Cheese in the Trap casts Nam Joo-hyuk, delays broadcast

It looks like we’ll have to wait two more drama cycles to see webtoon adaptation Cheese in the Trap on the air — tvN originally had the show slated for an October broadcast, but has decided to push the premiere until December (or early January of next year). Lee Dong-wook and Jung Ryeo-won’s Bubblegum will take the timeslot instead, which certainly makes me wonder if all of the casting hullabaloo for Cheese in the Trap’s heroine has put the show at a disadvantage from the start.

The series has confirmed Park Hae-jin (Doctor Stranger) and Kim Go-eun (Memories of the Sword) to headline, and has just added Nam Joo-hyuk (Who Are You—School 2015) as a rival for Kim Go-eun’s affections. He’ll play Kwon Eun-taek, a university hoobae who’s a cute, doting younger man. He’s described as a bit of an oddball, but has a surprisingly dependable and manly side.

I get why they cast him, since he obviously looks the part. I just hope he’s improved his acting by then, because this webtoon seems to have quite the rabid fanbase that’s very protective of the original work. Nam Joo-hyuk is sweet and likable, but he’s also shown a lot of limitations as a leading man; hopefully in a smaller role he’ll be a better fit.

Hey, with Park Hae-jin being the perfect hero, maybe Nam Joo-hyuk can be the sweet puppy on the sidelines and pull a Yook Sung-jae on us. His School 2015 costar Yook Sung-jae has repeatedly expressed his interest in being cast in Cheese in the Trap, though in a different role, thank goodness — I don’t think I could take them fighting over something else.

Cheese in the Trap will air on Mondays and Tuesdays in late December or early January on tvN.

Via DongA, IS Plus


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Eun Taek won't be a love competition to the hero nor to anyone according to the webtoon (except Young Gon, but that's pretty small one). So he won't compete for Kim Go Eun's heart lol, rather Eun Taek likes Hong Sul's friend Bora.


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In the webtoon... but the drama adaptation could throw in all the usual tropes and stock characters, which is exactly why I'm beginning to get wary – their "test-casting" of Suzy and now this casting Nam Joo-huyk aren't helping. I don't get the impression they approaching this in terms of making a solid, high-quality adaptation of a webtoon that understands that source material isn't a typical drama with the typical characters.


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I hope they don't. I think that they could really make a cute side storyline with him and Bora. Plus I don't see how him being another interest could add to the story.


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I hope they do keep Eun Teak/Bora because while I like the webtoon a lot it is a bit slice of life which isn't a kdrama strength. Their loveline would help pad out the current day plot.


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Exactly! Eun-taek is adorkable (though I picture him as more manly than Nam Joo-hyuk) but he isn't fit to be Sul's love interest. Indeed, that wouldn't bring anything to the story, and it would rather limit its originality.
He's perfect as Sul's male friend, which is pretty refreshing given the common rom-com landscape, so let's not take this road.
Argh, does that mean we won't have a Baek In-ho? He's the only love interest I'd accept to compete with Jung...*rocks back and forth in a corner*


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that s what i worry. So this adaptation, ET is the 2nd lead, and not In Ho????????


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it might happen, but i really hope not.

i love the webtoon, but the problem with it is that its conflicts and all are hard to transpose into a drama. it makes for awesome serialized reading, but to bring across these slice of life events that inform our characters' behaviour will be extremely hard.

it needs a writer that is extremely competent to handle the large cast of characters that makes up Cheese In The Trap. it's perhaps similar to Misaeng in that sense. very slice of life, characters with distinct traits etc... but I remember the drama writer said that the source material had a weaker structure, and it had to be reworked.

Cheese is probably gonna be like that. what complicates it further is that it has rom-com elements, making it very easy for reporters/viewers to immediately categorize it under rom com! fighting for affections! etc. and for a station/writer to set it up using the usual k-drama structure. Plus, won't be a stretch to think that tvN will hope for CITT to do as well as Misaeng - leading to the test castings, delays, heavy media play.

tldr; drama, please work out well. the last drama i had expectations for rly burned me. big fan of CITT, so i might be hecka biased but I really, really want it to do well.


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A good writer is a must of course.

I firmly believe that Misaeng did well because it did pretty much everything that most kdramas don't normally do.

Added, typical love triangles and remaking it into a rom-com rather than slice of life is not going to do it.


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Yeah, despite all the hullaboo over casting so far I'm more worried about the writing tbh. Aside from all the stuff you mentioned I'm wondering how they're going to handle the flashbacks. Maybe instead of the webtoon's black/white background use a different filter for present/past scenes?


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To make the drama work it might be best to do away with the flashbacks to the previous year and make it linear.

Hint at Sul not knowing the full story then skip to her going to back to school. Time jumps after the first two episodes aren't unheard of


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Yeah, I feel like they're going to do that. Otherwise, it might get too messy with the extended flashbacks. I can't see that working too well in drama form.

Making it linear would remove a lot of the suspense surrounding Yoo Jung though. A lot of the fun of reading the webtoon is never being sure about his intentions regarding Sul. And it won't have the same effect when revealing his past either. But oh well.



I think the writing could still make Yoo Jung 's motivations suspicious especially if they keep the childhood flashbacks and only have Sul do voice overs.


Lol... They wouldn't... That would involve changing way too many things and erase the insight we get on Bora's personality and motivations. And besides, there's already Baek In-Ho to be the other love interest for Sul.

That aside, I'm cool with Nam Joo Hyuk being cast as Eun-Taek. He has the height and the cute. I think I'll like him more as a supporting character.

Aaaand I'm sad about Cheese being delayed but it was kind of expected since they had to adjust things to Kim Go-Eun's schedule. So.


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NOOOOO! Euntaek + Bora!!
The webtoon is awesome as it is!


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And tehy started changing the relationship already,why 'em i not suprised with it,i guess they can't just let a kdrama without a love triangle even if it means ruining the original story and teh central of it <_<


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Yeah, that's what I thought. I think NJH will do really well here. He did well in his own cute romance in Surplus Princess with a really cute character. Not worried.


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Finally, some awfully good (and relatively bad) news. Until Christmas we'll have to be yearning and yearning and yearning...
Oh and Eun Taek isn't interested in the main char of Cheese, just a real close friend. Totally looking forward to this!!


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I actually just started reading this comic and got all caught up with the English translations yesterday. Such a great story, I'm not surprised by the rabid reaction to castings, etc. I actually have no problem with them pushing back the air date if the payoff is Kim Go-eun: I really do think she'll be perfect for the role.

Eun-taek is one of my favorite characters, and considering I was one of the few people who actually loved School 2015, I'm excited by this news!! Now I just wanna know who's going to get the TRUE rival role - Inho Baek! That is going to require some interesting casting since he's such a complex/fun character.


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omigawsh. I like Nam Joo Hyuk! Although he's not that good but still he can improve right?


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He was so charming in School 2015...so yay!


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So, Nam joo-hyuk will be the second lead man or else? Or heroine best friend?

I don't get it, sorry :(


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He's not the second lead. He's the heroine's best friend and has a love line with another friend of theirs, Bora.


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Oo.. okay. I get it! Thank you ajewell! :D


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Girlfriday, he is not second lead nor he likes Sul. He is her hoobae and he likes Sul's best friend


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i hope they won't change they original webtoon because Eun Taek is Bora's. they don't need three man competing for seol. eun taek is the sweet freind who help bora and seol in understanding each other more and i don't see the need for him to compete for the heroin's affection.


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it is such a easy job and most find it hard:stick to the original and curious who will play InHo another intresting character and part of our main trio...can't tehy just stick to the original pairing nd story and damn leave the love triangles aside..most of the time they ruin an original good story for the useless love triangle and making it all about that


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He definitely looks like Euntaek but I hope he does improve his acting. I just can't seem to get into any of his characters that he played so far. Anyhow, I wonder who they will cast as Baek In Ho. Kim Woo Bin sounds pretty good? I hope they really don't make Euntaek like Seol. He is Bora's!


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I'm actually kind of glad it'll premiere later. 1 They need to get the casting complete and not rushed and 2 I can watch it after the semester is over. Homework free! I'm so excited to who the rest of the cast will be! Looking forward to more casting news.


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yeaaa I think this adaptation will be successful yeaaa but I'm tired so yeaaa I think i will stick in reading the webtoon. thanks for the news updates


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Thank goodness the role is a small one, it sounds a bit like his Surplus Princess role and he was ok there. But yeah, this kid should not even go near lead roles/main love interest roles for a while now. Especially not when there are more talented costars in the mix.

as for the casting outcry, it prevented the horror of seeing Suzy as Sul and didn't ultimately prevent an actress of far, far greater talents from being cast so there's no harm done. Now if only they do a good job of the script........ I hope the delay helps them get their act together there.


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Well, guess that gives me more time to read the comic before it starts airing. XD Got lots of dramas to catch up on in the meantime. =P I like NJH and also hope that he would've improved his acting by then. ^^


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Just wondering though, what role does Yook Sungjae want?
And I can see how Kwon Euntaek in Nam Joohyuk. Let's see who will be his noona crush, Bora!


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he wants to play the female lead's younger brother


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I was just thinking that I wished Sungjae was in this drama and he'd be great as Hong Joon, and now I see this O_O I hope he does get cast as Joon!


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I heard he wanted Hong Joon, which is cool enuf :;)


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Imagine Sung Jae get love rival


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If they're calling him a love interest does that mean they're changing the story already?

In the webtoon Eun Taek is a friend of Sul's but he has a long standing crush on their mutual friend Bora.

And he's really more of a background character.


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I don't think Girlfriday was implying he's going to be a love interest, I wonder why everyone is jumping to this conclusion, lol. Sounds like she is just thinks he might be a heart stealer (admittedly the character is very cute and kinda does).


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"has just added Nam Joo-hyuk (Who Are You—School 2015) as a rival for Kim Go-eun’s affections"

Yeah, I wonder why everyone's jumping to that conclusion... lol

Doesn't look like the Korean articles say this though, so we're safe.


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"Doesn’t look like the Korean articles say this though, so we’re safe."

That's a relief.


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Oh, oops. I must have skipped that line. I was focusing on the last paragraph. My bad then. Didn't read properly.


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I saw someone recommend him and think this is actually a good role for him! I'm happy he got it and also happy he went back into work in a smaller role. I think that shows he's serious since I believe he is also disappointed in his stint as a leading man. Nevertheless, I really like the kid. Hope he reads the source material. Moment of silence for my own personal pick Eun Taek - Lee Tae Hwan, though. Because cry. I would have LOVED to see that. I need to be his manager. I could have got him that part on his looks alone, ppshhh~ easy.

Don't mind the longer wait if it means they want to put their all into the writing. Hopefully the cast can take a break until then and the writer can focus more. I have a feeling they won't mind. And I also don't mind Bubblegum being pushed up, either. Though, I do think maybe the push-back is because they are trying to fill the pivotal roles of Bek In Ho and In Ha, the siblings. I'm most curious about that casting as well. I'm guessing Yook Sungjae wants to play Sul's slacker younger brother, maybe? He'd be a good fit; that's another small role.


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I think he did read it. He said he's a big fan of the webtoon. And I like him too. This type of role is perfect for him and will hopefully allow some people to stop hating on him for his School character.


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Yes, I hope that dies down. I mean, I personally didn't like anyone in that show but I'm not going to attack the actors across their social media accounts. That's too much.


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I haven't read the webtoon but Yook Sungjae said he wanted to play Hong Joon role. He actually said only once but his name is attached to every article related with this drama lol. I doubt he'll


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Oops posted without finishing my comment. Anyway I was saying I wonder if he got even an offer and he's too busy anyways.

Good luck to NJH. His character sounds likable and I hope he improved and the writing will be good, which is something most of recent dramas lack.


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Awww, I kinda wanted Lee Tae Hwan, 'cause as soon as I started reading the comic I pictured him as Eun Taek, but Nam Joo Hyuk's okay too. I thought he was taking the role of In-ho for a second, and at least he's a much better fit for Eun taek than In ho.


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All this 'Bora' talk makes me think they should just cast Bora (from Sistar) for the role lol. I thought she was decent in Doctor Stranger and I can see her looking fantastic with NJH. But then again, there are so many more deserving young actresses out there.

I really really liked NJH in School. Personally, I was in the Yi-ahn ship so as much as he's limited as an actor, he's always managed to remain charming. Hopefully he improves a lot in this drama.


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i hope they change the direction of the story from the original webtoon. too many SPOILERS in the comment section. plus the avid fans outcry for injustice would be makjang


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This show is so frustrating. Originally this was going to start when...early summer I think?! Sigh. I miss Oark Hae Jin.

This means even more push back for possible bad guys 2.


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i want him on my screen too! i really like the original webtoon, and really wanted hae jin to play jung, and for both him and the drama to do well.

(but good things come to those who wait?) :)


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I'd rather have Suzy lol


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If they cast Kim Woo Bin as Bek In Ho then this Drama would have the dream team. On the other hand In Ho is more of an emotional character so would Kim Woo Bin really be a good fit??? No idea.

And yeah like everyone else already said Eun Taek + Bora FTW!


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I was thinking Woobie for Inho too!

On the other side... Jonghyun's fresh off of Orange Marmalade... :/


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KWB is getting movie offers with Ha Jung-woo. He's not playing 2nd lead on cable


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Mourning Lee Tae Hwan right now. He'd have been a natural fit, tbh. But we'll see how this goes.


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I actually don't mind them pushing it back since it gives them more time to prepare. I'd rather have a drama delayed than premier too early and have the frantic scrambling visibly affect quality.

Nam Joo-hyuk fits Eun-taek's part pretty well, actually--aside from the visuals the character is likeable and not that hard to play. Yook Sung-jae would fit younger brother Hong Joon's role too. I'd also like to see Shin Hye-sun (Chef's sister Eun-hee in Oh My Ghost) as Ah-young. No idea who'd be good for In-ho and In-ha though. Possibly Lee El as In-ha?


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I would love to see Lee Esom to play In Ha. LE has a sophisticated and bitch look that suits In Ha's character and personality


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Nam Joo-hyuk as Eun-taek, I am totally fine with. The drama rewriting Eun-taek as a romantic interest for Seol? Nooooooooooooooo.

Yook Sung-Jae would make a good In Ho, I think.


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Yook Sung Jae against Park Hae Jin? The image doesn't match whatsoever. In ho is about the same age as the main guy. Sungjae looks like a total kid still. He'd probably fit more as Sul's brother. But I guess Sungjae is too popular these days to play a little brother :D


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Ok yes, I agree with you that he doesn't seem like a good match against Park Hae Jin, but I think that is more a facet of Park Hae Jin being kinda too old for this role. I still think Yook Sung Jae would be great as In Ho, and I think him as In Ho is a more appropriate casting then PHJ as Yoo Jung. To be honest, I'd rather they cast a character that didn't seem charismatic enough to rival PHJ then see them cast another actor that's too old for the role.

To be fair, maybe I'm not giving Park Hae Jin enough credit. Maybe he'll really be able to pull it off. He seems like a pretty good actor. But I'll just have to wait and see, because for now, I remain skeptical.


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when I saw "Cast Nam Joo Hyuk" I thought, "as Inho?? nooo" but he's just playing the mostly expressionless best guy friend. Should be a pretty easy role.


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Kim Ga Eun, is not a visual actress, even many said very talented. Drama usually needs visual actress more than talent, based on younger International and Korean markets.
I don't know if you are talented on silver screen is the best measure for talent in drama.


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Visuals don't make a success. You still have to be able to carry a show and have talent. But funny you say this, I never thought of Sul as drop dead gorgeous or anything. She has charm and she is a cutie but not the type to strike you on first site.


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Yeah it's acknowledged that Seul is cute and dresses well for her budget, but she's not traditionally beautiful. So in this instance Kim Ga Eun actually fits the visual as well!


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Hmm, she ascends as the prettiest after the bully girl is gone (if I'm not wrong) so she should be quite a looker. Ga Eun is too bland for Eun Sul. Maybe she will better fit as Min Sook. Min Sook is also more complicated and challenging than Eun Sul although of course Eun Sul is more likeable, she's the main character after all.


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"Drama usually needs visual actress more than talent"

This is exactly the mentality that has led to the continuing careers of the most useless actresses in kdrama land. And the number of ruined dramas left in their wake would give the lie to that statement.


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That's what the teenagers want all the time.


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I think that's kind of unfair. Teenagers are capable of appreciating sensitive and nuanced portrayals of people in media. It's why movies and books like The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns are so popular with teens. Yes, teenagers also probably want to watch stuff that is just cheesy, romance idol dramas, but it's not the ONLY thing they want to watch. Just because someone is young doesn't mean they aren't intelligent or thoughtful. What most teenagers, what most people, want to see are characters like themselves, and that they can relate to.

And anyway, I don't know if this discussion is relevant. I don't think they intend to market this show for the teen audience only.


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If teens are watching then this makes it even more important to showcase different types of women in media.


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It might sounds shallow but I wholeheartedly agree with this. Dramas are guilty pleasure just like romance movies where sometimes the most important things people care about are the leads and the story second. It's a given the casts supposed to be eye candy especially if it caters young audience. Heck even woman in her mid 30s or 40s wouldn't object a hot guy being cast or else how Brad Pitt still has his career?

Yeah, the story is actually most important since the casts can't save the drama if they're given a shitty script but at least it will be better watching visual leads with shitty script than not so visual leads with shitty script.


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Brad Pitt can act, though.

There is no Hollywood equivalent of the likes of Suzy or Han Ga In - even Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson, commonly acknowledged as the hottest women in lead roles right now, have an Oscar and a Tony.

Hollywood is not perfect, but I will say this much for it, it does not hand prestigious and long-lasting careers to people with no acting talent. Someone at Suzy's level would have been banished to Lifetime movies long ago no matter how gorgeous she was.


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i think he'll fit the role well. everyone liked him in School 2015 until he needed to be emotional. so as long as he's just the cheerful, cute guy next door, main girl's bff, then he'll rock it


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i really don't want sungjae to be casted in the drama, just bc it'll be weird to see him with joo hyuk so soon after school 2015, idk, it's just weird and i think it'll make the chemistry of the drama strange and honestly, the school15 fans will drag over


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Lol, I'm not too concerned about casting now that PHJ and KGE have been finalized. I'm glad Nam Joo-Hyuk is going back to smaller roles (and less dramatic acting) though. I think he'll be a lot more likeable as Eun-Taek.

I wonder who they'll cast as the Baek siblings. I can't wait to see Baek In-Ha wrecking shit on screen. ^^


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hmm.. fits him.


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i hope no love triangle in this drama.im votin for this drama to be different from typical kdrama who has a love triangle.

im not yet to read this comic myself, but i hope they wont change the storyline.


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I think he's a fit.


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Wow, Joo Hyuk as Eun Taek is so suitable. I don't think it's difficult playing Eun Taek since he's not complicated and showing poker face most of the time so I hope he won't let me down this time.

I don't want to be accused as racist but is In Ho supposed to be half Asian half Caucasian? I know looks aren't everything but when the character is played by different ethnic while their 'foreignness' is shoved on your face like in every chapter about In Ho & In Ha, I will feel something is missing if let's say Kim Woo Bin played the role.


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I can see NJH as EunTaek since he's capable playing quiet and this character doesn't need to be 'acted' much.
Baek InHa & InHo ... now that'll be interesting. I'm curious who they will cast.
In the first place they have clear physical traits; both are tall, gorgeous, looks like foreigners and can curse like bosses.
I just wish the webtoon will wrap up before the drama airs tho'.


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Joo-hyuk would actually work as Eun-taek, I think. He'd basically play a sweet and nice kid.

It's kinda a far stretch but if not Woo-bin as In-ho... perhaps Lee Hongki? :/ Kid's basically blonde most of the time anyway and he can do fast-talking scoundrel / grouchy misunderstood loner too. At first I thought Kim Ji-won for In-ha but she's too young.

I hope that Yook Sungjae does get cast as Joon-- and Min Do-hee as Ah-young, maybe?


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We already have a love triangle in the webtoon between the main three; Jung/Sul/Inho. I hope they leave Euntaek out of it since he really is out of it in the original work. sigh


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