it!! especially part HTK and Bowoon..soo suweeett... HTK need BW in his life. And its really sad to see HTK eyes when he see LCY...she betray and backstabbing him. He trust her so much.


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Cha Young has been acting suspiciously for a while so I wasn't surprised by her perfidity. It would by a nice surprise if the writers are misleading us and she has her own plot cooking to catch the chairman. But, that is not likely.


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"I probably don’t love Three Days", oh im so excited to read comments from the recappers, but this time, I was hurt. Oh well, anyways, thank you for the recap. I'll respect that "3 days" is not everyone favorite, but for me this is simply the best drama, even without any romantic scene at all.

Another witness down, oh poor HTK, what he will do this time? Im getting excited how will HTK solved this case with much of twisting of truths and betrayal of friends. 3 days fighting!


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Heavy dramas are not everyone's cup of tea, but I love my suspense and thrillers, so this is right down my alley.

What I like about this drama so far, is that, everyone's a suspect, it's politics, it's dirty, it's corrupted, it's scandalous.

I've always had my doubts over Cha Young, but she comes across as a 'scary cat' to me, out of a better word to use. What's her relationship with Mr Chief Secretary is questionable.

I do also think that Mr President is not as righteous as he cuts out to be in wanting to expose the truth after the wrongdoings.

Leader Ham has a lot more stories to tell I think, just dying like this is too 'easy'.

HTK and BW are working just fine as a team, the Korean Version of Mulder and Scully? Document 98 could be just the X-File.

It's everyone's game.

Good Night.


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Thank you JB, GF and averagerobot for regularly giving us detailed recaps and good insights.. I haven't watch this with subs (only raw) but I feel HTK's frustration that they lost the witness they tried to protect..

I dont have shady feelings about the President but if he is another shady guy .. it will be like total major heartbreak for me.. I am invested that the President is doing what he can to do the right thing after loosing his way in the past as a way of redemption. So many lives have already been lost to only know later that it is a lost cause

Now I wonder .. what is D-Day.. Chairman Kim assured Falcon rep that the president will be gone before it happened.. hmm.. Falcon sells weapons while Jaeshin manufactures sophisticated electronic equipments can be used also for military purpose LOL (that device LCY had was like mini EMP) .. what do they want now that they would have to stage another incident to get it ..

Curiosity.. This is the type of drama that started slow but with the patience.. it's delivering for the genre it wanted to be..

Now for those who love stuffs like this (like me..) it's really a treat .. I only like fluffs once in a while but i like my drama (and movies) as thrillers, action and angsty..

this and God's Gift are exercising my emotions, eyes, ears and thoughts .. i like that .. ^__^


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Sometimes this show seems a little too neat. Of course the villains will be one or two steps ahead of the good guys for most of the episodes. Of course our hero will get the beat down (literal and figurative) but always come back swinging. Of course he'll get the rug pulled out from under him, as in that last scene with Cha-young. And of course the good guys will win in the end. I'm not complaining exactly, but I do wish the writer was a bit more imaginative. Like the writer of God's Gift. Ten episodes in, and I still don't know if the heroes will succeed.

I'm glad Cha-young's villainy was revealed to Tae-kyung, even though he refused to believe it at first. I didn't want her to be evil. I wanted her to be bad, but still have a reason, a damn good one, too, for what she's doing. And, we better get one, or her character will seem like just a waste. I still think (hope) she's doing all this because she thinks she's keeping Tae-kyung safe, even though his life has become a crap shoot.

And I really want someone to just punch Chairman Kim in the face, cause he is one smarmy, self-centered, self-entitled, traitorous ass.

Anyway, thanks for the recap, Javabeans!


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Hello Abbie,

Remember this saying, "there is no accounting for taste?" This drama made me realize that there is no accounting (or telling) for why one ends up sliking a drama. Well... some of us can explain why (to an extent), but then, if others don't like it, or like it as much as we do, then it is what it is, right? :-)

This is a drama I was just going to check out, (and then take a break from Kdramas, ha, ha, ha), yet I am still here, watching. Maybe it helped that I went in with an open mind and low expectations. Maybe it has (also) something to do with the fact that I do like mystery/thriller/political kinds of dramas, as I have finally realized (and I am OK with little or no romance). I think that for me, it also has to do with the fact that I am just loving the performances of the actors in this drama. I find that this drama keeps me at the edge of my seat, and that I am right there with the good guys when they are in the path of danger. My heart tends to sink to my stomach, or go up to my throat. I also LOVE the instrumental pieces in this drama, more so than the actual songs.

Regarding this you said, "And I really want someone to just punch Chairman Kim in the face, cause he is one smarmy, self-centered, self-entitled, traitorous ass." I think because Choi Won Young is playing that role, I am totally loving him in it. I 1st saw him in Heirs, but I am loving him here. He seems to be enjoying himself playing KDJ. He makes me want to study his face and his body language, so I can know what he thinking. There is a way that he stands and walks (sometimes he tilts his back backwards a little bit), which I find interesting, especially because he is not a big guy to start with.

I am also loving PYC's performance in this drama, more than any other role I have seen him in. I love the chemistry between the actors and the actresses as well. And I love the diction, and delivery of all the actors and actresses, and the voices of actors like the Special Prosecutor (the older one). He has a deep voice. I also like the Prime Minister, I find him funny.

I will stop my rave here (for now :-) ). I just love that I have a drama that allows me to shut out the world when I am watching it. I still have to check out GG-14 Days, as I have heard great things about it. I feel that I will have to prepare myself for it :-)


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Thanx for the recap JB ;)

TBH, I don't really care who is bad who is right but I only wish at least HTK & BW are the right person..Not because I'm shipping this couple hardly but for the sake of HTK..
I feel so bad for him, he did everything to solve the mystery/case yet can't trust anybody around him so for once I wish BW is a good girl who can stay by his side..

At the blackout scene, I feel wanna punch everyone who only care for Mr.Pres, yes I understand he needs protected but to leave the important witness just like that, all HTK's effort is like nothing and he even get beaten..Poor dude!

I still have a doubt about LCY which once I don't want to trust but sometimes I do believe she wants to help HTK by her own way..Good job show! This drama is awesome though not so much love here :(

3 Days FIGHTING!!!


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I still think CY is not on Chairman Kim side, her being double agent is a order from President Lee which is risky for CY but a smart move from the president. But the look on TK's face after seeing CY on the monitor and at the hallway after just killed me.

Thanks JB for the recap.


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lee cha young's stare was somehow guilty like i don't get to whom her loyalty is. But HTK really trust her, maybe Cha Young is just spying on them, acting like Kim DO jin's accomplice so that she can get evidence to held HTK.


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thank you jb for fast recap...!!
i want to watch more taekyung-bowon-president..
their presence in the screen is so strong..
hope the writer makes twist and turn and keep us at the edge until the last episode...
while the 3 days period makes no sense but the conspiracy
thats being unravel now is soo gripping..
hwaiting 3 days!


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Thank you so much for the recap, javabeans :)

ughhh seeing how htk rushing towards kdj /dangers/ demand an explanation from lcy, he must be feel really really betrayed :( like something you can't even imagined would happen.. he called lcy a 'friend' without doubt to president, that's why ToT
ahh the moment he was surrounded by reporters as the prime suspect,losing his mind, i feel the overwhelming urge to hug him ><
thanks god we have bo-wonnie who came to the rescue.. can't say how much i love her <3 #smartbowonnie

can't wait for ep 10 ;


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Thanks for the recap!

I think the Three Days title pertains to the 3 day trip that HTK's father took on the past. I've just noticed after rewatching the subbed episodes that it said that the President was going to have a four days, three nights vacation on the villa.

Anyway, that moment when BW was telling TK that she saw CY with the wireless stuff felt so tense to me. TK has only a small number of people that he could trust and BW telling him that CY was part of the blackout looked like it hurt BW since CY is his good friend. I worried how TK and BW will work together again after TK didn't believe BW so I was relieved to see that it was BW who partnered with TK on his trip to Jaesin.

I'm really excited to see the next episodes. Thanks again for the recap!


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Cha Young is a mole! An undercover agent for someone. I knew it all the time. Whenever she . . . or her neck . . . was on screen, I was thinking mole, mole, mole!

Ah, just kidding myself. She's obviously doing some undercover chore for the president, and that means she'll get snuffed in an episode or two. Just as well, as she's a 2-D character, at best. She's the stiff, and Moon Balloon gets to act a lot more when they're in the same scene.


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I can't help but laugh on that Moon Balloon thingy. I was first saw that comment long before the drama starts and good it is still used as of this momet. HAHA. anyways, this episode is really very good, to the fact that we almost know who are the real antagonist and who remain protagonist at the end of the story.


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Moon Balloon is a cute ahjussi :lol :lol: :lol:
and Yoochun is the next cute ahjussi to be..kekeke


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Is it just me? Hoping that CY ain't really betraying? I keep on thinking that maybe it is her own way in investigating? Like she has to gain the trust of Chairman kim of jaesin so she has the upperhand in finding proofs/evidences. And then she will betray jaesin by becoming a witness too later on. I know its hard for her too.

waahh! I don't want her to be part of the bad guys. So far, she doesn't have any reason to be part of them. It's like, why is she joining them all of a sudden? She really might have hidden agenda in joining them. right?

Anyway, i am so hoping my speculation is right. She's not my favorite character in here but still... :D

Thanks for the recap BTW javabeans! You guys are great!


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No, actually me too..Though she's not my favourite char in 3D but I still hope she was on HTK & Mr.Prez side and actually u will get the answer in ep.10..No, I'm not going to give the spoil here :D


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Can't wait for episode 10 recap!


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What bothers me about this hero/villain dynamic is that Han Tae Kyung keeps getting caught by Kim Do Jin, completely helpless in the face of his enemy, only to be let go.

I know it's fiction and not always completely logical, but, come on. No villain would keep letting his enemy go, especially after it's been made clear that Han Tae Kyung is always hot on his trail and successfully finding loop holes around his villainous plots. He's clearly a force to be reckoned with, so why would Kim Do Jin let him roam free?

I will see in episode 10 soon, but it looked like in the previs, HTK is free again. If he gets out easy without Kim Do Jin stopping him, I'm going to have to roll my eyes. The show would be a lot more thrilling and suspenseful if Kim Do Jin actually wanted to catch or kill Han Tae Kyung, but, seeing that he's let him go twice with just a warning, makes for some really insigificant interactions between the two. It both downplays KDJ as a villain and HTK as a hero, and they both just become lukewarm.

Oh, and Cha Young, yeah she's probably just messin with everyone. She'll be good in the end, I just know it!


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KDJ once said to HTK that "I will not give u an easy death"..
he is surely a psychopath since HTK is the only one did everything to reveal his evil..And the more HTK did, the more people will die..He wants HTK to stop and feel guilty yet will think that all his efforts are useless..It is no fun if he killed HTK too early coz for him life is like a chess..


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Oh oh oh. I was curious about mayor lee, will he reveal the truth or betray the president? And suddenly that blackout scene make me.. shocked. Damn. Its cool although my personal mind really want to see him reveal the truth.
Last scene, I thought taekyung run to do jin due to protect bo won, I didnt expext there will be.. Chayouuung.. ottokeee.. although I always hope she is antagonis but idk why I think she is not. Bcs president asked taekyung about her also she looked very nervous after put those blackout maker things. Sigh. Poor taekyung. But I really like that he has bowon in his side. Hospital scene was so sweet..
The story getting more interesting that I really can't wait for the next eps.
Thanks a lot for recap ^^
I learn new vocabs here kkk
Fighting for the next recap! :)


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Thank you for the recap. The main lesson of this drama is do not trust anyone, your friend can be your biggest enemy. What I love from this drama, is the plot twist, you can never guest what is going to happen next.


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This is absurd.. when BW and TK tried so hard to copy all the files on KDJ's computer.. if its so important why they didnt stole the harddrive??? and i cant even see any romance in this drama (disappointed)


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How will i download from this site


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