Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 4

There’s a brand-new murder to solve, which raises doubts about the Barcode Killer’s pattern and whether or not he’s become a loose cannon. Cho-rim makes herself even more valuable to Mu-gak as a partner, as she’s able to see clues that nobody else can see. But there are personal feelings starting to get mixed up in their partnership, which threaten to ruin everything.


Lieutenant Yeom stares at Cho-rim, seeming to recognize her as the missing daughter of the Barcode Killer’s victims. But before she can say anything, Mu-gak introduces her with the name he knows her by, Oh Cho-rim. He says she’s his friend, apologizing for her drunk state, and Yeom seems to accept that Cho-rim isn’t who she thought. She instructs Mu-gak to try to break Baek-kyung’s alibi, and heads home.

Mu-gak brings Cho-rim a coffee, but she ignores him and shuffles a lap around the room, then sits back on the sofa and collapses with her head in his lap. Aww, his befuddled expression is so adorable. He awkwardly scoots out from under her and watches her sleep with an interesting, searching expression on his face.

In a dark room somewhere, a man wearing rubber gloves opens a surgical kit and selects a scalpel. His face is concealed behind a cap and hoodie. We see a body next to him, and he begins to carefully and precisely carve a pattern of lines into the person’s left wrist.

Cho-rim wakes up in the morning to find herself being observed by four curious faces, and jumps up in alarm. She’s still at the station, and the detectives are all regarding her with expressions varying from amusement to annoyance. They assume she’s some drunk who wandered in to sleep, but Mu-gak quickly corrects them, saying that Cho-rim is his friend.

She runs out in embarrassment, and Mu-gak follows, but by the time he catches up Cho-rim has remembered how he let her down the night before. She yells that she was kicked out of Frog Troupe because he never showed up for her audition, and she wells up with tears and tells him that her life is over now.

Mu-gak makes a snippy remark which earns him a slap, then a full-on fist to the jaw, but his non-reaction only reminds Cho-rim that he can’t feel pain. It’s not fair that she’s hurting so much, but she’s the only one that can feel it. She says that she assumes they won’t meet again, and leaves. He goes to the roof to think, where he’s joined by Detective Tak, who tells him he’s going to talk to Baek-kyung but that Mu-gak doesn’t need to come along.

Instead Mu-gak goes to the Frog Troupe theater to talk to the director, and explains that it’s his fault that Cho-rim’s audition was a disaster. He asks for another chance, so the director asks how he intends to be responsible. He orders Mu-gak to make him laugh. Right now. Eep?

The rest of the troupe leave the room to give them privacy, and Woo-ya sneers that he’ll bomb and they’ll be free of Cho-rim forever. But suddenly the director and Mu-gak come out of the room, the director laughing so hard be can hardly breathe. Mu-gak’s usual bland expression makes him laugh even harder, while the troupe can only gape at the men.

The director calls Cho-rim to come talk with him, and he tells her she really doesn’t do anything right. But she did pick a great partner in Mu-gak, and for that she gets another chance at performing her skit. There’s one catch though — she has to do the skit with Mu-gak. Cho-rim groans, remembering how she punched him and said she never wanted to see him again.

She shows up at the station, but Mu-gak is sulking and refuses to acknowledge her presence. She brings energy drinks to the other detectives in apology for that morning, and they all seem to like her except for Detective Ki, who remains grumpy. Ha, she skips right past Detective Yeh and hurts his feelings, and comments that Detective Tak must be tired from watching his baby, though he insists he’s not married.

Mu-gak tries not to care as Cho-rim charms the detectives, but he can’t keep his eyes from skittering over to see what she’s doing. So freaking cute. He keeps ignoring her even when she brings a drink for him, but she gets an idea and whispers something into Detective Kang’s ear which makes him laugh. Mu-gak nearly breaks from his jealousy, but rolls his eyes when Kang announces that Cho-rim wants to do a skit about the police.

He takes her to the roof to ask what she’s doing here, and she says she’s apologizing to the detectives for sleeping at the station, and thanking them. Mu-gak insists he was the one who let her sleep there, reminding her that it was only a few hours ago that she said she never wanted to see him again. Awww, he’s actually pretty hurt.

Cho-rim says with regret that she said it without thinking, and apologizes. Mu-gak softens and accepts her apology, and there’s that almost-smile again. As he leaves, he says he can’t practice their skit tomorrow, and Cho-rim does a little happy dance that he still plans to help her.

They go have sushi at a place that offers unlimited refills, and of course the manager shoots Mu-gak dirty looks as he takes in his huge stack of plates. Cho-rim marvels that Mu-gak really can’t taste the spicy food, and when he steps away to take a call, she hides a giant heap of wasabi under his next bite to test him.

Hilariously, Mu-gak saw her in a mirror, so when he sits back down he turns the plate to switch their bites. She watches him eat with narrowed eyes but he shows no reaction whatsoever, so she eats the other piece, the one with the extra wasabi. She cringes from the taste, and Mu-gak just blandly hands her a glass of water. Pfft.

A man is found dead in the park, and Detective Tak is on the scene first. He’s quickly joined by Lieutenant Yeom, then Mu-gak with Cho-rim in tow. She hangs back to observe while he joins the others to investigate the body. Yeom groans in frustration to see the pattern of lines carved into the man’s wrist, as they realize they may have another barcode murder on their hands.

The rest of the team show up, and Yeh remarks that it’s only been a month since Ma-ri’s murder, which would mean the Barcode Killer is changing his pattern of one or two murders per year (there was a young man murdered at the same time as Ma-ri). Yeom claims there’s no hard evidence this is another barcode murder, but Tak points out that the lines carved into the victim’s arms were the only concrete evidence in the other murders, too.

They decide to identify the man first, then worry about whether this is another barcode murder. As Cho-rim watches from behind the police tape, a looming figure in a hat and hoodie stands behind her, observing everything.

The dead man is identified as a personal trainer who works at a nearby gym, and his body shows signs of being strangled along with the trademark barcode cuts. Detective Kang orders the team to check into Baek-kyung’s alibi for the night before, when they assume the man was murdered. But Detective Yeom stops them and says it may not be a barcode murder, telling them to determine where the man was before his death.

Kang asks if she’ll be responsible if this does turn out to be a barcode murder, reminding her that she dismissed Ma-ri’s disappearance as a possible barcode murder, too. He sends the team out to follow his instructions, but Mu-gak hangs back to say he’ll check out Yeom’s hunch.

He takes a photo of the victim to Cho-rim, who informs him that this morning, she noticed that the scent on the victim’s pants was completely different than the one on his jacket. Usually a person’s clothes carry the same scent, such as Detective Kang’s cigarette odor and Detective Tak smelling like an infant. But the victim’s pants smells of beer and soju, while his top reeked of barbeque. The strength of the barbeque scent means he was exposed to it no more than two days ago.

Mu-gak takes the photo to a barbeque near the gym where the employees often eat, and the ajumma swears he ate there just a couple of days ago — though she only sees the clothes, because Mu-gak carefully keeps his thumb over the man’s face. He shows her a different photo of the victim when he was alive, asking as if it’s a different person, and now the ajumma doesn’t think he looks familiar. Interesting.

Mu-gak finds Cho-rim grilling up some meat inside, and she says she can’t think when she’s hungry. Ha, when he reaches for the meat, she begs to have at least five pieces before he starts chowing down, so he counts out exactly five pieces for her. He asks how she knew this was the place the victim ate, and she tells him she also saw the scents of the particular charcoal this place uses.

Mu-gak interviews the gym employees next, and the manager confirms that he took them all out for barbeque as a treat. Mu-gak asks if the victim went to eat with them, but it turns out he quit about a month ago. Apparently he was a troublemaker, always borrowing money from his coworkers, and wasn’t well-liked.

HAHA, Cho-rim gets stuck on one of the machines and has to be rescued by the most vocal employee, a man who goes by the name Andy. Mu-gak glowers with jealousy as Andy touches her to free her, and gets even grumpier when Cho-rim is all excited that the handsome trainer gave her three free guest passes.

Cho-rim joins her friend Ae-ri at yet another job, and even she whines that her friend has had too many jobs, haha. She gripes about Mu-gak tricking her into eating the wasabi booby-trap, and Ae-ri asks if Cho-rim likes him. Cho-rim denies it, but Ae-ri points out that she talks about him constantly these days.

Suddenly she cries out that he’s just walked into the restaurant, and Cho-rim’s expression of excitement totally gives her away. Annoyed, Cho-rim leaves, and she sees a cute little dog running all by itself on the street. She’s sideswiped as a man runs past, knocking her over, and Cho-rim fangirls when she sees it’s the famous chef Jae-hee.

He says he’s trying to catch his dog, and she tells him to go after it, but he’s worried she was hurt when she fell. He takes her to see his friend Baek-kyung, who examines Cho-rim’s sore wrist. Jae-hee goes to find his dog, leaving them alone, which scares me to death. Baek-kyung examines Cho-rim’s other arm and sees a large surgery scar, and she also mentions some pain in her hip.

Baek-kyung takes some x-rays and comments on the metal plates and pins in Cho-rim’s arm and hip. She’s fine except for a sprained wrist, and she tells him about her accident three years ago. He can’t find his pen and borrows Cho-rim’s to take notes in her chart, and Cho-rim notices the doggy scent on the leash that Jae-hee left behind.

Lieutenant Yeom studies the evidence at lunch, while the other detectives sit at the next table and sarcastically conjecture on who could have carved the lines on the dead man’s wrist if it wasn’t a Barcode murder. It couldn’t be a copycat, because the detail about the barcodes was never leaked to the public. They joke that maybe it was a cop who murdered the man, and Yeom shoots them dirty looks.

Mu-gak joins her with his (overly-filled) lunch tray, and it’s satisfying to see the detective who previously snubbed him look offended that he doesn’t sit at their little Mean Girls table. He whispers to Yeom that they should consider the victim’s former coworkers as suspects, offering to explain in private.

Meanwhile Baek-kyung studies Cho-rim’s x-rays after she leaves his office, focusing on the plates in her bones. He pulls out an old file labeled “Choi Eun-seol,” and removes the x-rays, which just happen to match Cho-rim’s films perfectly. Well crap, he knows who she really is.

Mu-gak tells the gym manager that a homeless man claims to have witnessed a man in a training suit being carried into the park at night. A key fell from the man’s pocket, and the homeless man had thrown it into the bushes. Mu-gak thinks the key may have been a locker key from the gym, asking if he can bring the key for confirmation once they find it. Andy seems particularly interested in their conversation, and listens closely.

Yeom organizes an undercover operation, where the detectives stake out the park in case the murderer comes back for the lost key. Detective Ki dresses as a bum, Yeh and a female cop pose as a couple canoodling on a parkbench, and Mu-gak and Detective Tak watch over from the car. Mu-gak notices that Tak’s phone has a baby’s picture for an avatar when he gets calls from home, and Mu-gak hilariously says his nephew is a handsome kid but oops, it’s a girl.

Jae-hee’s dog prances through the streets alone, but having seen his scent on the leash, Cho-rim quickly finds the pup hiding in some boxes. Jae-hee makes dinner for her as a thank-you, inviting his doctor friend Baek-kyung to eat with them. Why do I feel like Cho-rim is an innocent bunny in a den of wolves right now?

His dog, whose name is Moong-chi, keeps barking and scratching at a certain door, so Cho-rim offers to feed him. Baek-kyung tells her that Moong-chi was a gift from Ma-ri, and Jae-hee thanks her again for finding his pet. While Cho-rim is in the restroom, Baek-kyung tells Jae-hee that he knows her and has been wanting to see her again for a while.

Moong-chi won’t stop barking at the door, and Cho-rim asks what’s in the room that the dog wants so badly. Jae-hee says it leads to his underground storage, where he keeps wine and food. He goes to quiet the dog, and Cho-rim gasps at his delicious cooking.

Nothing is happening at the park, and Mu-gak tries to make up for his “handsome nephew” comment by complimenting Tak’s niece Jia’s name. Poor Tak, his little feelings are too hurt to let Mu-gak off the hook. The detectives all regroup in the morning, but nobody saw a thing all night.

Detective Kang accuses Yeom of making up all the so-called evidence, but suddenly Detective Tak calls out that he’s found an expensive-looking pen in the bushes. They identify the pen as belonging to Baek-kyung, and detain him for questioning.

The Chief of Police observes the questioning, asking if they’re confident they can arrest him as the Barcode Killer soon. When Detective Kang says they can, the chief orders Lieutenant Yeom off the case and back to her own department. He gives Kang back control of this case, and Kang can’t help but throw a little “neener neener” gesture to Yeom as he leaves.

Detective Ki questions Baek-kyung, who claims he lost his pen at the hospital. In the hall, Mu-gak apologizes to Lieutenant Yeom for her getting caught in the crossfires of his theory that one of the trainers killed the man. Yeom agrees that this isn’t a Barcode murder, and that the lines carved into the victim’s wrist are only a copycat.

Therefore, the man must have been killed by someone who knew of the Barcode Killer’s MO — and that leaves the cops. She wonders if there could still be some association with one of the trainers who work at the gym.

Cho-rim calls Mu-gak after going to the gym to use her free pass, and having seen something about the trainer, Andy, that made her sit up and take notice. She says that she saw familiar scents on him — the same scents that she’s seen on Detective Tak. There’s a scent of medicine mixed with the baby scent that makes it unique, but both men are carrying it.

Mu-gak rushes to the gym to arrest Andy, who turns out to be Detective Tak’s brother. Mu-gak pieces together the random clues, which now form a very clear picture of the victim’s death. He describes a fight between Andy and the victim, where Andy had cut, then choked his former coworker to death. He’d called his brother for help, and Detective Tak had taken off the man’s bloodied jacket and replaced it with Andy’s clean one.

Detective Tak had also been the man in the hoodie who’d carved the barcode into the victim’s arm, though we now see that he’d been horrified at his own actions. He’d carried the body to the park, and later planted the pen that he’d stolen when he’d gone to Baek-kyung’s office to question him.

Mu-gak takes Andy to the station, and when Detective Tak sees him he realizes the truth is out. He wails at Andy for not following the plan — Andy was supposed to blame his brother if he were caught, so as not to leave his wife and daughter alone, and both brothers are wracked with sobs as the whole team watches.

That night Mu-gak goes to Ae-ri’s latest restaurant, and she texts Cho-rim that her cop friend is there. Cho-rim is with Woo-ya, who’d asked her out to eat for some reason, but she says she can’t go after all because her great-aunt died and runs off.

Mu-gak isn’t there alone though, and he’s soon joined by Lieutenant Yeom. She’s buying him dinner for catching the real killer and getting her assigned back to the special investigation team. She also brings him a card giving him access to the police database of special cases, and Mu-gak’s face lights up.

This is the thing Mu-gak has been doing all this for, the one reason he joined the police force after his sister was killed. Now he can access her file and find her killer. He’s so happy that he gifts Yeom with his first genuine smile, and he’s positively glowing. His expression is so open and excited, Yeom can’t help but grin shyly back at him, and it’s obvious that she finds him attractive.

Cho-rim enters the restaurant, a bit nervous but looking forward to seeing Mu-gak. But instead of finding him alone, she sees him at a table with a pretty woman, both of them looking at each other like they’re the only two people in the world. Seeing Mu-gak smiling for the first time, and that beautiful smile directed at another woman, Cho-rim’s own excited smile dissolves.


I’ll admit that, though I like the quick pacing of the show, I wouldn’t have minded if the romance part of our story had taken a bit longer to kick in. I’m not really complaining because I do love me some romance, and I have a feeling that Mu-gak and Cho-rim’s love will be epic. But Cho-rim’s little mindless flirtations and Mu-gak’s resulting confusion are so cute, I could have done with another episode or two of them dancing around their growing attraction. But since I do like romance, I’m also happy to see Cho-rim starting to respond to Mu-gak as more than just a partner, and realizing that she might actually like him as more than a friend. Though, oof, that has to be tough to see the guy you just maybe possibly realized you like, smiling for the very first time — at another woman. Poor Cho-rim, this is probably her first love (that she knows of) and she barely gets a chance to register her feelings before they get stomped. But if I know this show, and Cho-rim, she’ll say something pretty soon and this misunderstanding will be cleared up quickly.

I’m enjoying how Cho-rim is able to help Mu-gak solve his cases, because her ability to see scents makes her a unique resource that only Mu-gak can utilize. I love how he trusts her judgment when she says she knows this is the restaurant where someone ate, or this person must be related to this other person. It would be so easy for him to brush off her deductions based on her young age and lack of life experience, but he always fully believes her once she explains how she knows something. It doesn’t hurt that Cho-rim is one smart little cookie, and she never makes a statement about the scents she sees unless she knows for sure she’s right about them.

But Mu-gak is smart too, in the way he uses her clues. I was expecting a lot of awkward situations where he makes claims to the other detectives that he can’t back up without revealing his source and being laughed off the police force. But instead, he carefully does his own investigating until he can convert Cho-rim’s scent clues into real ones, making sure he can back up her findings with verifiable fact before presenting those findings to the other detectives. He’s actually a much better detective than he originally seemed — that or maybe it’s Cho-rim’s influence that’s making him better than he was alone.

I’m starting to have some doubts about doctor Baek-kyung’s likelihood of being the Barcode Killer, because as some readers have pointed out, it does seem like the show is pushing him hard as the main suspect. It’s all just so obvious. Not that no drama has ever revealed it’s main baddie early-on before, but I feel like this show is giving us way too many reasons to be suspicious of chef Jae-hee also (though if Baek-kyung starts constantly asking after everyone’s health, I’ll retract this statement). I also don’t necessarily think they’re working together anymore, though that’s just based on the fact that Jae-hee seemed surprised that Baek-kyung already knows Cho-rim, and I could very well be wrong about that, too.

Basically, more kudos to Girl Who Sees Smells for keeping us on our toes, and laying out the clues and suspects with enough transparency to allow us to have fun making wild guesses at the truth, but holding enough cards close to it’s vest to keep us doubting even our own theories. All I can say is, keep up the good work, Show!


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I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS FOR SO LONG!! First comment and I'm quite proud even though I hardly post on these forums. Hope everyone is enjoying TGWSS and having fun! I also enjoy reading all of your theories and comments so yay dramabeans! :)


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i think the same thing !! i love reading "reviews" and theories


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Thanks Lollipip!


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that cop was so obvious.

I think I am even more curious about what Mo Gak did to make the director laugh than what is behind the chefs´ door. but both the chef and the doctor are doing a mighty fine job being suspicious and getting us on the hook. It is just, the brain is conflicted. makes it harder if you suspect two guys. then you start suspecting it is definitely a third guy

also, one of rare time where it is sort of case by case but it doesnt distract the main story. usually it would make shows fragmented.


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oh, and has it been a MONTH? such long time jumps. not even weeks.


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"I think I am even more curious about what Mo Gak did to make the director laugh than what is behind the chefs´door.



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Actually, he walked into the leader's office with his usually straight face. He looked him dead in the eye and said "CCCHHHUUURRR"


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Hahaha!! Epic.


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...successfully made the leader LOL, then walked out from the room with his usual straight face again, hahaha. Mugak is adorable like that.


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I don't mind that the romance angle is starting early because I have a feeling the actual development will take some time. There will be confusion, romance, confusion again when he finds out that his sister was killed instead of Chorim, and so on. The pacing will work out.


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but that´s the thing... was she indeed killed instead of her? or it is what they made it look like in this drama? perhaps it is not connected at all?


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I was thinking the same thing! Since the show is already manipulating us into thinking Baek kyung is the murderer, it wouldn't be so hard for them to manipulate us into thinking other stuff. People who aren't connected might be made to look connected. Sometimes we really do have to ignore the obvious.


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haha i feel bad, i just watching this for cho rim and mu gak romance and don't mind who is the killer


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and if you do not go through all the possible versions but just one... you let killers get away.


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I think Kwon Jae-Hee and Baek kyung both are murderers together. remember the scene of the dog barking at the door in Jae-hee's house where Jae-hee invited Chorim for the dinner. something's fishy...


you´re the fish on the hook, mate.


I would love to see Jae Hee as a bad guy as I've only seen Nam Goong Min play good guys in rom-coms so far.


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Yes, his natural facial expression makes me automatically suspicious about his motives even when it turns out that he's just a normal nice 2nd lead. He'd do well in villain roles.


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Goodness, here we go again with NGM playing yet another nice guy I can't like because he seems very suspicious. The casting is just too obvious. Jae-hee is virtually the same character with a different name than the one he played in My Secret Hotel. He really should pick different roles; the repetitiveness is tiring.

Other than that, I adore all the other leads. Mu-gak and Yeom's professional relationship is refreshing and I hope they don't sandwich in a love triangle. Misunderstandings are fun, real love cross-wiring are not. Shin Se-kyung continues to surprise me with her youthfulness and enthusiasm. I also think Yoochun should forever stick to rom-coms. He's absolutely nailing it with those secret smiles and hilarious dead-panned expressions.

Keep it up, show! You're totally awesome right now.


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I am completely in agreement with everything you said. To me, NGM is a bit creepy. It's like he is kind but not really. His kind face lacks sincerity.

I'm starting to really like this drama and look forward to the episodes. I hope they can sustain our interests until the end.


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Love seeing the two lefties eating their food..heheh


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I love that both leads are lefties. Once I went out to lunch with a bunch of friends and turned out to be the only righty.


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Actually, they're not lefties, see ep 2 where Shin Se Kyung uses her right hand to write her name for Mugak.

But I noticed for Korean culture it's common for righthanded people to become lefties when at the eating table.


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Isnt that what was called ambidextraus (correct me if my spell is wrong)? Yoochun is known as that. He can use right hand as good as left hand. To know that SSK is the same make me LOL this couple sure is something hahaha

I'm not a fan of SSK before,only know her from ruñning man as guest and she's pretty famous w her board acting,so i was not happy w the casting. But watching this now,she's so endearing as chorim and so freaking cute w moogak.

and i admit,as an old DB5K/JYJ fan,this prolly my fav drama character for yoochun aside from lee seojoon (SKKS) XD
chunface is making his entry and make havoc everywhere XDD


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Lefties are more likely to be ambidextrous than righties.

I eat right handed but I write left handed.

I recently discovered I can draw and write on a whiteboard with either hand. Same with using a trackpad or a mouse.. either hand works for me.


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"Lefties are more likely to be ambidextrous than righties."
Right. Idk about SSK but like you, PYC is ambidextrous and I find it super cool :)

So there's a possibility that both the male and female leads are ambidextrous? No wonder the awesomeness of this show, haha. Love the chemistry between these two.


They were lefties...but in korean culture they were trained to write using right hands during child..thats why we see them writing from right hands and do everything other than that using the left one, yuchun and junsu are both lefties in jyj...:)


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I didn't know that, thank you:).


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I think it's a Chinese thing as well to train your kids to write with their right hand regardless of their dominant hand. At least that why I write with my right despite doing everything else with my left. You don't smear the ink, as my mom would say.


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Yoochun is a lefty, but he learned to learn to use his right hand just as good as his left. If you notice, he is mostly lefty still. Not sure about SSK though.


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I felt that Lt. Yeom liking Moo Gak came from thin air. I've been watching from the beginning but didn't see any romantic anything between the two until the last scene.


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I actually think she's just fond of him in a coworker way.


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I dont think its in romantic way, she just likes/fond of him


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Yup.. it's like taking care of a work hobae. Glad that she's taking him in


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I don't think it's romantic either. I think our lead just misinterprets it. I think it's a work thing...and also that he was the only one who had her back in that last debacle.


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I have a feeling the doctor is not the killer - way too obvious and revealed early on to throw us off track. I think he's the one who might have HIT Cho Rim with his car, and turns out he's a doctor and brought her to the hospital, which is why he had blood on his hand.

My finger is on the chef, the barking dog at the door - I was screaming that he's got dead bodies in there for sure LOL


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i doubt she was even in the same hospital,i bet she was in another one,were Mu Gak was sent when his accident happened and the police officer took her out to protect her and move her to another hospital with another identity after he found out she is the witness when he found her parents back then on the beach


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I have this image of lots dead bodies hanging in the chef's storage room... Creepy.
I agree with a lot of ppl who said the doctor is a bit too obvious for the bad guy. You could be right in that he was the guy who hit her with the car and has been looking for her because of his guilt.
What possible motive does the chef have for being the barcode killer? Maybe he's experimenting on them for something.. The show hasnt actually followed up on what the barcode represent.


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Yikes, creeppyy. This particular killer though kills his victims on the 6th day of their reported missing and leave them out to be found on the 7th day. So if there were bodies hanging, they could be alive still.

If the chef is indeed the serial killer, then that storage room might contain Mari's belongings--especially the missing diaries--along with his other victims' stuff. I read somewhere that serial killers like to keep their victims' memorabilia so they can relive the experience. Hopefully, this killer only keep inanimate objects, because some keep parts of the victims' bodies.

Btw, they are keeping the murder part pretty pristine. No gruesome close ups or graphic details. I guess it helps that the discovered bodies were still so fresh.


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Barcodes on beef are used for tracking its freshness. It would make sense for a killer with a culinary background to associates his victims with red meat, something that he frequently cooks. Also cutting barcodes print on human skin needs a good cutting skill, so the killer has to be someone who is good with knives, but this can lead us to quite a broad suspect that includes the shady Doctor.


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That's interesting. Thanks for the insight.


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You are welcome, 4D.


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at the end i was like please don't kill the poor dog that escaped from the creepy dude(stiill think he is the killer),his figure matches quite well the dude from 4 years back when he killed her parents,his sholders are wide and his arms are muscular in the upper part something mathcing him not the doctor...my take is that he is working as his complice,why,he killed MG sister by accident my take because he went there with the info of the name given,if he was the real criminal he would know the girl even if she had teh same name and was in an accident car wasn't the same he was searcing when he looked at her yet the dude didn't knew and killed her,how would he know there would be in a hospital a girl with the same name and car accident like the one he was after...more than sure Ma Ri found out something she wasn't supposed and she was killed by that and very nice after she died her diares that she always wrote vanished along as well,more than sure she wrote things there...curious what he hides in the whine celler,a body?he is a chef therefore he is good with knifes as well....


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Whoa Miky!
That is very insightful. Totally agree.
Just watched ep 5 raw... Can't wait to re-watch it with subs o_O


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I'm curious what explanation Mu Gak gave to Lieutenant Yeom as to why they should investigate the co-workers.


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maybe he'll tell her he investigated the gym dudes and found out the real name and the connection to one of the police officer in his team


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Well, this continues to be a delight, and so far a mystery. It is interesting how the characters seem to be one thing, then another. Our leads are just who they are and they are dog gone cute, together or not.

The new duo to question though, seems to be the doctor and the chief. I have not been able to get a total read on their ’friendship,’ and perhaps that is the way they want us to be right now. They do pose some interesting questions:

1. Just buds?

2. The chief is the murderer, and the doctor knows he is crackers and is trying to manage/help him through?

3. They are a team and the chief provides the persons, and the doctor offs them?

4. The doctor is the nutter, and the chief is just there for the chuckles and grins?

5. Does the bar code have any value, anyone tried to scan it yet to see?

The debate and hummmmms continue, and boy am I enjoying the ride!


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I too suspect that they may be a team. The look they gave Cho Rim when she asked about the door to the underground room was just so suspicious! It makes sense that if they are duo they have less likelihood of getting caught.


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Am I the only one who thinks these two guys might be lovers? That they kill human for mutual (ahem) release? Or I probably just watched too many detective movies, 'cause there's no way Korean drama would approach a taboo subject like this so openly, and in a drama nonetheless.


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Loving this show! I just don't get how Mu-gak figured out that Andy killed his co-worker because they were in a fight...


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He said "You probably.." I think just an assumption, but the strangling ofcoz had evidence.


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OCR told Mugak that the scents from the pants of the victim did not match the top. Mugak established that the gym team went for a bbq so the killer must be one of them. However, the bar code showed the work of an insider from the police. When OCR confirmed that Andy had the same infant smells as Detective Tak, Mugak only needed to check the relationship between the two to draw his conclusion.


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Mugak is so sweet indeed, he didn't mention that he was the one who beg the director troupe to give chorim one more chance. Aww

OMG it's so creepy when chorim with those dude alone and the the dogs keep barking and looks so uncomfortable. Someone please take chorim out of there ><

this eps make me suspect the chef too, sigh, was he run and crash chorim purposely so he can bring chorim to dr.chun? Or no?

and why is the sign should be the barcode? it reminds me that if we buy food ingredients to cook, its always has barcode to know the price. So.. Every victim he killed has their own value. Kkk well it won't as simple as that.

Also please dont make it love triangle haha. Or chorim need to date with chef or doctor to make mugak jealous too. #whatamisaying

thanks lollypip for your hardwork a faster recap! Wish the show keep good!


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You said, "Mugak is so sweet indeed, he didn’t mention that he was the one who beg the director troupe to give chorim one more chance." And I agree he did not tell Cho Rim that he begged, but by the fact that she finds he knows he has to help her practise, she would have guessed that he must have had contact with her harsh troupe boss, and that her re-instatement is probably due to him.

I note with interest your suggestion that the barcodes are a price/value tag on each person. Sounds terrible but plausible? People are so often treated like objects when they ought to be respected as persons. :(

As for the love triangle,... I feel it will be more likely that Liet Yeom and maybe Doc Chun/Chef Kwon will just be the 'friendly' 3 parties who do not intend to be a corner of the triangle, necessarily, but who will make our OTP aware about how they feel about each other. IE they will get jealous and so cannot keep denying that they like each other.... or something like that. :)


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I feel that Dr. Chun's interest in Chorim stems more from 'hm so how is she doing and why is she living under a fake name' more than 'HURR DURR GONNA KILL YOU AGAIN' and I'm on the side that he was the one who caused the car accident than being the killer. Too bad the killer in episode 1 doesn't show whether he's left- or right-handed :c

'(though if Baek-kyung starts constantly asking after everyone’s health, I’ll retract this statement)'



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is that barassi??


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HAHA i dont think so its a different type

barashi was with a lot of hair and bigger
i think


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I think they're starting on earlier with the romance because there's a huge conflict to come concerning their pasts, so maybe they want to strengthen it.

I do agree with some of the comments that Detective Tak was obvious with his ploy--it's not quite difficult to notice. What's definitely suspicious in this show is the Chef and the Doctor. I am actually doubting the involvement of the doctor in the murders, but I wouldn't hold out too much theory, and just let it unfold instead.

As always, I love the interaction and the building romance between are leads. My favorite part of this episode was from that part where Cho-rim was giving away energy drinks and Mu-gak sulks by his desk in something-quite-a-jealousy until their couple-y bickering in the sushi plays. Mu-gak's almost-smiles were ALWAYS swoon-worthy, and I can't help but love Cho-rim's adorableness.

Next episode, please come faster! :)


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* our
* place

HAHAHA I'm sorry I've just woken up


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Same here. Love their interactions and how they tried to outwit each other, hehe.


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omg, mu gak jealousy is soo adorable...and i fell for se kyung now. yes, hopefully conflict will come, and i want to see their serious interaction. and, i just know that yoochun is a good kisser (in missing you)...gosh, i don't even care about the murder as long as i can see their romance


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He is quite a good one. What i like about his kissing scene is that it is very gentle and respectful, never so aggressive and rough like many other K actors who kissed like eating the female actresses' faces. Even if in IMY situation, it could be a really rough kiss, but he still kissed like he respected, treasured and appreciated the person he kissed. You should watch his kiss scene with Park Min Young in SKKS. It is also beautiful!


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rtp wedding kiss was beautiful!


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That scene got me cry a river.... Lee gak-shi~~~<3


When I first showed my friend this drama, she immediately asked me when he saw the killer, "Is that Nam Gong Min?"

So I think the killer is him lol since my friend prob remember his figure or something.

The doctor might not be the killer but also someone who is looking for the killer is possible too. Back at the troupe hq, he tried to do something to Cho Rim but I doubt he would kill her since it's a public place and people can walk at anytime.

Maybe he tried to pull her to observe her face or something (still creepy though) but if he really wanted to kill her, he could do it after the chef invited Cho Rim to his house where it will make less suspicion than at the troupe hq.


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It's true that it might have been unlikely that the Doc would want to kill Cho Rim in the theatre, but what makes it so suspicious is that he does not approach her openly and introduce himself. Someone with nothing to hide will be like that passer-by ex-school mate who called her and said she looked liked her friend. He could have just said, "Hi, you look like someone I've been searching for... etc" but he ran away when Moo Gak approached.

So many clues and red-herrings!!! So much fun! :D


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I don't think Baek-kyung is the killer— after all, he had the x-ray of Cho Rim's arm when she was known as Cho Eun Seol, presumably done while she was in a coma. If he were the killer and had found her while in a coma, he probably would have killed her then and there. I think he's probably one of the doctors who treated her when she was Cho Eun Seol, although he and the suspicious boyfriend chef are definitely up to something together.


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IMO, the first time the Doc saw Cho Rim in tne clinic he immediately suspected and went to get a copy of the Cho Eun Sol's xray. Thus, his so-called 4 day leave.

Then he and Chef had to orchestrate the bumping on the street and all so that they can confirm if she's really Cho Eun Sol.

Not that this concludes anything or that it makes Doc and Chef as the murders. Not really. I'm just curious as to why he would need to verify Eun Sol's identity if he isn't the killer. That's what is keeping me on the show.


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I also think Doctor Chun isn't the bad guy, he may do an investigation by on his own. Well at least I hope so. Having two bad guys in this show is very shocking haha.
Aww Chorim likes Mugak. Well, its no surprise because Mugak, regardless his bland expression, he's a nice person and genuinely care towards her. I can't wait to see their romance!


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Thank you Lollypip!!

Moo Gak smiles!!! - I'm not talking about the end when he smiles with Lieut Yeom. His first longer smile was after his half-smile with Cho Rim, when he had turned and walked away. He said he had no time to practise with her the next day and he smirked, but she did not see it. So his first smile is with Cho Rim and not with Yeom.

I was re-watching to see if there was any evidence of jealousy ...

I'm waiting for him to really see - He is observant and smart... catching on to what Cho Rim was doing with the wasabi, but he still is unable to see that Doc Chun is the same as the man he bumped into at the hospital 3 years earlier, and the same as the man who was running off in the theatre with a hospital smell and the guy he spoke with in Chef Kwon's restaurant. Deliberate plot hole to lengthen the suspense?

Red herrings? - A hooded person in Eun Sol/Cho Rim's home in ep 1, Det Tak wearing a hood to cut barcodes into the dead man's wrist, and another one stood behind Cho Rim. Since in the end Det Tak and brother are apprehended for the copy-cat murder. Was the hooded person, the brother? The actual barcode murderer (who might not be happy to have a copy cat) or an innocent bystander?

The blatant coincidence of Chef Kwon appearing to intentionally bump into Cho Rim and introducing her to Doc Chun, just as he introduced Ma Ri to him, really keeps us viewers guessing. Is it too obvious? But if a single victim is murdered only once a year, then it’s a bit early to start lining up the victims. Yet the coincidence is great because we know that Doc Chun is trying to approach Cho Rim alone (he ran away in the theatre when MG appeared and called Cho Rim).

Since in 2 cases, Doc Chun is around/connected to those murdered, could it be that his friend, Kwon is setting him up each time to appear in a suspicious light, while it is Kwon who does the killing?

I like the jealousy inducing devices - Yeom provides the impetus to make Cho Rim realise that she likes Moo Gak, after all her denials.

Funniest scene – The the sushi with extra wasabi switch... Hahaha! I was already laughing in anticipation. Couldn’t hold it in when he kept that dead expression on his face as he saw in reflection that CR had added wasabi to his sushi, and made his decision to turn the tables on her. I loved how the music stopped when he paused in his chewing the sushi and she was watching him closely. Even when she was choking with the spiciness… his dead expression did not change as he passed her a drink and he just kept on chewing his sushi!!!

Funny dynamics that have been set up 1) Cho Rim has got to compete with Moo Gak for the comedian job 2) Cho Rim will feel that she has to compete with Lieut Yeom for Moo Gak’s attention.

Question or plot hole – how was it that when the Doctor who was trying to approach Chor Rim ran off to a part of the theatre where there was no exit, and MG went after him, that he still did not find...


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the Doc.

I forgot to add, that there seems to be an editing error. MG was wearing a different shirt at the gym during the questioning but the next scene shows him again in the black check shirt, as at the beginning of the show.

I am enjoying this good pace – for eg the Copy cat murder happened and was all resolved in 1 Episode, thanks to her scent-seeing power. I applaud the writer for giving us not just a single and shallow eg of what scent-seeing can do, but a variety of good, well-thought out scenes, in which scent-seeing is shown to be very useful and a good reason for the partnership. As Lollypip says, "her ability to see scents makes her a unique resource that only Mu-gak can utilize" so it makes it plausible that they will hang out together for a long time, and develop their relationship better.

Seeing scents, seems so useful that I'm beginning to want to have this ability too - to see scents even from a distance, especially if they look so pretty! :)


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Not remembering Dr Chun was the man in the hospital because he got a great shock right after, then he went into comma and then woke up having a dysfunctional disease?

Not recognizing Dr Chun at the theater becoz he only saw the back, and even if Chorim said that man has hospital scent, i think there are so many men with hospital scent and I don't think Mugak knows that Dr Chun even met Chorim, or targeted/followed her. Even until now, Mugak did not know there is any relation between the two.


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True, true,... it's just that we can see that he's observant. He saw the broken car head/tail lights on the road. He has already gone around to investigate the Doc as a suspect since he was linked to Ma Ri. So, even though he does not know of the relation between the man he saw 3 years ago (whom he has probably forgotten) with Ma Ri's doctor,... seeing his back at the theatre and hearing that there was a hospital smell around him, ought to trigger a bit of a connection.

This show is about seeing things that are not visible (smells). So what about things that are visible?... He lost his sense of smell but this did not help his sight/hearing become more acute, unfortunately. So while he did not lose his sense of sight, he does not notice what he has seen/is seeing when he meets Doc Chun.


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I agree that just because Mu Gak lost his sense of smell, taste and pain, this does not mean that he has also lost his marbles as well. Mu Gak is indeed sharp and observant, he should really be mulling this over and is trying to connect the dots. Perhaps they are not showing us this yet to keep us on tenterhooks.

At this point, I will go with deliberate plot whole to lengthen the suspense. The pd/writer has been so great with the little details, I am hoping they didn't drop the ball with this one. Here's to hoping that the still got a bunch of stuff up their sleeves.


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Thumbs up to you on your comment!! I too think this is to deliberately lengthen the suspense as you say.

Since the show is doing so many things right, I'm willing to overlook what might be plot holes, delaying tactics, etc to just enjoy the show... part of which is pointing out the plot holes LOL! (yeah I'm contradictory, but it's fun). :D


you saw the smile too!!moogak first smile is definely because of chorim,though she didn't see it.
I think since Moogak only get a glimpse of the doctor 3 years ago, he wouldn't be able to remember him. Seeing a doctor in a hospital is not unusual and add in the murder of his sister then.
about when he chased the doctor at the theater, chorim said there's no exit but I guess the doctor ran away and hide somewhere in there.
I'm enjoying everything in the dramal, the investigation, and especially the coming romance :)


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Yes! I'm glad we noticed that cute smile!

I agree on what you say you enjoy ... What this drama is doing well is what My Secret Hotel failed so dismally at.

Both shows have a cute OTP together, but this show gives them lots of chances to be together and develop their relationship, and hopefully won't dwell long on misunderstandings. Plus they are funny together and apart!

Both shows have a mystery to solve and this show does it right by having the OTP both in it together, working hand-in-hand, solving bits of it together.

And there is a building on the mystery and suspense with more information coming a little at a time to keep us viewers guessing and intrigued and playing along at being detectives. That's what a good mystery-rom-com should be. :)


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Hello GB, and thank you for the recap LollyPip,

I always love reading your comments GB unnie. I am really late to this party, however I thought I would join in this time, (as late as I am). I have a couple of questions I would like to ask, and I don’t know if I will get any answers, since maybe by now, very few people would read this recap and the posts here. Nevertheless, here are my questions:

1—What was the food (yellow in color) that OCR pointed to CMG, when he wanted to have some meat, and she wouldn’t let him? 2—This is a language question: I heard CMG say the word “dongsaeng,” when he was explaining who OCR was, and he said it twice (to Lieutenant Yeom, and to his colleagues). Viki.com translated the word as “friend.” Does anyone know why? If CMG sees OCR as “a friend,” why didn’t he use the word “chingu” instead? Does that mean that CMG sees OCR as his “younger” sister (who could be a friend)? Or does that mean that he doesn’t want the Lieutenant (and his colleagues) to think that he and OCR are romantically involved, so he draws that distance by calling her “a younger” sibling-like person?

Up to this ep., I was not sure what to think of the Dr. and of Chef Jae-hee. From the 1st ep., Dr. BK seemed to be the “obvious” barcode Killer. However, Chef JH has had his moments when he looks sinister, and sinister enough to make me question who he really is. Chef JH has that smooth and gentle behavior, that sociopaths can have. He could be someone who is such a mastermind person, and that would make him a great villain. In some ways, he reminds me of SSR’s character in LG.

Dr. BK intrigues me because in one of the earlier ep. (I think it was ep.2), we saw Dr. BK go towards OCR, (at the Frog troupe company’s building) and reach into his pocket, as he got closer to her. Does anybody remember that? At the time, it looked like Dr. BK was reaching for a knife or sth (I assumed he was reaching for some kind of weapon), however now, I am willing to admit that I could have been wrong. It nevertheless remains that Dr. BK reached into his inside jacket (or coat), and I am curious as to what that was. That makes me also question what his motives were for him doing that. We saw Dr. BK leave, but in this ep., we didn’t get an answer as to what Dr. BK was hiding inside his jacket.


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On a different note, I am with CMG, when he made OCR kind of beg for him to reconsider being her gag partner. I know she was hurt, and I understand that, however she never took the time to ask him why he didn’t show up in the 1st place. CMG had a valid reason: he was working, on the orders of Lieutenant Yeom. What could he do? Not go to check on what Chef’s was burning? After he had heard that the model kept some journals? CMG did want to help her, but he had a last minute work thing to attend to, so I understood his actions. And he did care, which was why he went on the roof to brood, and then went to see the Director of the Frog troupe, AND he got her back into the troupe. I know OCR was hurt, but she was a little wrong, imho.


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I would disagree. OCR's show was incredibly important to her, it was her only chance to be a comedian since she made that deal with her dad. And he could have easily asked someone else to do it especially since he was literally only dropping in to check on the guy. He only got the job because of her help but when it came time for him to fulfil his side he bailed. you guys are only looking at the guy's side and seem to refuse to see her side which is sadly typical in kdramas. I keep seeing arguments such as "it was his job" and it was "only a gag show". guess what it was HER job/career on the line while his was not. I doubt he would be fired for asking someone to go to the suspect's home. And finally if someone promised to perform with you and didn't show or even offer an explanation which resulted in you getting fired would you give him the time of day? One more thing, he was the one in the wrong but he made her apologize and beg. That was just a douche move plain and simple.


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Well hello @Ivoire!!! So good to know you've joined us. Better late than never. :)

I had the same question as you! I was wondering what that dish was that Cho Rim wanted Moo Gak to eat. It looked like a kind of steamed egg dish??? He ate it wrapped in lettuce.

As for the other question, you saw our discussion in the beanie group, so no need to repeat it here. Just to add, that it's also common for me to refer to elders as uncle and aunt although there is no blood relation between us. So in the same way, we may call friends our brother or sister to show a close relationship or a familiarity, but this is more rare for me, (except in a church environment, where it is common).

As for the rest of what you wrote, the latest episodes will have answered most of your questions.... except I wish I knew what Dr Chun had in his coat as he approached Cho Rim and why he ran off when Moo Gak came.

It may have been a scene just to act as a red herring and nothing may come of it in terms of explaining what and why. :( But we shall see. Read ya again!


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

Another great ep to see the romantic development between Mugak and Chorim. They are so cute together and making an awesome team for the cases. I had suspicions of Detective Tak, so the ending didn't surprise me. I also like how you pointed out that Mugak simply trusts Chorim without questioning her observations.

I'm very curious what Mugak did to cause the troupe director to laugh so hard. XD

I'm also thinking the doctor might have been the one who hit Chorim with the car three years ago. The chef gives me the creeps and it's definitely not a good sign when your dog keeps barking and scratching at a door.

Anyway, glad Mugak finally gains access to the database. Can't wait for more info on his sister's case and more cuteness between our leads. =)


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i'm not looking forward to Mugak finding out about Chorim's past, and likely coming to the conclusion that his sister was killed mistakenly! :(


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Perhaps it's both the doctor and the chef, i dont know though hahahhaha what i know for sure is im enjoying this show so much!


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The sister's case file will probably still be restricted from MG - or parts of it. I'm thinking it links her murder to CR (her original identity, that is) and so obviously he can't have all the answers yet. But maybe he will find out it is connected to the barcode murder cases and that will make him all the more determined to solve it.


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Also, while it is too obvious for the doctor to be the killer, I also think they're making it obvious that the chef might be the killer. In that respect, I then don't want the killer to be either of them!


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I too think that while it's way too obvious for the doctor to be the killer, it's too obvious if the chef is the killer. We're only at episode 4, after all. Perhaps someone else will emerge from the picture?


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After Ep 4, I wouldn't rule out anyone in the police force.


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It could be the dad.... damn it would be so creepy to find out the man you thought was your dad turned out to be the serial killer who killed your parents


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I don´t think so. I think the dad would just do anything to preserve the secret both from the killer and herself.


Owhh..good ep..im melt when see Mugak smile..really genuine smile..And the jealous face from Chorim.. gottcha!! About the killer..i donno..hmm..my guess is if this just simple drama, maybe they will make the chef as killer. If not..maybe unexpected person will become the murderer..still i dont have a clue. Love..love..Murim couple...suweett..


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I lol-ed so hard when drunk Cho Rim teleports from cab to street..

Sad that Officer Tak is an accomplice. I was so happy when he retains his hoo gu's spirit and is nicer to MG compared to the others.

Anyway, i decided to concentrate on the OTP and rest my mind of the barcode killer.. i had a few theory & giving headache..


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Yeah, too bad that Detective Tak was the accomplice. He seemed to be one of the more professional and competent team members. Why couldn't it have been Detective Ye or Detective Ki?


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From what I've seen until ep 4, it seems like the chef is most likely to be the killer. Don't know why I don't think he's all that sad when his gf died. And where the dog keeps barking, could it be where he kept his victims before he killed them, I mean the white room? The dog might smell his owner's scent. Well, for sure we'll get more clues as the story goes, until then it's really fun guessing who's done it? :D


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That love triangle... Yeees this show just keeps getting better and better!!


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I guess SSK suits rom-com genre. though her face expression remains the same (LoL) this drama is still enjoyable.


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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in the comments for eps 1 & 2, but there's a discrepancy I would like to highlight.
The barcode murderer's pattern is to kidnap his victims and them strangle them to death, then leave them at a place where they can be found. However, Cho-rim's parents were strangled at their home. They were not missing cos she came home expecting them to be at home. Then their bodies appeared at the beach. Can someone enlighten me?


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I think it was mentioned somewhere that maybe Chorim's parents were just unconscious when she came home and not dead yet. Maybe the killer's plan was to knock the parents unconscious then lock them up in a room like Mari for a couple of days before killing them.


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They parents were never shown strangled during that time...maybe they were just being unconcsious by the time chorim arrived home and the murderer are still on his works..they were known to went missing for seven days too since the police try to search for chorim guardian and found them at the beach...they were killed on the sixth day they went missing...thats why chorim as the witness is very important since she's the only one survive to know the murderer's doing..


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I think..the moment Chorim back from school..the parents still alive..maybe just unconcious..after the killar see Chorim been hit by the car, he come back to their home and bring back the parents..maybe lock them in the white room like Mari..after the 6th day he kill them and on 7th day left them near the beach to let police discover them..my guess..


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The scene that i like..
-when chorim tried to give wasabi sushi and ends up eating it...haha..look at mugak reaction...
-when mugak try to converse with detective tak in the car...the way he says your nephew are born to be general and it ends up to be a niece...hahahahahaha...
-mugak sweet smile after forgiving chorim...
-and awwww~~he is hurt when chorim gets angry with him and the way he ignore her but still catching up on whats she's doing is adorable...
-elena vashilivnavishova...asdfghjllk..such a tongue twister...lol


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This is surprisingly entertaining so far especially the serial murder theme that is having us all guessing if it is the doctor or the chef. I also find SSK performance marginally better than her previous dramas but still pretty one dimensional. At this point the show has not required her to bring on diverse emotions and acting range. Let's see what she can do as the plot thickens.


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plot twist: it's a love triangle n dr chun and moo gak falls in love with cho rim.

mr chef kills people.


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Shouldn't Cho-rim have been able to see which sushi had the wasabi I mean she sees smells that's her thing. Or were they using special odorless wasabi and the drama just didn't feel like telling us.

"He’s actually a much better detective than he originally seemed — that or maybe it’s Cho-rim’s influence that’s making him better than he was alone."

The first thing we saw him do as a detective was to fall asleep in the middle of a fight, it's not exactly hard to go up from that.


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oh whoops, that wasn't supposed to be a reply. Times like this I wish we had an edit button.


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Each piece of nigiri will come with wasabi included if it's a good sushi place? The rice to fish ratio shown was good
So one just had extra added wasabi ?


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LOL good point, she should've seen the wasabi scent.


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About Cho rim not noticing the wasabi scent, maybe she's too focused on seeing Mu gak's expression when he eats the sushi? I read comments somewhere that she used to see all scents around her, but now somehow she can control what she sees.


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I think it's because, just as the other comments, she's now able to isolate scents from the other, and select which ones she focus on. In the case of the wasabi, I guess she just didn't see the need to focus on that. Just like pastmidnite said, she must have been focused on Mu-gak's reaction. I think we're taking this seeing scents quite more than it should be. Hehe.


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Yeah, I think we are! Lol But it's fun! :-D



I like this plot twist. I can't even spell poor Elena's surname, but yeah, she must be the killer because her name keeps popping up and she calls her police boyfriend at inopportune times LOLOL!


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"though if Baek-kyung starts constantly asking after everyone’s health, I’ll retract this statement"

I just choked on my drink!


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LOL! the fact that you choked... sorry... no laughing matter. Hope you did not spill your drink!!! :)


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Not even one of main the leads has decent acting, cringe-worthy at best seriously. gezz...


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I wonder if we watch the same series...o.O


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I'm LOL about this too!!! Ah well, to each his/her own. :D


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I doubt so. Well, is jealousy a disease? If so, I think she's just unwell, poor thing, lol


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I need names, one actor and one actress whom you think can act better and can fit into the respective roles of CMG and OCR better than these two. Why so sour???


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@amy dear, you can save yourself the frustration by not watching if you find their acting cringeworthy. I can see that you are trying desperately to poop in this thread. Btw, I'm well prepared with sunglasses and yellow clothes peg to handle unwanted smells.


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LOL! It's too obvious, isn't it? I just can't...
Btw, do you have extras to spare? I mean sunglasses and them yellow clothes peg lol


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Yup. I can exchange them for some ice blue crystals. Must warn you though - those sunglasses are fakes. : p


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Aww~ thank you, that's very kind of you.


Lol and then why are u bother to comment? Haters? Duh, pls get a life.


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Thanks for the recap, LolliPip.

Trying to figure who's dunnit is fun, but my poor brain. Instead of trying to figure who's the husband, many of us are trying to find out who's the killer, the doctor or the chef...or someone else? And I love the fact that lots of us are as intrigued by the murder mysteries as we are by the romance. While spazzing about our adorable MurRim is fun, getting our brains engaged is just as fun as well.

My one quibble with ep.4 is the copycat murder. It's not really essential to the main plot, but rather feel more like a filler segment. I am ok with it--just as long as we can avoid the draggy middle episodes.


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Right, looks like.

I hope when Mugak get access to the investigation files, he'll have a chance to check whether or not the barcode cuts are actual usable barcodes. Remember in episode 2, he did ask the question but before he gets his answer, he was kicked out from the room, lol, poor Mugak.


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"While spazzing about our adorable MuRim is fun, getting our brains engaged is just as fun as well."

Totally. I really like how they maintain the balance in this show. I can't speak for others here, but for me, one minute I'm all aww~ cute! the next minute, I'm yikes! creepy, who's the killer? and I'll be busy looking at everyone because we can't only focus on the obvious, right? and then there are the LOL moments and ...... before I know it, the episode ends.

I think this is the first Korean Drama that had me hooked like from the very 1st episode lol. I love you show, please stay good.


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about the bar codes:
if it is some sort of product, then either all those people were connected through it or .... is it something that involved illegal testing?

Is it a drug?
perhaps Cho Rim seeing scents is the result of testing that drug? did the doctor do the testing? no, wait, but then why did people die before...

def the bar code points as selling / buying something. or just the value / identity of something.

help me along here


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Hmmm barcodes...

OK they are used to help in identifying things and hold information in a small area that might otherwise take up too much space.

On a person, this would only be helpful if they can be read by a barcode reader and would be best tattooed on or drawn on rather than cut into the skin, I imagine.

The barcodes are put on the wrist close to the time the person is found dead... so if the person's body is cremated, etc, then all there would be would be a photo and not the subject itself, so to have the barcode on the person seems to defeat the purpose of holding info about the person.

It might just hold info temporarily, maybe about something else and the killing is to draw attention to that info.

If the dead persons are test subjects, then the tests failed.... and maybe the barcode says how or why?

On the other hand, it could just be a signature left by the killer as if the killing is his work of art that he wants to sign.

On Cho Rim as test subject, being unconscious and having something done to her is a possibility. At the same time, Moo Gak was unconscious for 10 days and lost his senses... was this a reverse test done on him as another test subject? There is a parallel of senses deprivation or modification not too many months apart.

Moo Gak would have been the earlier test subject though, since it was 1 month after his sister died that he fainted and revived after 10days, whereas Cho Rim was out cold for 193 days.

So they were the test subjects that did not fail??? So they did not get 'barcoded"??? Fun guesswork!


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that's a great thought. we mustn't forget to find a reason behind their suddenly acquired abilities. i'm sure they are there for a reason!


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One thing though, from my understanding, the victims are found seven days after being missing, strangled.
Are they being strangled on Day 1, and maybe tested on etc., before being thrown aside on Day 7?
Or are they being caught and tested on, and should they fail, then strangled and cast aside on Day 7?

For Cho Rim's parents, they were already lying on the ground on Day 1 when Cho Rim found them. They were subsequently against the rock on Day 7. I'm wondering if they were strangled on Day 1, or simply knocked out.
For Ma Ri, on the other hand, we were lucky to be given glimpses of her in that white room while she was reported missing. That clearly shows that she was prob strangled on Day 7. That white room does look like the perfect setting for 'testing'


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@ Chloe
Thanks for adding your thoughts.

Since the dead bodies were freshly killed, the pattern was that they were taken (went missing) and kept alive somewhere for 6 days. They might have been kept unconscious or conscious (we see the different egs from Cho Rim's parents and from Ma Ri). They might have been tested on... somewhere along the line, the barcodes were cut then they were killed (either strangled or as in Ma Ri's case, suffocated) and left to be found in some public spot.

Yes that white room was chillingly lab like. There were cctvs everywhere... a mad scientist was observing the test subject(s) and recording findings? If that is the case, then all the subjects/victims should have been awake and aware that they were kidnapped, to have a degree of consistency. So maybe even Cho Rim's parents were awakened in that room.

Lieut Yeom also informed that all the victims were of different ages... so if it was an experiment... there was the need to have an age variable for comparison?

And another constant was that it happened once a year... at the same time, maybe? Or was the timing/date to commemorate some event in the warped mind of the killer?


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omg that makes sense if they were unconscious, then abducted, tested and then killed.... holy shit it could be, but the show no doubt will confuse me about that once again. but it is a plausible theory.

or... maybe the bar code is for a book where you can find the answer?


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and if we stray into totally sci fi territory then if that room is in chefs´basement... and the dog barked. dogs get exited at other dogs. and Cho Rim has a dog nose. no, that is too crazy. rewind.

or perhaps the bar code is the info ABOUT the test and the subject? like a log?


thats another gd thought! that the white room could be in the chef's basement.
oh how i wish Cho Rim had focused on that bloody door and seen some scents


oh yes...it happens yearly. almost forgot about that! i think that would make a lab test less likely since there's no major reason to have it done yearly. results would take forever too. and once the test is done after 7 days, it makes more sense to continue with another test subject rather than wait a whole year.


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or perhaps the bar code holds some other form of information? it is either numbers like there are in the real bar code, or maybe text? maybe it all reads together as something? would the killer be that smart?


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That's also an interesting take on it... maybe if only the barcodes can be read (let's say they can as it's kdrama afterall), then taken together, all the victims are carrying a message in strings of numbers/alphabets/words etc.

If only Yeom checks what MG questioned about the first time ie "Do the barcodes work?" might we get more of an answer.


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Barcode is just one way to write numbers (there are different encoding standards, but ...). All you have to do is copy the pattern and then decode it.

It's very strange that the police reacted like Yeom was crazy when she suggested that they should decode the barcodes.


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In actual fact, that should have been decoded is the most obvious step in such an investigation. Murderers leaving messages or clues are based on fact. Not even trying is a grave oversight.


@Growingbeautifully: so true. now thinking about it, in CSI if there is a message that is Clue no. 1!!!!


Just like what dear Sherlock said, the brilliant ones are always desperate to get caught. The barcodes are like a cry for attention.


Interesting discussion on barcodes! I also found it strange that those police haven't tried scanning those barcodes. It's gotta be a vital clue. Don't serial killers like to leave signatures or clues, and the more clever their clues are, the more satisfied they get? Or am I watching too much CSI or some sorts? :-D

And hi @GB! Nice reading you here :-D


Hi @pastmidnite, very glad to read you here too!! We're having a fun time conjecturing all kinds of things about the murders and barcodes. It's going to be fun to see how right or wrong we are!!! LOL!


i'm thinking that the barcodes almost definitely 'work' and can be scanned to mean something. why else would they have Mu Gak pose that question and get laughed off? clearly it's to let him have an 'I told you so' moment when it is revealed to be true.


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Aah... then we must remember to look out for this! I still feel that it would have been more effective to have used indelible ink to make the barcodes.. easier to read than with bloody wounds (ugh!). The message they contain is what we want to know. :)


@Growingbeautifully: I have noticed murderers are sort of into the retro stuff. they are not very high-tech

but on the other hand, maybe the carving itself is a message somehow...

seriously I am tempted to sneak through the screen into the drama and set up an amateur- forensic lab with you guys and check all the things they seem to have overlooked


Heh! Heh! dead bodies will kind of freak me out, but I'd like to examine that room in Chef's house. Maybe get some good wine from the cellar? :D



Very interesting theory! I think I just became more excited to see the show til the end because of your theory!

But what are the chances that they can pull off that twist? I don't want to expect too much but at the same time, I want my jaw to drop in awe and shock later when the twist is revealed...


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omo....his smile make my heart even more in fire lol.
IMO this murder case look too obvious. The shady gestures of Det. Tak make me questions him more.
I love the pace so far. The last scene are so well executed. I don't think Lt. Yeom start develop feeling for MG, like others noted she just feel fond towards him. But, this scene (hopefully) will make OCR more conscious about her feeling to MG.
Love this drama. I need a good one after KMHM ends.


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Lol! Last time I saw Song Jong Ho, we played the Who's the baby daddy game. Now we're playing the Who's the killer game? Is he still a red herring?

On another note~I'm enjoying this drama so much. I don't know why I started watching but I'm glad I did.


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I seem to only link Song Jong Ho with ominous situations or fear-inducing characters... must be the association with his role in The Suspicious Housekeeper, and the way he stares at his object/victim, with that smirk-like curve of lip. So much threat in his look!

He has all the ingredients to either be the culprit, or to be a very good red herring. Anyway, I find his character unnerving. :)


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the dog kept barking at the cellar door and im am very very curious as to what the chef is hiding. and in this episode the camera works really made viewers suspicious about the chef.

actually when i read about nam goong min's character, i just can't seem to fit him in in this story, along with the other characters. it seems odd to suddenly have a star chef as one of the few main characters.

if the chef was the killer, he would have recognised cho rim right away. but instead, the writers are showing the doctor as the one that recognises cho rim, leading us to think that the doctor could be the murderer in the first 2 episodes.

deep inside, i have a feeling the doctor is a good person but i have no evidence to back this gut feeling up.


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The actor who plays the creepy doctor seems to always play bad guys, so it would be quite the twist to *not* make him the killer


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How did creepy doctor get her old xray scan?? You’re not the whacko killer right,handsome doc?


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I had this crazy idea that if Mu Gak referred to her as a dog then perhaps in the hospital where she was in coma there ... something...dogs...hat is too sci fi and Pavlov to ven put in words. maby she has part of a dogs´ memory?or ... something...


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scrape that what a crazy idea.
what the hell am I suggesting.

this show is the Crazy theories show I swear. we´ll all become mad scientist / detectives that rate..... MAD DOGS! ha


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LOL! shall I phrase that crazy idea into crazy words?

The mad scientist was distilling the essence of doggy odor detecting patches and applying it to individuals and/or removing human odor detecting patches from others (like Moo Gak???) as an experiment to make people smell as keenly as dogs. Why? I have absolutely no idea!!! LOL!

The dog motif does appear repeatedly.. CR says she's better than a dog, there was a dog who found Ma Ri's wallet, Ma Ri also owned a dog, latter dog is now very desperate to enter a room in Chef's house.... the question many of us are asking is ... is that THE room where Ma Ri was kept? Does her pet smell something of hers inside or other worse things!!! (shudder) :D


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OR...the dog just smelled sausages or other meat products behind that door LOL I don't know, it just seems too obvious if the chef is the killer, and he hides things related to his "activity" in a room so accessible to anyone (even if it's locked), then where will the story go from here? We're only in early episodes. This is probably a red herring. They're both (doc & chef) are not the killers. And I'll probably change my mind in the next episodes lol


That's the fun of this, we can keep changing our minds, but our writer had better be consistent, or we'll be upset!! LOL!


I must say yoochun & shin se kyung is improving and so far I'm enjoying. Mostly likely Doctor is the barcode killer, pretty sure he can cut some trademark barcode with his scalpel. Chef is just chef ? lol.


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At this point I suspect them both. Did you see how the chef cut veggies? I'm usually impressed but it felt creepy.


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I haven't watched a show in a long while so I'm glad I decided to tune in for this one.

I think the killer is the Dr. or maybe its a weird Kiss the Girls team like killers and it's both the Dr and the Chef. We need those diaries to figure it all out. How she felt about Chef and wether or not he was really her BF or just a weirdo who believed he was.

One thing I don't understand is the comedy bits. Can someone explain, thanks.

Thanks for the recaps LollyPip!


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@ Noelle
The comedy troupe ... is I think what you are asking about?

You know how we viewers say that in some shows the leading lady does not seem to have much of a life or do much to gain our respect? ... Well, this story has Cho Rim nursing a dream to be a comedienne, albeit at the moment she sucks at it. But it's because she needs to prove herself in comedy that she decides to team up with Moo Gak who happens to be a natural at comedy. And so the give and take between them is more balanced out, ie there is no Candy role here... it's not only she who is helping him solve the murders, but he is contributing to her dreams as well. Quite a nice balance, I feel and better than once-sided relationships or romances.

Why I feel this couple is just meant to be is the way they complement each other in several ways.

1) In the comedy aspect - where now, it seems she cannot stay on in her troup unless she can do a successful skit with Moo Gak.

2) In her being the 'scent-seeing-nose' of Moo Gak LOL!!! who cannot smell/taste.

3) In the whacky contradictions-parallels between them.... he deadpans/she is full of expression, I mentioned before he can slip into cars unseen/she slips out of the taxi unseen, she cooks/he eats ... :D

Anyway it's nice to have another leading lady who is spirited and can hold her own, is persistent in shooting for her goals - no matter how unsuitable, is not afraid of being snubbed and rises above being mocked as a literal green-eyed monster to use her abilities to help (find the dog for eg.) others...

So that's why we have that comedy troupe, I think!!! :)


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip

My first comment here... Hello blogers
Lets start with : I dont know why people dont like leading actress acting, I find it good enough for this role, but then again, I am not a pro in acting bussiness, so who am I to judge? Maybe those who judge her acting are pro's ... Well, I'll just ignore them...Right?

As for murder mistery... Chef is suspicious indeed, but, he is too pasive ..Maybe there are two killers,and maybe he is one of them,,just not the dominent one? That is my guess so far


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i havent seen many people dislike her acting in this show!


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Well , I've read on some other sites comments about her acting( while reading comments about this show) , and I just couldn't understand since I find her acting in this show good enough for now.. I mean, i know there are some who dont like her out there, and they judge her in general - not taking into account that she is improving...even when she is doing something good.
It wasn't my intention to offend anyone, no need for exclamation point :)


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for example
H**** • an hour ago
"I just cant watch SSK's dramas. Her acting is so awkward and cringe-worthy. And now it seems like she's trying way too hard in this drama which makes it seem even more awkward to me."


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LollyPip, thank you for recapping this show. I watched all 4 eps last weekend and enjoyed it very much.


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"Cho-rim says with regret that she said it without thinking, and apologizes. Mu-gak softens and accepts her apology, and there’s that almost-smile again. As he leaves, he says he can’t practice their skit tomorrow, and Cho-rim does a little happy dance that he still plans to help her."

One of my fave scenes in this episode. Mugak is like, oh so you want to apologize? Make it a longer one then, poor Chorim, but who ask you to smack him hard on the face, not once but twice, hahaha. Mugak is actually quite naughty and the smirk as he walked off, naughty naughty..


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@ neutral
About that smirk,... yes... some of us noticed it and I commented under Comment 21 that his first longer smile/smirk was actually with Cho Rim and not with Yeom. It's just that Cho Rim did not see that smirk, when he pretended he had been angry, while all along he had planned to help her out. It was a smile of knowing that he had successfully tricked her, and gotten her to apologise and of wanting to do right by her. I liked that smile!!! ")


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"She’s sideswiped as a man runs past, knocking her over, and Cho-rim fangirls when she sees it’s the famous chef Jae-hee."
This can't be coincidence! Chorim stay away from this handsome! lol


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