Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 8

It’s not the most smoothly executed show, but I like that the story gains some momentum today, with a major development in our conspiracy-to-uncover-the-conspiracy plot that actually ties everyone together rather nicely. By which I mean torturously, with many lives on the line. Do you think if I started a drinking game for whenever Yang-sun is in trouble and needs to be saved, we’d all be happier, or end up in the hospital?


Yook Sung-jae – “또 사랑하고 만다” (I Fall in Love Again) for the Scholar Who Walks the Night OST [ Download ]

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After getting the brush-off from Sung-yeol yet again, Yang-sun asks to know his true feelings—was protecting himself the only reason he’s sending her away to Tamra? He pulls her close and leers at her with a little smirk, declaring that he won’t turn her away tonight if she really wants to find out.

She gasps, taken aback by his sudden change in behavior. He leans in to kiss her, and for the first time, she turns away from him.

He persists, turning her face to his before leaning closer, and this time she shoves him away, looking scared. It’s exactly what he wanted, and he asks with a sneer, “Did you expect more? Did you believe that I loved you?”

Yang-sun says with tears brimming in her eyes that he needn’t say such harsh things—she gets the message, loud and clear. She says it was a first for her, to feel so bad about not being more helpful, to feel so pathetic because she couldn’t do more. She holds out the pouches of medicine she brought for him.

He looks stricken to see her sincerity after treating her so badly, but steels himself and looks away, averting her eyes until she walks away. She tells herself repeatedly not to cry even while tears are spilling down her face, and eventually bursts into tears in the middle of the street.

Dad paces around the neighborhood nervously, anxious for Yang-sun to get home after seeing her with Sung-yeol. He flashes back to the night that Gwi killed Prince Sadong and his trusted advisor: Little Jin crawls out from his hiding place to cry over his father’s body, when suddenly his father’s eyes dart open and he lunges at his son baring fangs.

Jin bumps his head in the fall, and his father bites down on his shoulder. Yang-sun’s shoulder scar! So has she really been masquerading as a boy her whole life?

Someone flings him off of his child just in time… it’s Sung-yeol, who bares his own fangs and knocks him down to the ground with one blow. He asks for Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary, but the man is too far gone to give an answer. Sung-yeol reaches for his hawthorn dagger and stabs him in the chest, and (Yang-sun’s present-day) Dad witnesses all of it while clutching the diary to his chest.

Dad pitches a fit when Yang-sun finally comes home and confirms with her that Sung-yeol is the scholar she’s been helping all this time. He declares that the family is packing up and leaving right this instant. Mom doesn’t move a muscle, knowing they have nowhere to go in the middle of the night, while Yang-sun pleads forgiveness.

The one-armed merchant asks Sung-yeol to send him back (does he mean back to being Yoon’s prisoner?), while Yoon has his men search everywhere for One Arm, to no avail.

Hye-ryung tells Gwi that she’s made contact with Sung-yeol and he now knows that she’s the prime minister’s daughter. Gwi says that Sung-yeol won’t be able to shake the thought that she’s his beloved Myung-hee, no matter how much his head tells him otherwise.

Gwi caresses her face and says that he’s often shocked that she looks so much like Myung-hee, and knows that Sung-yeol would never forget the woman who gave up her life to save him.

Hye-ryung stops him before he gets too close to her neck and says through gritted teeth that she trusts he’ll keep his promise to her. She agrees to lure Sung-yeol, and Gwi promises that she will become the next princess.

One Arm goes back to Yoon on his own, and reports that he has no idea where Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary is. But he finally speaks up about his part in Sadong’s conspiracy, and names Noh Chang-sun, head of the royal office of special advisors, as the man who was behind the false charges that Sadong was a traitor.

He gives Yoon the document in Noh Chang-sun’s handwriting that proves it, and Yoon prepares to move forward. One Arm flashes back to the moment he begged Sung-yeol on his knees to be allowed to restore Sadong’s name before dying. Sung-yeol was moved by his tears and let him go, as long as he promised not to say anything about Sung-yeol’s identity.

Another cart of dead bodies is brought up from Gwi’s lair to be burned, only when uncovered, they turn out to be soldiers’ uniforms stuffed with straw. And in his library, Sung-yeol stands over the growing pile of dead bodies that he’s been collecting from the palace. As evidence of Gwi’s existence? It’s something like that, right, because if you say leftovers, I’m gonna lose my lunch.

In the morning, townspeople discover a cart full of dead bodies out in the open for anyone to see, all with puncture marks on their necks. People shout that it’s a vampire, and Yang-sun’s dad catches a glimpse of the bodies before officers arrive to take them away.

Yoon’s men move out with new flyers to distribute, and Sung-yeol sneaks into their safe house to find out what Eumlan Seosaeng will say to the people. In the new flyer, Yoon reveals his true identity as the prince and as Eumlan Seosaeng, and declares that he will fight Gwi head-on.

Sung-yeol’s people ask why he’s saved one last body—the king’s consort—instead of putting her out in the town with the others, and he shares his plan to wake her up as a vampire and release her into the streets.

He wants to time it with Yoon’s reveal, so that people will be forced to believe him. Once that’s done, Sung-yeol will reveal himself to Yoon so that he knows they’re on the same side. Gee, how many ways could this plan go awry?

The prime minister warns Gwi that people are starting to talk about all of the dead bodies, but Gwi doesn’t seem ruffled by it in the least, and says he’ll simply kill every last person who speaks of vampires, including the king and the prince.

Gwi shows the prime minister a sketch of Sung-yeol (aww, are you pining so hard that you’re drawing portraits of him now?) and says that if he can capture this man, Gwi will make him the next king.

The king looks over the dead bodies that were collected from the town and muses that whoever did this is as formidable as Gwi said—now people believe Eumlan Seosaeng’s words to be true. His advisor (the traitor, Noh Chang-sun) worries that the loss of lives will escalate unless Eumlan Seosaeng is found.

Yoon goes to visit his mother, who lives at a temple and refuses to step foot inside the palace. He says that he stayed away in the hopes that she’d return, but she plans to live out her remaining days here, and only asks him to promise not to make her mourn her son after mourning her husband.

She invites a friend to join them, and in walks Hye-ryung. Mom introduces her as a kind young woman who visits her regularly and listens to her, and dotes on her like a daughter. Yoon recognizes her from their run-in in the street, and thanks her for being a friend to his mother. Guess she really is angling to become his wife.

Yang-sun’s little sister Dam sees unni flipping through her Night Scholar novel wistfully, and apologizes that they’re going all the way to Tamra just because of her health. Yang-sun smiles and says she’s thinking of rewriting the book, all about the lustful night scholar’s secret private life.

She retells their story in a romantic light, which isn’t actually all that far from the truth, not that she knows it. He’s drunk on her scent from the moment they meet, taken with her and always finding ways to be around her, until one day he confesses and tells her that she’s pretty.

Dam is lost in the story and prods, “Pretty where? Pretty where, eyes, nose, lips?” Yang-sun deflates to remember his answer—that her heart was pretty—and gives up on the story, thinking the original idea better.

She forces back tears, while Dam insists that the story is good and asks for more. Yang-sun says it’s no fun: “It’s a dream that you forget as soon as you wake.”

Dad heads to the temple late that night with Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary and Jin’s half of Sadong’s brush case, and pays his respects to Jin’s parents. He lays the items out and asks what he’s supposed to do with them, not sure if he can handle the burden.

Sung-yeol reads over Eumlam Seosaeng’s flyer and gets ready to head out, when suddenly the candle that Yang-sun gave him starts to crack, giving him an ominous feeling. Lol, really, this is how we’re getting our portents now?

Yoon’s men are hiding in plain sight in the marketplace, ready with stacks of flyers and waiting for their cue. Sung-yeol’s team sets up shop nearby, with Ho-jin posing as a shoe vendor while sitting atop a coffin as a chair. He asks nervously if the vampire will suddenly rise under him, but Sung-yeol assures him that she’ll remain a corpse until he feeds her his blood.

Yang-sun realizes at the last second that she forgot to pack the shoes that Sung-yeol gave her, and begs to go back home to find them. Mom refuses, but Dad tells to lead the way and goes with her.

Yoon’s trusted friend Hak-young begs him one last time to let him be Eumlan Seosaeng in front of the people. Yoon admits that he’s afraid of death too, but like Prince Jeonghyeon and his father before him, he knows that no one else can take his place.

He asks Hak-young to make sure that One Arm is brought safely to him to be a witness, but as soon as he says the words, the men escorting One Arm are surrounded by men with swords.

A gust of wind blows through the palace, and Yoon can feel someone’s presence. Sung-yeol’s voice rings out from behind the throne, informing Yoon of his plan to raise the king’s consort from the dead as a vampire in front of the people, so that they’ll believe Yoon’s words.

Yoon approaches the throne slowly and asks if he’s the one who freed the scholars and exposed the dead bodies, and asks why he’s helping him. Sung-yeol says that he’s searching for Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary to kill Gwi too, and says that he’ll reveal himself in due time, once Yoon trusts that they’re on the same side.

Yoon says that he’d rather find out first and then decide whether or not to trust him, and inches closer and closer… He gets right in front of the throne, when suddenly the king is announced.

In the marketplace, royal guards surround the area and kill or capture all of Eumlan Seosaeng’s men before they have a chance to distribute their flyers. Drat, I knew their plan seemed too easy.

Yoon sees his bodyguard standing behind the king and realizes that he’s been betrayed. The king says that he has good news—he’s been able to capture Eumlan Seosaeng and all of his men. Yoon’s face goes white, and the king says, “And their leader is…”

In the woods, One Arm gets stabbed and looks badly injured, but manages to run away. Yang-sun finds her leather shoes at home and puts them on, and she promises to make money and buy Dad a pair. They turn to go rejoin their family, when One Arm stumbles after them calling for Dad, and collapses in their arms in a bloody heap.

Back at the palace, the king says, “Eumlan Seosaeng is… the bookseller Jo Yang-sun.” Omo. What. Both Yoon and Sung-yeol are shocked to hear Yang-sun’s name, while the king continues and says that Yoon will get all the credit for arresting Yang-sun. Augh, the king is knowingly selling Yang-sun down the river to protect Yoon. Auuuugh.

One Arm struggles to stay alive and reaches into his pocket to take out the evidence that Sadong was framed, and puts it in Yang-sun’s hand. He says that it has to be delivered to the prince, and tells Dad that he tried not to drag him into this, and that he’s sorry.

He coughs up more blood and says with his last breath that Sadong’s name must be cleared, and that the prince is Eumlan Seosaeng and will know what to do.

They don’t even have the chance to process that information before their house is flooded with guards, who find the letter in Yang-sun’s hand and arrest her as Eumlan Seosaeng. Craaaaap.

Dad is arrested too, and a search uncovers stacks and stacks of illegal books and flyers by Eumlan Seosaeng. Double crap.

Sung-yeol runs over looking for Yang-sun, and Dam recognizes him right away as the night scholar. He’s too late to save her from being arrested, and tells Su-hyang to hold the boat to Tamra so that he can rescue Yang-sun and her father and put them on the boat tonight.

Yoon is blocked from leaving his palace by royal guards, on the king’s orders. He asks for his friend Hak-young to be brought here then, but the guard tells him that Hak-young has been arrested as a conspirator too. This day just gets worse and worse…

Yang-sun and Dad get thrown in prison, and Yang-sun asks why she’s being called Eumlan Seosaeng, and what it has to do with the prince. Dad tells her to keep quiet about the prince being Eumlan Seosaeng no matter what, because they’ll die the second they utter the truth.

Sung-yeol wastes no time attacking the guards and busts the lock on Yang-sun’s cell with one strike of the hand. She’s startled to see him, but it’s Dad who shrieks in fear. Gack, Dad, keep it down! He’s here to save you!

Dad pleads with Sung-yeol to let them live, shouting over and over for someone to save them. Sung-yeol is surprised at the reaction and asks if Dad knows him, and Yang-sun says that her father was Sadong’s private bookseller ten years ago. Dad told her to stay away from Sung-yeol, but she doesn’t know why.

The king and his guards are approaching, and Dad is delirious with fear. Sung-yeol has no choice but to come back another time, and leaves them behind for now.

Sung-yeol alerts Mom and Dam about the arrest, and says that there’s a way to rescue them. He asks if they’ve ever seen Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary, and Mom says that she’s seen her husband with a secret book. She copies the characters written on the cover, confirming that it’s the diary he’s been searching for.

Mom begs him to take it and save her husband and child, and Sung-yeol agrees. But when they go through their belongings, they can’t find the book. Then things go from bad to worse when Ho-jin runs in and says that all of the prisoners who have been arrested just up and vanished. Uh-oh.

Sung-yeol finds Yang-sun’s cell empty when he returns, but then discovers her shoe in the courtyard. What is she, Cinderella the Inmate now?

He listens in as Gwi interrogates the king and demands to know where the prisoners have been taken. The king says that the other vampire has shown up, so he moved the prisoners to keep them from being rescued. He promises to have confessions in two days, and when Gwi isn’t convinced, the king puts Yoon’s life on the line as payment if he doesn’t come through.

Sung-yeol realizes that the king is doing this to protect Yoon, but that’s bad news for Yang-sun, because he’ll stop at nothing to make sure she takes the fall for being Eumlan Seosaeng.

Yang-sun and Dad are relocated to a scary torture shed in the middle of nowhere, and Yang-sun asks why he reacted that way with Sung-yeol. She says that Sung-yeol came to rescue them, but Dad gasps, “Save people? When he killed… He eats…”

He stops short of saying it, and then the guards return with Hak-young and a fellow conspirator in tow. Yang-sun recognizes Hak-young and looks up at him in surprise.

Their interrogation begins, led by the king’s traitorous advisor. Yang-sun says that she did copy and sell Eumlan Seosaeng’s books, but she knows nothing of the flyers, and Dad cries that they know nothing of the document that One Arm left behind either. They’re ordered to be beaten until they confess.

Sung-yeol runs through the entire city looking for Yang-sun, and takes whiffs of her scent from her clothing to try and find her. But the king really must’ve found a place where even a vampire can’t find them, because he can’t seem to get a lead anywhere.

He returns home, where Yang-sun’s Mom runs in to say that she remembers seeing her husband take the diary with him when he went to the temple the other night. Sung-yeol goes there and is surprised to see that the memorial rites were for Jin’s father, Sadong’s advisor. He remembers staking the man after he’d become a vampire ten years ago, and wonders how they’re all connected.

The torture interrogation continues, with Yang-sun insisting that she isn’t Eumlan Seosaeng and looking to her father for permission to defend herself. Finally Hak-young shouts that they shouldn’t be the ones facing charges: “It should be the king and the Norons who got drunk on power and sacrificed the people to a vampire! It should be the one who sacrificed my father to a vampire, my grandfather!”

Oh geez, the king’s traitorous advisor is your grandfather? Grandfather averts his gaze and continues with the torture, and orders them all stripped down and branded with hot irons.

Yang-sun’s eyes widen in alarm, and Dad cries for his child to be saved. Hak-young looks over at her and makes a decision, and shouts, “I am Eumlan Seosaeng!” *gasp*

But Grandfather steamrolls right over his confession and orders Yang-sun stripped down, until finally Dad screams, “A girl! My child is a girl! Please let her live!”

Yoon pleads Yang-sun’s innocence before the king, and confesses that he’s Eumlan Seosaeng. But the king already knows that, and tells him to shut his mouth or he’ll throw him in a well just like his father. Yeesh.

Yoon looks almost pleased to hear his grandfather admit the truth, and suggests that he’ll be offered up to Gwi just like his father was. The king says that he lost his son but has protected his grandson, and names the countless times he’s stopped Yoon from being caught as a traitor.

He realizes that the king has known the truth about his double life as Eumlan Seosaeng for a long time, and the king says he was giving him the chance to prove that he could fight Gwi. But he finds Yoon just as naïve as Sadong was.

News is delivered to the king that Yang-sun is a woman masquerading as a man, and Yoon’s eyes fill with tears as he overhears the report. The king declares that she’s broken the law, even if she isn’t Eumlan Seosaeng, and will be punished.

Yang-sun and her father are locked up again, and Sung-yeol tells his people that he’s not going to rescue her. Say what, now? Even Su-hyang is alarmed, and reminds him that the king will make his verdict in a day, and Sung-yeol says he knows: “I’m going to use Yang-sun’s life as collateral to make a deal with her father.”


Damn, that’s cold. I know that means he’s still going to save her in the end, but you can’t just leave her there to be tortured for another twenty-four hours! Also, what’s the point of saying all that when you technically still don’t know where they are, and couldn’t bust in to save them right now anyway? Kinda moot, no? I know that retrieving that goddamn diary is really important, but I don’t like how it’s coming before lives and Yang-sun’s well-being. Especially after that assy bridge conversation, where Sung-yeol decided he had to be extra jerky just to drive her away. We know; it’s for her own good; you’re noble; she’s innocent; you’re a beast that doesn’t deserve love; blah blah.

And honestly, that conflict is largely what makes the romance compelling to begin with, so it’s not that I dislike the core dynamic of the angsty romance. But I’d like to see Sung-yeol being a little more creative when it comes to Yang-sun, because it’s not like she’s demanding that he marry her. She hardly thinks she matters to him at all, so there are kinder ways to make sure she gets on that boat to Tamra without treating her like a gisaeng that he picked up for the night. Why is there no middle ground with you? Hot and cold heroes are a dime a dozen in dramaland, but Sung-yeol really takes the cake, on both ends of the spectrum. Is it any wonder that she doesn’t believe you’re real when you’re being nice to her?

Frankly, I’m mad at both Yoon and Sung-yeol right now, and found that Hak-young was the only hero of the day. Who needs emotionally closed-off vampires when a guy is giving up his life to take the fall and protect you (and his best friend) all in one swoop? Sadly it didn’t take, drat his evil grandfather. It’s no wonder he and Yoon are such good friends—they have equally messed up patrilineal baggage to bond over. And now that it’s pretty clear (though unconfirmed) that Yang-sun and Jin are probably the same person, she can be a part of their club too, since all three of their fathers were best friends who died for the same purpose. It’s a little too coincidental in her case that she ended up here by chance, whereas the two boys are purposely avenging their fathers’ deaths, but I like the idea of the three of them banding together as friends, since they already share the same ideology and hope for the nation. Plus, I just like the three of them.

So, if Yang-sun is Jin, it introduces a new complication in the romance (as if we really needed another), because Present-Day Dad thinks that Sung-yeol killed her biological father. We at least know he was already a vampire at the time, but I doubt that Sung-yeol will feel less guilty about it anyway. I find the past connection to be unnecessary (as I do most we-were-first-loves-don’t-you-know tropes), though I suppose in their case it’s fitting that he’s been saving her since childhood, since that’s become his new day job. I feel like the various story threads are finally starting to coalesce into something substantive, and yes, putting Yang-sun in danger always helps keep the tension high. But I really want to start seeing more from her as a heroine, to take more of an active role in shaping events rather than getting swept up by others’ actions without ever know what’s going on. Putting her front and center in the conspiracy puts her in a great position (er, storywise, not so much the torture) to learn the truth and do something about it, and it’s high time that she become an active participant, eyes wide open. I think the torture earns her that much.


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On tonight's Episode of We Got Married to a Vampire Idol at Night, Mukadil decides that he likes So Eun after she dances to AOA's Like a Cat. Our Lord and Savior Song Jae Rim watches from above and decrees that he totally does not ship this and with LTE speed whisks her to safety.


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All hail Song Jae Rim!


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oohhh... Song Jae Rim wont ship them, but I will ...he he


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Bless your soul.

There is a place for you in the Kingdom of Rim.


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meanwhile, Satto decides to be a jerk to Yubi-chingu but she ends up being kidnapped and outed anyway......bet she's thinking of how much easier it was to date Woobin-chingu, who was nice to her and did not cause her to have her hood forcibly removed by sasaeng fans bent on seeing what her face looked like.


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All the actors seem to be working really hard with the little they are given... This drama's trajectory is starting to remind me of the drama with Jung Ilwoo and Yunho, I can't remember the name because my brain has decided to permantely block that drama


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Are you talking about journal of a night watchman? Because I'm getting those vibes too.


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I couldn't think of the name of the drama but YES! I know what you meant... hahaha I blocked that drama out, too. I couldn't even finish it. :-X


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I was so disappointed in--after looking forward to--Diary of a nightwatchman, that I had to rewrite the whole drama.



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wait, SY have to feed his blood to turn the dead body into vampire??????????? what's going on actually??? the show does not have a rule


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That was so weird! The show seemed to be running off of the rule "a bit person turns into a vampire after X amount of time" and now this? Be cheesy, show, be campy and funny, but have some kind of coherence with your world too.


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I think like Count Dracula .... he can do it too ......


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seriously, what on earth happened to being consistent? If they'd only set up the blood exchange thing from day 1 we'd have a lot less confusion now but sadly this writer appears to be doing just what I feared and pulling the rules out of her butt as she goes along.


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I can't believe I'm actually going to defend this show's logic....

Bite + moonlight = vamp.

Bite or moonlight are necessary, but not independently sufficient.

Vamp blood + (possibly bite) = vamp.

Further data will need to be collected to determine the relative necessity, sufficiency and dependency of vamp blood and bite.


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I dont think moonlight turn them into vampire... Moonlight precisely the full moon makes vamps weak, and I remember once SY was about to kill a newly born vampire(after SY drunk, the body turned into a vampire), SH shouted that moon was not up, then SY waited for the moon to come out and killed the vampire. I think the moon assured the vampire is killed


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She warned him that the moon was coming out - to wait to kill him or the moonlight would make him into a vamp.


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okay I think I am horribly confused :P


:-) well, it's not like the drama makes much sense! lol


Yang Sun was bitten and was under the same moonlight as her dad. She didn't die and she didn't become a vampire. Maybe she's a half human now. Bella and Edward's baby reborn to kdramaland.

Or maybe she's immune to the vamp "poison" and hence is the key to killing Gwi.

Anyway the rules are really wonky now, so we can't say for sure whether her not turning is a significant point in the story.


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The scar on her shoulder is due to something that prevented her from becoming a vampire. They haven't shown us that yet, but it is implied.


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Ah thanks. Totally missed that. It would be funny if the brush she was hiding behind was a hawthorn brush.


My guess is that her father didn't really bit into her that much because Sung-yeol yanked him off her before he even get to drink her blood. I think a small bite is not enough to turn her into a vampire. Also Sung-yeol must have healed her bite wound with his blood.


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@Kiara, I agree. I think the others have all been bitten long enough to be drunk dry or to the point of death by Gwi. I think SY got ahold of YS/Jin's father before that point.


Yeah that's what i thought too ... but I don't think she is half human... She is human with Antibody ... and becomes immune to Vampire bites. ...
Just like Vaccine ....


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are you talking about when Jin's father bit her?..if so I was also wondering how they are going to resolve her not turning into a vampire..I am guessing though that Sunyeol did something to her after he killed her father..but I have been wondering about the shows rules as well.. :))


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I'm sure we'll find out the significance of the scar at some point.


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Maybe the hawthorn powder can help and he used it on her when she was bitten? Or not.

Mollayo. At this point, all is still a blur.


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The most likely scenario is that there are no consistent rules, and the writers can say whatever and we have to take it at face value... but here are some rules that might make everything that we've seen work:

Victim bitten, but does not die - No change

Victim bitten, dies - Change to vampire straight away

Vampire staked - temporary death; need to burn, or else can revive later with vampire blood.

Vampire staked in full moonlight with hawthorn knife - instant coffee powder death

The only thing that does not gel is the lack of stake wound in the concubine - but that might be an oversight.

Also, there may be a difference between a new born vampire that has not yet fed, vs a new born vampire that has fed.

So another alternative explanation for the concubine is this:

New born vampire that has not fed - eventually dies without staking. But can revive again with vampire blood.


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#2 and #4: I can think of examples where these didn't happen.


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Sung-yeol with his human heart and a product of a virtuous vampire hunter makes him different from other vamps. Maybe he has a special ability that other vamps don't have.


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I don't think he gave her his blood to turn her bcoz she is already bitten, but to awake her!


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Can a vampire feed on another vampire's blood?


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In this particular story, it cant be certain yet, but I've seen it in another tv show hehe!


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Thanks Girlfriday for the recap!!! Ugh, it was a rather frustrating episode. I don't know I've enjoyed ep 1-6 so much and 7&8 has been a bit off. Lol i too was yelling at the screen when Yang-sun's dad was screaming for mercy!

I ship all of them: for the romance, bromance, and potential friendships so I'll still be excited for the future episodes despite the rough execution.


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I lurve this Drama. Noble Vampirity Angst and all!

This shows me of how that other drama with Jung Il Woo could've gone and my heart bleeds. Though in all honesty performances of the cast in both the dramas are 360 degrees different. Lol. Y'all know which is which, eh?

But seriously, in this Drama, Cheese, childhood tropes and other elements are played in such a limitedly cringy way while in that other one, Oh My Freaking Lord. I CRINGED.

But here i swept away in them even though I know they are too much Twilightesque? But with better acting, conflict, character development... Um so more everything I guess.

Bad reference? Ah well.


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The actors are the reason why I'm going down with this ship from the very beginning. I had little hope for this writer to begin with and I didn't expect this drama to be brainy like "Tree with deep root." I wish it was better but I'm not that disappointed because the expectations was low. I'm here till the bitter end lol.


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"Leftovers." Since you've been drinking and all.... ;-)


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So my current curiosity is where Louche Gwi gets his sideburns trimmed and finds hair product.


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Hye-rung does the trimming; she'll finally be the one to end him when she finds a pair of hawthorn scissors and stabs him in the neck with it while he's having a one-sided conversation with his plant zombie prince.

As to where he finds the hair product, I can't begin to guess, but I do suspect it's made partially from the souls of children.


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I still can't figure out what the hell Gwi gets out of this deal. He's been living in a damp cave for hundreds of years, getting the occasional palace snack.

What does he DO with all his spare time (like the 120 years he spent waiting for Sung-yeol)?

I suppose he could be into crafts - hand dipping candles, looming silk bathrobes, tooling leather slippers, carving bathtubs....


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I've been thinking about that since episode 1. What the hell is his deal? He has been doing the same thing over and over for the last 300+yrs. So damn boring.


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<I suppose he could be into crafts – hand dipping candles, looming silk bathrobes, tooling leather slippers, carving bathtubs….

LOL..... or rather ROFL!!!!


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I'm about to die here and the officially recorded reason will be 'death by dramabeans comment reading/choking on her own laughter'.


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Don't forget designing his cave interior...he probably holds a lot of parties but the downside is that most of his guests never get to leave...alive. Bummer.


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He probably has a small salon and spa down there. He's had what, 120 years to set it up?


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And a gym. He has very nice abs!


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Hi hands and nails are pretty clean for a vamp. I can imagine him getting a manicure during down time.


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This is hilarious! Should be turned into one of those super deformed cartoon panels


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Also, how come Gwi didn't learn good table manners in 300 years? That messy chin needs to be wiped after eating! Doesn't he own a nice hanky or something? He had enough time on his hands to learn embroidery.


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I know! And weirdly, his chin only gets drippy on this right cheek.


All I wanted SY to do was shut YS's father up. why was he yelling? what on earth is that? I get that he was scared but com'on. I was withholding my fist from smashing my PC.


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The last time he saw SY, he was snarling with his teeth bared and then stabbed his former master. He hasn't had the same interactions YS did with SY. Quite normal to be screaming when a vampire smashes your lock and then just saunters into your cell in the middle of the night.

But yes, quite annoying.


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This bookseller had to have known about vampires and why Sung-yeol had to kill Scholar Seo. He saw Gwi bit him first then Jin came out from hiding and her father attacked her. When Sung-yeol was fighting Jin's father both of their fangs were showing so he has got to know that Scholar Seo was also a vampire.
Maybe he was dramatized by it and thought that Sung-yeol killed Jin's father on purpose.

He's rather stupid and annoying here and I won't miss him if they killed him off.


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Haha ...but he is ex servant ... so no doubt he is stupid ....but he is loyal to his master though .


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If he was loyal to his master he would've given the book to Yoon already. That is what his master instructed him to do because he knew he was going to die.


Why are servants inherently stupid?


"But he is ex servant so no doubt he is stupid?"? I don't follow that logic. He wasn't stupid, just scared out of his wits. Who wouldn't be with a vamp in a cell with you!?


Yasssss! Her father got them caught. They could've been on a boat safe had he not been such an idiot. Then, he's been harboring that book. He literally got on my last nerve this episode.


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Thank you for the recap! :)

I'm still enjoying this show for the cheese and the fun, but I do admit something felt a little off in this episode. Can't quite put my finger on it.

I really do hope we're going to see some more agency for Yangsun soon; I like her as a character, I do, and I want to see her doing some moving and shaking of the world instead of just getting tossed around from danger to danger.


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The tone changed. It went from lighthearted and romantic with a side of dramatic mystery, to dramatic with a side of cheese.


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Also, they killed all the mysteries at once. That was a nice element before - to have it removed deflates an important part of the series' charm.


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Even I wish she takes a more active role in the future. I'm talking about the heroine. She has potential to be such a important part of the show. But at this point she isn't.

A little more strength, intelligence and knowledge can improve her character trajectory to infinite levels. She doesn't need to be the sweet, gullible and innocent heroine.

Its like Sherlock said 'Think, it's the new sexy.'


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I'm not watching this (was holding out and hoping it would be good), but from the recaps I'm getting the impression it's going down the Joseon Gunman route – which I dropped, in part, because the heroine was so passive.

I'm starting to doubt LJK's drama choices – strong, active hero matched with some sort of damsel in distress seems to be recurrent. I guess it's fun for him because he gets to do a lot and push himself which is great as an actor, but I just need a heroine at the same level, with brains and abilities.


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the one small edge this drama retains over Joseon Gunman and certain other recent dramas (notably High Society, which just ended) is that it doesn't try to position Yang-sun as some supergirl whom we should all like because she is super wise and somehow more enlightened than people around her.

I hate that she's just a clueless damsel in distress when it comes to the action (and it's a waste of the actress) but I'd be even more irritated than I already am, if they weren't so straightforward about it.


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Even if they're not pretending that she's anything other than what she is, I still can't get motivated to watch. (I know I'd just end up tearing my hair out in frustration.)

Sigh, and I just got interested in Lee Yobi thanks to her "Twenty" role!


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yeah, I don't blame you.

And she was great in Twenty, I was surprised by how strong an impression she left despite being way down on the female lead pecking order (compared to Woobin's actress gf in the film or even Jung So-min).


The problem is this writer is not creative enough with Yang-sun's character. She is not what we want her to be because she is a damsel in distress in the manwha but the writer could have limit that instead of going over board with it.
I'm ok with it when she is up against Gwi because she can't defend herself from a powerful vampire but when she had to be rescued from guards, Soo-Hyang's minion etc then it starts to get on my nerves. She has been on the street selling books for 10 yrs. She's gotta be street smart at least and I think she has been till Sung-yeol came to town.


Jun-ki always wanted to play a vampire and the opportunity came in a form of a sageuk so he took it. It's a perfect role for him, unfortunately everything else isn't perfect.
I wish he would go back to his root and do a movie once in a while like YAI.


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Yeah, I dropped this around episode 4 because she became such a damsel in distress. I just got tired of the same romantic plot of a cold-hearted hot guy saving an innocent cute girl. It's sweet and heart-pounding when I was a teen, but now... after watching so many other dramas with the same theme, it's lost its charm. I stuck painfully through Hyde, Jekyll and Me just because of the actors, I can't do it again.

I like LYB too, it's too bad her character is so basic. Not even all the hot actors and vampire tropes can get me back into the fold.


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I got so annoyed at SY... I mean he was more of a mean idiot than a noble one. I hope he gets shit jealous and cranky about YS in the next episode. He needs to pay for his rudeness. Dude dint even thank her for taking care of him. But otherwise, I like the way the story is unfolding. Thanks for the recap... :)


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He has to be rude .... because he is a vampire ... he loves her no doubt . Therefore he must protect her ... not to fall in love with him ..... he thinks the future is impossible with YS ... and YS will be hurt even more if knew he is a vampire


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That's ok. Her prince loves her. Kind of sad when his eyes tears up when the king discovered that Yang-sun is a girl and that she would be punished whether or not she is the real Eumlan Seosaeng.

I'm glad that her real gender has been revealed so she can live as a young woman from now on.


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they are so, so, SO shippable. Great chemistry, and a really sweetly written relationship, really - I keep saying it but the actors are killing it there.

If this was a book I would be sailing that HMS Crown Prince so hard it would win yacht races, it's only the fact that our Night Scholar is played by Lee Jun-ki (who has his own brand of chemistry with Lee Yubi) that keeps me there. Because right now, I'm mad at Sung-yeol for being mean to her at the start of the ep, we could have had the teasing without making her feel quite that bad. A bit like episode 2.


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The fact that they were childhood friends makes it even sweeter. I can see Yoon calling her Jin-ah and I'm looking forward to their reunion.
Since Jin is a male name I think she will stick with Yang-sun for the rest of the show.

As for Sung-yeol being a jerk to her I kind of understand because Yang-sun does not give up so easily. He has to really convince her that he has no feelings for her.

Saung-yeol will have to work harder later to win her back because Yoon already have a strong bond with her from childhood and he is also in love with her. He is not going to give her up without a fight.

Yubi has great chemistry with both and I'm shipping both. For now, I'm on Yoon's ship but in the end it will Sung-yeol that she really loves. I'll on that ship when the time comes lol.


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Why don't we tether the ships together and call it "Lustful Scholars Who..."


There is just too many ships on this show that I will be jumping from one ship to another lol.


Gosh I really love this drama . Leejunki such a Good Actor ... steal my heart LOL !!! So charismatic .... elegant .... cool ... his gait n, gesture & his eyes ...his expressions can speak without need to say a word....


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The hospital. We'd definitely all end up in the hospital.


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Haha ... I like your sense of humor. Bravo


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Btw thks for the nice recaps GF. LOve U as always ........


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we are wondering how SY can raise a vamp with blood. I want to believe its because he's a special type of vamp with powers for healing too.His blood has some elements and all it takes for a vamp to fully transition is blood right?hmmm...


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I'm addicted and really hook to this drama .... it's really good. And ep 8 has everything ......... Gah, can't wait the next ep


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Thank you. :) But it would really suck (hehe) because Sung Yeol wouldn't even be around to whisk us there or pay for our exorbitant bill. He'd be busy saving Yang Sun. Again.


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I haven't started watching this drama but keep reading the recap and comments! Reading all your comments ROFL, I don't think I'll watch!
Of late I am feeling a sense of saturation with K-dramas. Its like I want something more but I am always disappointed. I need dramas on the likes of The King2Hearts & Reply 1997. Mask started out great but by the last few episodes I'm again disappointed!


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Ahh, King2Hearts! If only there was some way to edit out all the appalling foreign day actors, I'd watch it again in a shot.


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Mask was great at the beginning, but I had to stop a few episodes ago because: Sheer Damn Stupidity.

If you like Lee Jun-ki, then try Two Weeks. He's excellent in that. It's not a romance - but it's very compelling.


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When will he stop being hot and cold? Hes putting her life on the line jst to get d dairy?? Is there no other way he can get it? Wating to cee more


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well, he put his own life on the line to save her at the end of ep 6 and at that time he didn't even need her fo the plan since he already had all the info he wanted (Eumlan Seoseng's identity and the one-armed bookseller's location)


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I don't seem to be getting any action from our leads. no Kissing. No touchy touchy. What's going on???


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well, there was the beginning of the episode....but Yang-sun decided to assert herself and push him away (good for her, girl won't stand for that kind of crap even from her sunbi-nim)


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That girl can't keep her accessories on worth a damn ... at least she always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs so Sung Yeol will always know where she is.

I agree with everyone that this episode, while action-packed, just didn't seem to flow as well with what we've seen. I hate to admit that I'm not really enjoying a Lee Jun Ki drama, and though I know I won't quit halfway through because my love for him will outweigh the ?! of this drama, I am really sad that this seems to be turning into a dud.

Pleasantly surprised that I am enjoying Lee Yubi's portrayal so much, despite her character's lack of creating action rather than responding to it.


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I'm wondering why Gwi isn't looking for her again. He's figured out that she's the catalyst...


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for getting Sung Yeol to show up.


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Yes your love for Jun-ki will outweigh it. Just don't take it seriously and laugh along with everyone.


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I just can say wow... two last episodes were so sad and also both characters couldn't do anything about truth...


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Everything become so serious that sy and ys's love for now seem so sad


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so we got some major forward movement in terms of plot and causing a shake-up for our characters, but I'm with you on being annoyed at how helpless this drama is making Yang-sun and how constantly she ends up in need of saving. I mean, give the girl a clue, damn it! I suppose the small saving grace is that the drama isn't pretending Yang-sun is some kind of superwise badass Mary Sue **coughjoseongunmancough** - at least they own that Yang-sun is weaker and clueless.

and honestly, while I'm really annoyed with Sung-yeol for hurting her feelings at the start of the episode, I can at least understand why he did it even if I think going that far was unnecessary.

But I'm maddest at her dad, because WHY IN TARNATION ARE YOU RUINING EVERY CHANCE OF RESCUE DAMMIT? Won't tell his daughter who she is (fine, say that's to protect her), won't destroy the damn diary he keeps whinging about at every opportunity, will spend the entire time Sung-yeol had to rescue them blubbering and yelling for guards because apparently you'd rather your daughter be tortured and outed as a woman (did he seriously think the king's guards wouldn't get to that at some point?! I didn't know Joseon guards wouldn't manhandle prisoners during an interrogation, being so respectful of human rights and all. ) and now has basically sentenced Yang-sun to certain death by reason of his own incompetence and lack of common sense. Real good job protecting her, Dad. Even her (step)mother had the sense and enough semblance of motherly feeling to give Sung-yeol all the info she could to make a rescue possible.

but I did like poor Hak-young this ep, he tried so hard to keep his friend and Yang-sun safe (and I like that the drama lined up his knowledge of Yang-sun's true gender so he knew exactly why she shouldn't be stripped during the interrogation).

We're also being clearly set up for some kind of triangle with Gwi/Hye-ryung/Yoon, since the drama has made it loud and clear that Gwi is drawn to Hye-ryung but she seems to use the prospect of her marrying the Crown Prince as a subtle 'keep away' sign to Gwi, even if he himself is the one who arranges it. And clearly this has been going on a lot longer than this drama has, if she was a companion to Yoon's mother during her convalescent years (no way that was a coincidence). Now the only question is whether she's got actual feelings for Yoon or not.


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I don't think that Hye-ryung has a feelings for Yoon. I think she just wants to team up with Crown Prince to kill Gwi. She keeps waiting for chance to get rid of Gwi. I guess she is a key person in fingting away Gwi.


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i wish she wont have a feeling towards Yoon, coz if it is so, it will hurt her coz Yoon loves YS. but i wud like for them to team up to kill Gwi. i think Hye Ryung character can be like Honey Lee character in SHine or Go Crazy, at first seems to be a villain, but later on it will unfold little by little that Hye Ryung did all that for her survivor, and at the same time she wants to find ways to destroy Gwi. Maybe that is why she wants to be a King's woman, because she knows about the power.


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I find it interesting that the character intro showed wild red roses with thorns when they showed Hye-ryung. In the vampire lore wild roses can hurt or kill vampires just like Sung-yeol's hawthorn knife. I think Hye-ryung will be a thorn on Gwi's side or Sung-yeol's side.

I love the fact that she is not showing any loyalty to anyone yet. I think she has her own agenda. If it's revenge that she wants then so be it. The person that she hates most is her father so I wont be surprise if she wants power so she can get rid of him.


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That's my suspicion too. I think she's trying to gain enough political power (and perhaps favor with Gwi?) to turn the tables on her father.


I'd like to think that she is a stand alone character with her own motives. Just because she is serving Gwi' doesn't mean that she is on his side or even like him as a person or vamp. She wants him to trust her.

I hope that once she is done with daddy she'll try and get rid of Gwi too to protect her own power because as long as he lives she will always be under his control.


Kim So-eun is playing it close enough to the chest that we can interpret Hye-ryung's feelings either way, but I wouldn't be surprised if she really has fallen for the prince a little and that factors into her manipulation too.


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I wonder if Gwi has something else planned? He seems pretty keen in giving the Prime Minister the throne. If so, he's then just bidding his time to kill off the current King and Yoon and have HyeRyung all to himself. Muhahaha...

I hope he is that sneaky and manipulative. If not his character is just so blah...Gwi (Lee Soo Hyuk) is so underused.


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I think he just figures the Prime Minister will be easier to control if he sets him directly on the throne, so it'll be less of a bother than dealing with the stubborn old King and Yoon.

but if Hye-ryung marries Yoon and becomes the Crown Princess, then Gwi can't take down the king and the Crown Prince without also endangering Hye-ryung (since traitors' family members were also stripped of their position and usually imprisoned, and as Yoon's wife, she would receive the same treatment). The King had to do some serious manouevreing to keep Yoon in the line of succession after denouncing Sadong, Yoon's father (normal Joseon law would have had Yoon deposed, as Sadong's son - his grandpa got around that by disowning Sadong as Yoon's father).

So in a way, Gwi's attachment to Hye-ryung means that her marrying into the royal family will be a sort of insurance against him doing anything to put her father on the throne by getting rid of the old King and prince.


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This writer is not going to mess with Yoon's character because he is based on Yi-san aka King Jeongjo (one of Joseon finest ruler). I haven't seen a sageuk where any writer even dare to downplay their beloved Yi-san. I'm pretty sure that Yoon is going to live through the entire drama and rule over his people.

I can see Gwi getting rid of the current king and that's as far as he can go.


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'I hope he is that sneaky and manipulative. If not his character is just so blah…Gwi (Lee Soo Hyuk) is so underused.'

That's so true. Lee Soo Hyuk has so much potential as an actor. In the right roles, it's like watching an undeveloped Kang Dong Won. In the wrong roles, he doesn't seem to have enough experience to elevate the character. He's fine, but one-dimensional.


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After watching this drama ... I think I understand ... why SY behaves like this ...

So I'm not agree with GF this time : We know; it’s for her own good; you’re noble; she’s innocent; you’re a beast that doesn’t deserve love; blah blah.

He did tried his best to find her and saves her ... and can't find her whereabout ...

And it's a Good Idea to deal with YS father using YS Life as Collateral . Otherwise the diary will never found forever .....

If I were SY .. I'll do the same ...... it doesn't mean he didn't
care ...


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It's more like a love W than a triangle. Or a love preztel.

Gwi \ Hye-ryung / Sung Yeol \ Yang Sun / Yoon.


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It's like a love polygon?


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Gwi- Hye Ryung, Yoon-Yang Sun and mighty Sung Yeol for all the beanies here :)


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I'm loving Hak-young here and I'm glad that he is given something heroic to do other than following Yoon around as his best friend and adviser. He is playing the same role that his father did with Prince Sadong. I want to ship him Yang-sun too haha.


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I think YS Blood has antibody ... to Vampire . Because she was bitten and not die and not become a Vampire. It's like she was vaccine by a Serum ......


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I've had that thought as well. That one bite on her and he'll shriek and die. And then SY will come begging for a bite, lol.


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If she did, Sung Yeol would be dead, because he drank a little of her blood.


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No he will not just drink a little bit ... in fact he can survived because of drank her blood when he was badly injured by Gwi ... remember she can healed his foot without leave any scars . At that time I already guess she is the key to kill Gwi , because she has anti body ... immunity .....


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I don't think it matter's who's blood it was as long as it was human blood. It just happens to be Yang-sun's blood that woke him up but he needed more and that poor guy that was tied up gave him enough to recover from his wound and back to normal.

She healed his foot? When?


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Sung-yeol must have healed her with his blood. I find it interesting that Yang-sun's blood has been mixed with vampire blood a few times. Maybe her mixed blood will be a weapon against Gwi later.


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I think the opposite ... SY was healed by YS ... but agree her blood was mixed with Vampire Blood ... but it acts like vaccine ... because not too much to kill her ...but enough for her body to response and made an anti body ... so she is human with anti body .... immunity ....


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So she will be the Key to Kill Gwi .....


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Seriously though, what is Gwi trying to do, rule the country? Kill people? Marry sungyeol?
I'm so confused.


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Maybe Gwi is lonely. He just need the feeling of manipulating people...


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Can anybody find Gwi somebody to love? He's probably the most pitiable character in this drama. He's had a monotonous life for goodness knows how long, it's no surprise he's a little crazy. Come to think of it, Gwi hasn't actually killed anyone outside of the palace. The masses have been living peacefully for long without event, well except for the occasional midnight wanderer in the woods. But Gwi has been really docile, for a bloodthirsty vampire at least.


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I'm hoping that he falls in love with Hye-Ryeong and makes her a vamp. Then he'll have a love to protect from Sung Yeol. That should complicate the plot in nice ways.


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But Sung-yeol wont be after Hye-Ryeong just because she is Gwi's woman.


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Sung-yeol would be after Gwi and she would want to protect Gwi. That would make Sung-yeol come into conflict with her and Gwi would want to protect her....


I think Gwi's trying to get in SY's pants. Remember how intrigued he was when he found out that SY was turned by his teacher? He was all "JOIN ME!!" But SY said "As if." Then later when Gwi found found SY again after 120 years, he seemed excited SY was still alive. :3


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Why, in the world, is it so hard for people to communicate in dramas? Why couldn't Sung-yeol just have told Yang-sun "I like you but I can't be with you because I'm a vampire and I killed the last girl I was in love with. Also, I need to defeat the evil vampire who lives in the palace basement or else everyone in the palace will continue to die. And I might dies as a result so I really don't want to hurt you." Why can't they have this conversation? Sigh, I miss Jung-hoo and Young-shin.


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He doesn't even need to out himself as a vampire. Just say, Hey, you're sweet kid, but I've got a kingdom to save, and you are a kind of a trouble magnet. I can concentrate on saving lives if I know you are safe. That's how you can help me.


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"I really really want to be all kissy faced with you but I already promised to save a kingdom. Problem is, I can't effing concentrate when you're around. If you stay, I'll end up giving up the kingdom and making hot, but very brief, vampire love to you."


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Now that she is dropping shoes, I guess I can clock the necklace dropping down to a personal quirk of YS's. She's just a girl who manages to drop everything.

Meanwhile, it is great that everyone wants that diary to see the secret plan, but I still think they need to be thinking about other ways to get rid of Gwi.

I mean, maybe the prince's plan is totally lame and won't work. Why hasn't this occurred to anyone? Seriously, why does everyone put so much stock in this plan, to the extent that they do not even attempt to create their own? Why do you think he is the only one that could come up with a trick to kill Gwi?

Just sayin'.


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Prince J got the secret plan from Guardian Vamp (the fellow from whom Gwi and Sung Yeol both got their powers.) So, it isn't a human plan to kill Gwi - it's a vampire plan.


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There's a lot of loopholes but Gwi's motivation is the main one.
why did Gwi not burn that book when he first got his hands on it in the first place? I think Gwi is just bored with his life and he wanted a little bit of challenge. So he was keeping it safe to lure SY with, "come and get it!" And he wanted a Louie to his Lestat.
Or maybe that book also has the key to kill all other vamps so he can be the only vamp to rule the world. He probably can't leave the cave lest other vamps come in force and try to discipline him. And his memory is not as good that he cannot remember it all so he needs it as reference for anytime he might need it (Like how lawyers need to refer to their law books and past cases anytime they need to argue a case or something).
Or maybe Gwi is an outcast in the vamp world and he was always bullied. So he ran away and lived with the humans where he can never be bullied and be their boss. He is pretending to be tough when in fact he is just a sad little boy just wanting to be accepted. *sniff sniff*


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I totally love this show because it doesn´t demand any critical thinking from me which is just a perfect state of mind for a hot sumer.


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Nah actually I'm half convinced that he's in love with sungyeol. Maybe he wants to marry him


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I hope Yang-sun learns the truth about her past and that it was Gwi who killed her real Dad! And is it just me, or does Sung-yeol have a terrible memory for a 120 year old vampire?


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Yes, much worse than most of the 120 yo vampires I know.


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LOL! He's supposed to be the bomb vampire of all vampires! He has the perfect vamp fashion, glare, charisma, etc., so why not a perfect memory? Hahaha....


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24 yrs as human and 120 as a vampire. So technically he should be 144. Damn he is old.


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He sure is! K-dramaland has old hot men just like 200 year old alien.


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But hot.


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He's lived for 120 years, I'd be surprised if he DOES remember. I've only lived for 24 and I can barely remember what happened last week.


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Hehehe, the struggle is real. My poor vampy has saved so many people and killed so many vamps....I can't blame him if his memory is bad. :)


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Agree ~~~


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I think we can lay that squarely on the producer's shoulders.


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On the other hand, the casting director is genius.


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Yes! :) I love the cast!


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GF ... you can't just blame either SY or Yoon for their lack of ability to help YS ...

YS should be blamed too ... for not going to Tamra island ASAP ....

Both SY & Yoon .... tried to sent her there for safety reasons...

SY must hurt her badly .... otherwise she won't go to Tamra island ...

Why people keep on blaming SY for hurting YS ... he did this in purpose .... it's all for YS ...


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I was never a fan of the noble idiot/jerk routine in K-dramas. It's cliche, unoriginal, and unrealistic. But Sung-yeol's last true love died by sacrificing herself for the sake of her lover-turned-vampire, and it makes sense psychologically that he wouldn't want Yang-sun (the woman of his present affections) to become entangled with his dangerous vampire problems, as well.

On the other hand, the problem with Yang-sun is that her character lacks enough agency and realism. I like that she represents compassion, idealism, and an innocence about her, but if she's going to be written as a scrappy cross-dressing bookseller, one would think she would employ some street smarts in her life, as well. But she doesn't--she tends to simply be used as an object to get things moving on the show, to give reasons for situations to happen and for scenes with Sung-yeol to play out. It could be the writing and/or the way Lee Yubi is portraying her character, but Yang-sun needs to step up and really embody who she is. There are moments when we see that true spark of her character--when she confronts people for answers--but then she reverts right back to being a clumsy, clueless, weak damsel-in-distress who needs to be saved by Sung-yeol in order for the writers to give them face-time with each other (lazy writing).

My hope is that the direction of the rest of the show will be the catalyst for Yang-sun to turn a 180 and become someone who we can identify with--I'm assuming she will discover Sung-yeol's true nature, reclaim her identity, and really show herself to be the sassy, brave, intelligent woman we have seen glimpses of.


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This comment is far too insightful and on point for this discussion! :-) For the sake of enjoying myself I'm going to have to forget all of your excellent points.


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I hate his father!!!!!what was that?

And Kim sung yeol silenced the guards why couldn't he do that to the dad when he was screaming for the guards, then just carry him....????why????


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I have just started watching this and I really like it. My last show was Healer. Can't believe it's been 7 months already.
Anyway, I am not really fond of vampires and stuff but I love Lee Jun ki and how dedicated he is, no matter the character he interprets.
Thank you for the recap.


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I still love the acting of our main characters. I'm still on board as everyone is giving us class A performance. But I'm getting disappointed with the story inconsistencies and the bad editing. (Torture scene - SY screaming her head off even though the beating stick wasn't even touching her thighs. Director and editor should have picked that up!)


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I totally agree! Applauses to the cast for giving their all!


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Thanks for the recap, I hope the show's plot gets better. Yang sun *fighting*


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I wish they would stop putting the heroines in danger as a cliffhanger. First "I remember you" this week, now this. Sigh. We all know they are not going to die anyway, I just ended up fast forwarding because it feels repetitive. Wish the writer came up with some other way to spice up the story.


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There's another story that drove off a cliff. I Remember You started so well....


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I am confused with so many crown princes. So the current crown prince is the current king's grandson. His father was killed by his grandfather? Who is crown prince Jeonghwan (the one who wrote how-to-kill-gwi manual) and who is crown prince Sado?


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Crown Prince Sadong (Sado) is the current prince's dead father.

Crown Prince Jeonghwan died 120 years earlier (when Sung Yeol was human) and was stricken from the record books.


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OIC thanks so much for your clarification!


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Been reading the recaps by JB and GF, and now I'm finally caught up with all the episodes! ^^

I really like the main cast in their roles so far. Both Junki and Changmin are doing great being the emotionally-conflicted vampire Sungyeol and the playful-yet-citizen-driven Crown Prince Yoon respectively. I like Yubi as Yangsun as well since there's something enduring about her character.

It's good to see the development of their relationships, and I can't wait to see Sungyeol teaming up with Yoon against Gwi. Also, Hakyoung, whose heroic acts are very commendable in this ep. I'm anticipating when Yangsun finally learns that she's really Jin and that she was Yoon's childhood friend and playmate. And for Sungyeol to realize Yangsun's true identity as well.

Poor One Arm. I enjoyed his performance here. Hope Kim So Eun gets to do more. Her character doesn't seem very intriguing so far.


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Although sung yeol is disappointing, i always look forward to watching the next episode.


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Ive finished mask high society and this vsmpird episode. What else is there to watch ? Help aaaargh !


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Oh my Ghostess is hilarious.


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I suggest My Beautiful Bride.


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The only character i like in this episode is hak young,he is just so loyal and he tried to protect yang sun,sung yeul is a total jerk with noble+idiot thinking Grrrr


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Writer nim please pair up Gwi and Hye Ryung or I am gonna boycott this drama!

Maybe a spin-off for this pairing too..


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No!! please pair up Hye Rung and Sung Yeol instead. I had stop watching coz the story not going that direction =(.


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There are too many rules to the vampire world that aren't even consistent in this show. Not going to bother. What I really want to know is why was yang sun masquerading as a male when she was younger?

Also there's a mention about needing 5 people to kill qwi- yang sun , Yoon , haksun, swung yeung, my rung? Aren't their past all tangled up with qwi?


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"What I really want to know is why was yang sun masquerading as a male when she was younger?"

1. Gwi - Unlike Hye-Ryeong's father (Minister Choi) who gave his daughter to Gwi, Yang-sun aka Jin's father (Scholar Seo) probably disguised his daughter as a boy to keep her hidden from Gwi.
2. Young women in Joseon were not allowed to have a formal education. Yang-sun's real father was a scholar. He probably want his daughter to have the same privileged that other noble young man has.
Obviously she knows how to read, write etc.
3. Friendship and probably marriage between Yang-sun and Yoon might have been planned by their fathers from birth. Kind of like Ja-In (Moon Chae-Won) and Seo-Goon (Kim Moo-Yul) in "War of the Arrows." An agreement between two great friends who trusted each other with their children's lives.

I could go on and on but that's some of the reasons why I would think Yang-sun/Jin had to be disguised as a boy from birth.


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oOoo! Nice reasoning! They all seem like they are the reasons. Which means that they all will play in Yangsun's current life very well and make her story interesting. If she ever fricken discovers any of this that is....


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I think in one of the episode (I forgot which) Yangsun said that her body is weak from she was little so a priest suggested her father to dress her up as boy to keep her healthy. Although I think she is supposed to forget anything from her childhood.


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Episode 3. It was to keep her "safe" so she can live a long life.


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OK right now this drama has left me with nothing to say exactly but in my head i keep screaming "that was the most EVIDENT to fail plan ever". sorry but it was TOO DAMN EASY. why did they kid themselves that it will work. to tell you the truth i am highly disappointed at the thinking prospect of both hero's.


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this drama reminds me of Gu family book where the characters are curious if it is real or not. I wonder if this drama will have episodes showing they live in modern era since the promise was to get rid of Gwi in 200 years..the characters are on the 120th year...did I get it right?


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I Like that.... Very Nice Drama


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