Bubblegum: Episode 10

Ri-hwan needs Haeng-ah more than ever as he sinks into a gloom. But need can quickly devolve into burden, and when that burden causes more harm than good, something must change. When Ri-hwan can no longer sit back and wait for things to change, he takes things into his own hands, and only time will tell if he’s made the right decision.

EPISODE 10 RECAP: “Haeng-ah-ya, I love you”

Ri-hwan rushes home from work — Mom is awake, and she remembers him. Ji-hoon sends him off with silly antics, and Ri-hwan tells him with a perfectly straight face that people keep asking him if Ji-hoon is a real doctor. Ha.

Ri-hwan and Aunt Princess discuss Mom’s excessive sleeping, deciding this is the result of her finally relaxing after so many years of tension regarding her father. Sadly, Ri-hwan removes his photos and some of his clothes from his mother’s room, worried that seeing things she doesn’t recognize could upset her.

Yi-seul’s mother calls her to say she’s visiting Ri-hwan at work, and Yi-seul has a mini-panic. Since she refused the new marriage setup, Mom’s going to do whatever she wants, and she wants to check out this guy she likes so much. She hangs up on Yi-seul, who runs out of her office to stop her.

Mom barges into Ri-hwan’s office to find Ji-hoon, whom she mistakes for Ri-hwan. He assumes she’s a patient and sits with her, and she’s surprised when he says his father just got married (since Ri-hwan doesn’t know his father). He puts some clues together and concludes that she must be Tae-hee’s mother. Uh…

At the mention of another woman’s name, Mom flies off the handle. Then she belatedly sees his name tag, and she storms out in a huff of embarrassment, narrowly missing Ri-hwan arriving back at work.

As Ji-hoon is telling Ri-hwan about his visit from “Madame Bling-Bling,” Yi-seul bursts in, disheveled and flustered. Ri-hwan makes tea, and Yi-seul moans that she couldn’t be more embarrassed. She mentions her horrid conversation with Haeng-ah, and can tell by Ri-hwan’s confusion that Haeng-ah must not have told him.

At Ri-hwan’s prodding, she admits that she told Haeng-ah to break up with him — that she can do nothing for him, while Yi-seul can. Ri-hwan is ready to dismiss her without discussion, but Yi-seul defends herself, saying that Haeng-ah is making him choose between herself and his mother. So she told Haeng-ah to disappear.

Ri-hwan is super-done with Yi-seul and this conversation, and says dryly that Yi-seul needn’t come again. He starts to walk past her and she grabs his coat, saying that she knows there’s someone who has his heart. But if they’ve broken up, couldn’t he stay by her side? He could tell his mother that he’s seeing Yi-seul, and make her happy. That’s pretty low.

She returns to her own office to find her mother there, and she criticizes her daughter for going out in her scrubs. Yi-seul tells her this is her fault, and her mother asks why she should care what a common person like Ri-hwan thinks. This sparks Yi-seul’s anger and she yells at her mother not to call him common — to her, “common” people study overseas on their parents’ dime, work for daddy’s company, and think that having money means they’re owed a beautiful woman.

Mom says she’s gone crazy over this guy, but Yi-seul doesn’t want to marry a man she knows doesn’t like her and will cheat on her. Mom says that’s all she needs to hear and gets up to leave, and Yi-seul softly whspers to her back, “Save me.”

She begs her mom not to do anything else, and not to let her hit rock bottom that way. Mom says there’s no such thing for people like them, and asks if her oppa knows she’s being like this. With the threat of her brother getting involved, Yi-seul stifles her tears.

Ri-hwan tells his mother’s doctor how she can’t remember him, but is obsessed with Haeng-ah. The doctor figures out that Mom was opposed to their relationship, and tells Ri-hwan to bring Haeng-ah to their next meeting. Ri-hwan reminds him of her hospital phobia, and says that she was going to get treated before all this happened, suggesting they meet elsewhere.

But the doctor is more worried about Ri-hwan, and how he seems to be ignoring his own trauma. Ri-hwan says that he knows he wasn’t a welcome baby, and that Mom even tried to kill herself when she conceived him, so he’s not surprised she’s chosen to forget him. But the doctor wants him to get treatment — he has a right to feel upset.

He asks Ri-hwan what he would say if he were his patient, and Ri-hwan says hollowly that he would tell himself to acknowledge it, and talk about his pain, and find someone to lean on. The doctor asks if he has someone to lean on, but we don’t hear Ri-hwan’s answer.

He finds Haeng-ah at work to talk, who immediately thinks something is wrong with his mother, but Ri-hwan says softly that he just wants to see her. He asks for a hug, and Haeng-ah allows it. When she tries to break the hug a bit later, Ri-hwan clutches her even closer, and wonders what you would see if you looked at them from the sky. Lovers who didn’t know this was their last moment together, or two weak people who couldn’t let each other go?

Haeng-ah spends a lot of time with Ri-hwan’s mom in the next few days, helping Aunt Princess take care of her. Mom is out of bed and in good spirits, but she frets whenever Haeng-ah leaves her side, even to go to the restroom. Haeng-ah calls in to work, barely able to listen to Mom panic when she doesn’t return right away.

Manager Jo stands in for Haeng-ah at work, but he’s not very good at bantering with Se-young so she calls him out on-air for being nervous around her famous self. He’s occupied with a conversation he had with Ji-hoon when they went out drinking, each venting about their woman troubles, oblivious that they’re talking about the same woman. But something Manager Jo said jogged Ji-hoon’s memory, and he’d asked if the woman who likes Jo is named Tae-hee.

Haeng-ah arrives in the middle of Se-young’s tirade, offering to finish up the broadcast tonight. Se-young is so adorably dim, offering to send Ri-hwan’s mom an autograph to cheer her up. Later, Haeng-ah asks Manager Jo about taking a leave of absence, and Jo offers to take over her broadcasts for her (“Your team is weird, so I’m not bored,” hee). But in return, he asks her not to forget to take care of herself while caring for someone else.

Ri-hwan is waiting at the gate when Haeng-ah returns home, and they stay out there to talk awhile. Haeng-ah talks about a video she saw of a man with Alzheimer’s who proposes to his wife every day, only remembering the time when they were dating and deeply in love. She finds the story romantic, and Ri-hwan’s face changes as he watches her.

“Haeng-ah-yah,” he says softly. “Let’s get married.” But he’s not really proposing, he just asks if that’s how the man in the video does it. “Haeng-ah-yah. I love you.” Is that also what the man says? Haeng-ah says that he does, every single day.

Haeng-ah wishes for Mom to go back to her happy memories and forget the bad ones, and Ri-hwan replies that’s what she’s doing. Oof, that’s heartbreaking. Haeng-ah mentions the vacation she wanted to take, just the three of them, and Ri-hwan says they still can. Texting each other from their balconies, mere feet away, they make plans to leave tomorrow. Ri-hwan starts to text something else, but he doesn’t finish the thought.

In the morning, Mom grows increasingly agitated when Haeng-ah isn’t there, until Aunt Princess agrees to call her. Mom tells Haeng-ah that she’s looking for a person wearing a white dress with black polka-dots who works at her hospital. The person she’s describing is herself, but neither Mom nor Haeng-ah know that. She heads to the hospital, unaware that Tae-hee is watching her go.

She hesitates at the hospital entrance, then steels herself and goes inside. But the walls swim and she can’t breathe, and she has to go back out again. She calls Ri-hwan but he’s busy and doesn’t heat his phone ringing, so Haeng-ah is forced to go inside by herself.

Suk-joon calls Manager Jo, who’s too busy to go out because he’s filling in for Haeng-ah. Suk-joon is worried to hear about how stressed Haeng-ah is lately. He calls her, but she’s so focused on getting through the hospital, she doesn’t answer.

She makes it to a nurse’s station and asks if there’s anyone in respiratory internal medicine wearing a polka-dotted dress today, but the nurses can’t help her. She catches sight of a person being wheeled by, and the blood on their bandage sends Haeng-ah into a tailspin. A nurse with a cart full of bloody bandages bumps into her, and it’s the final straw — Haeng-ah collapses. Her phone rings as the nurses gather around to revive her, and one nurse answers and tells Suk-joon what’s happened.

Ri-hwan also hears the news froma nurse, and he rushes to the hospital in a dead run. He finds Haeng-ah still unconscious with Suk-joon watching over her, and the two men go outside to talk.

Suk-joon asks if this is the last time he’ll find Haeng-ah ill because of Ri-hwan and his mom, warning that it better not be just the beginning. But he leaves, and Ri-han stays to sit by Haeng-ah’s bedside. He sees his mother calling her, and answers the phone. He listens as she peppers Haeng-ah with questions about where she is, and he’s still there when Haeng-ah wakes.

She pulls the cloth from her eyes and he covers them again with his hand, asking her not to open her eyes because she’s still in the hospital, but she says she can walk if she just looks at the floor. She asks Ri-hwan for help getting out so she doesn’t see any blood, so he tells her to close her eyes and quickly carries her out.

Ri-hwan sits by Mom’s bedside, and Haeng-ah texts him, asking if he knows someone from mom’s department who wears a polka-dotted dress. He looks through an old photo album, and finds a picture between the pages, of his mother wearing the dress and sitting next to Haeng-ah’s father. He says that it was her wedding dress, of sorts, and that the person Mom wants to see so badly is herself, on the day she was happy. He watches his mom sleep, and can’t fight his tears anymore.

The next time he meets with Mom’s doctor, the doctor is worried about Haeng-ah being stretched thin in this situation. Ri-hwan says he’ll have to take care of it, but that doesn’t soothe the doctor — the burden is too heavy, even for both of them.

Ri-hwan takes his toy car out (the one Haeng-ah’s dad bought him for promising to take care of her) and does endless donuts in the sand, remembering how Aunt Princess had wondered if this was the right way to handle things. He also thinks about how Tae-hee had reminded him that Haeng-ah is prone to suffer in silence, taking on too much responsibility because she’s afraid to be a burden on anyone. She’d begged him to make it stop, for Haeng-ah’s sake.

We’re shown the second half of his conversation with Suk-joon in his office, when Ri-hwan had insisted he wasn’t holding onto Haeng-ah just to have someone to cry with. Suk-joon had asked what would happen if Ri-hwan left her — she would cry at first, but then she could heal. People always say they will never feel like this again when they break up, but they soon move on and love someone else. Suk-joon would like it if that person could be him.

Ri-hwan recalls seeing Haeng-ah light up whenever she’d get a text from Suk-joon. As Haeng-ah’s father’s words asking Ri-hwan to watch over Haeng-ah echo through the night, we see that Ri-hwan has walked away, leaving his toy car behind. Oh no.

It’s a good day, with Mom remembering Ri-hwan, and the two go out for a walk in the autumn air. Her memory is sharp today, but it doesn’t seem to make Ri-hwan happy. He tells Mom gravely that he’s not going to see Haeng-ah anymore, but she doesn’t understand what he’s saying and says that she hasn’t seen her in a while, either. Ri-hwan asks if she can live without Haeng-ah, but Mom just asks why she’d need her in the first place.

Ri-hwan can barely make himself say the words, “Haeng-ah is gone.” Mom finally notices that he’s trying not to cry as he says that Haeng-ah has gone far away, and she hugs her son and reminds him of his goldfish. She tells him that one died so she tried to replace it without him knowing, but he’d known right away. Behind her back, Ri-hwan struggles mightily to hold himself together.

He visits Uncle Gangster to give him the news, and bows deeply to Uncle’s back when he refuses to look at him. As Ri-hwan leaves, Uncle Gangster throws his chair at their wall of photos — but Ri-hwan doesn’t turn back, not even when Dong-hwa begs him not to leave them. She says he can come when Haeng-ah isn’t there, but Ri-hwan just tells her to be good to her parents.

Ri-hwan packs some things, then meets with Suk-joon in the park, though he says that he doesn’t think Suk-joon is the answer to this problem. Suk-joon only says that when there’s no answer, you can at least get rid of the most-wrong solution. Ri-hwan says that’s what he’s doing, and he gives Haeng-ah’s bracelet back to Suk-joon.

It’s time to talk to Haeng-ah, who’s confused about all the secrecy. Ri-hwan gives her Mom’s doctor’s card and says that he’s willing to meet with her outside the hospital, and asks her to get treatment right away. Haeng-ah says that she’s too busy now, but Ri-hwan insists she call him tomorrow.

Once she promises, Ri-hwan tells her to listen carefully. He tells her that he’s moved her back to her old apartment, but when Haeng-ah assumes it’s because Mom found out she’s been living upstairs, he says that she doesn’t need to know the reason why. And she won’t need to know anything in the future, either. She should think of him and Mom as dead, and live her life on her own.

Haeng-ah asks if Mom made another suicide attempt, but Ri-hwan stands firm, saying that even if she had, it’s none of her concern anymore. Haneg-ah was right in that he can’t leave Mom to hold onto her, and that liking each other isn’t enough when the world is telling them to break up. So it’s time to stop.

Haeng-ah knows that’s not what this is about, not really, asking Ri-hwan not to do this. But he’s determined, and says he won’t see her anymore, for any reason. He says that it’s because she’s like his little sister, but Haeng-ah doesn’t understand, and bursts into hurt tears.

Ri-hwan steels himself and turns to leave, but Haeng-ah grabs his hand. Wordlessly, Ri-hwan just frees himself, and goes. Haneg-ah trails behind him, lost and in pain, so he turns to tell her not to follow him. She does for a few more steps, and now Ri-hwan is crying too. He has to tell her several times not to follow him, because she can’t stop herself.

He finally wails at Haeng-ah, “Are you a fool? I told you not to come!” He sobs, but he’s decided, and forces himself to turn one last time and leave. Both of them are crying loudly, but their tears can’t change reality.

Ri-hwan manages to get far enough away, and he collapses onto the shoulders of someone who’s waiting for him. He gasps, “I’m sorry Uncle,” and we see the memory of Haeng-ah’s father comfort him. “It’s okay, my Ri-hwan.”

Back in the park, Haeng-ah cries alone.


I think we all saw the noble idiocy coming, but I honestly didn’t expect it to be Ri-hwan doing the pulling away. It makes total sense though, as he can’t do anything to help his mother, but he can do something to ease Haeng-ah’s burdens. He knows her well enough to know that she’ll keep taking on responsibility until she drops, so the only thing he can do is to remove the temptation from her entirely, and take the responsibility onto himself.

Still, it’s frustrating, because even the doctor told Ri-hwan that the burden was too much for two people to shoulder alone. So his answer is to do it all himself? How is that better? Not to mention the pain it causes Haeng-ah, to take away not just the man she loves, but the woman who’s been a mother to her most of her life. Regardless of what Tae-hee and Suk-joon think (and I have Many Angry Words to have with both of them), it’s not kinder to block Haeng-ah from helping Ri-hwan’s mother when she needs help the most. Haeng-ah is a caretaker at heart, so the right thing to do would be to allow her to help, but try to get other people on board so they’re not taking it all on by themselves. NOT to just shut her out like this.

Mom’s objection to her son and Haeng-ah dating makes a lot more sense, now that we learned for certain that Mom was married to Haeng-ah’s father, if only for a short time. But that would make Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah siblings of sorts, according to Korean society, and therefore unsuitable to date or marry each other. I suspected this, but the confirmation only makes me sad, especially since Ri-hwan seemed to know about it already. He’s willing to buck the system, but I understand now why the subject of their dating seemed so weighty, even to him.

As frustrating as it is to watch his actions, Ri-hwan’s pain over his mother’s illness is still so hard to watch. I get that he feels like he has no right to be hurt and disappointed that she’s forgetting him, because his mother went through so much because she had him. But she CHOSE to give birth to him, and she CHOSE to keep him, and none of that is his burden to bear. I’m glad the doctor was there to tell him that, and give him permission to feel his feelings. But that’s hard for Ri-hwan to understand emotionally, when his mom is forgetting the things in her life that make her unhappy, and his memory was one of the first things to go. How wrenching, to know that your mother didn’t really want you — though she’s been a loving mother your whole life, if she could, she would forget you ever existed.

I’m still not sure what to do with Yi-seul, because she’s such a mess of contradictions. She knows and accepts that Ri-hwan doesn’t like her and in fact loves someone else, yet she’s not above coersion to make him be with her (such as reminding him that it would make his mother happy, or implying that she will only help find treatment for his mom if he dates her). She frustrates me because I don’t think she’s nearly as helpless as she’d like people to think, and we see her repeatedly bank on their pity to get what she wants. She’s a smart, self-sufficient woman — she’s a doctor for pete’s sake! — and she could be better than this simpering, begging, pathetic mess who is willing to take someone else’s seconds. She claims that she hates feeling so weak and powerless, yet she continues to let people treat her that way, and even uses her weakness to get what she wants. If she were truly so abused, I would feel more compassion for her — but Mom seems harmless beyond her constant nagging, and Yi-seul’s willful helplesness just makes me angry.

This may be shallow of me, but one thing I’ve mentioned that I loved about Bubblegum was its ability to keep its lighthearted feel in spite of the serious topics it tackles. As I feared, it feels like we’ve lost that this week, though I know that it’s a necessary thing to go through as Haeng-ah and Ri-hwan figure out what Mom’s illness means tot heir relationship. I just hope it gets its sense of humor back soon, because I never wanted to see the show devolve into a melo cryfest. I know the show is capable of striking that delicate balance, so I hope to see its sense of humor return soon.


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I understand that Kdramas always make the lead couple break up. However I don't understand why he has to move away. You can't have dramas where the love line have illnesses and the other party sticks together and never forget their dead love. Then we have the other end of the spectrum where people can't even cope with illnesses. Makes for a very poor impression of people coping.

And yes, can someone that old just stay still just because the guy says so?


And yes, in spite of all this it was a good episode. Thank you for recapping.


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Thanks, LollyPip, for recap! Inwas waiting for it so much! Off to read it


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Rihwan should stop being so tough to himself, stop listening to others and stop blaming himself for everything what is happening in HA's life. It's her own choice not to work out her fobia of hospitals and that she's not paying attention to herself, but thinking about others, especially his mom. And Haenga should show herself and RH that she's strong enough and there is no need to pay so much attention to her health and that she really can handle everything.
This drama is masterpiece, but this situation with mental problems pisses me off.

Can't wait to see how they will all be healed.

Thanks LollyPip for recap!


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I am still upset that this is not a fluffy cute show. With a name like bubble gum I expected light heart and fun.
I still love the show though. The character emotions really get to me. ??


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I'm still so mad on Seok Joon. I'm mad on Yee Seul. I'm mad on Aunt Princess. I'm mad on Tae Hee. Especially, Seok Joon. how dares he to point out that Ri Hwan is the one who's responsible for Haeng A's condition.
I was crying when Ri Hwan had flashback of her being so happy with Sek Joon. It's not fair for him. It's not fair for both of them.
I have never cried so much like in this two episodes. And it all feels so real that it makes me cty even harder.
Dear writer-nim, please, give them bubbly happy ending


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You and me, Lucy!
At the end of this episode, all I could say was, "Stupid! Stupid! S.T.U.P.I.D!!!!!

I too am mad at all the people you mention. I don't know why RH is listening to people who are selfish and who are bad at relationships!

Tae Hee - she may be a good friend, but she has a her own baggage and can't even communicate properly. Always so sour in expression. What does she know about relationships? She thinks it's best for RH to leave HA only because she thinks that HA will be hurt...and that SJ will be a better choice....hello???? HA was already badly hurt by SJ and HA knows that she does not love him.

Suk Jin - Sorry to those who like him...but I don't. He is selfish, but pretending like he isn't. He wants a second chance with HA, but she has already moved on, and how dare he take issue with RH, just because he happened to coincidentally find HA in a bad state twice. This doesn't mean that RH was responsible, in the way that he, SJ, was responsible for HA's misery when they were in a relationship. In both instances, the first when he found HA walking in the rain and the second, at the hospital, was not RH's doing. He is just trying to find excuses to blame RH and show that he is not good for HA. Bullshit! Here is another person who doesn't know how to love and communicate. Now, that i think about it, Tae Hee and him are alike. Both so dour and sour.

Ye Sul - I'm soooo disappointed with her. Like I mentioned in the last recap, and mentioned by LollyPip, too, she is not as helpless as she makes herself out to be. And she is more like her mother than she would admit. She thinks that money can but anything. Just because she has the means to get RH's mum into the best facility, doesn't mean that it's the best solution for RH and his mother. Like her mother, she's using her money to 'buy' what she wants!

The best thing for a person with dementia is to be with loved ones. It's not the best thing for the loved ones, because it's painful, tiring and frustrating. I know cos I have 3 aunts with dementia and my mum was diagnosed with it too, early this year. It's easy to leave the patient in a care centre to deal with all their irrational and angry issues, but as a child, it is important to take care of that person and make them comfortable. It's also a way of returning back all the years they have taken care of you.
Isn't it better for HA's mum to have her loved ones with her than strangers, even if the centre is the best there is?


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So sorry to hear about your aunts and mom, Lucy but thanks for sharing.

It's true that by taking care of that person is also a way of returning back all the years they have taken care of you. This is what I find in HA. She really saw herself more like a family member than RH's lover and decided to take care as much and unconditionally as she could.

Too bad RH had chosen an extremely cruel way to end this


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Oooopssss..... Sorry. I was referring to crazyajummafan, not Lucy.

My apology


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Apology accepted.


OK - somebody please help me out here because I feel like a missed some vital scenes between the time that Ri-Hwan's mother is vehemently insisting that RW never see HA again and the time - SUDDENLY -in the next episode that his mother can't live without HA by her side....even knowing that it's logical RW will see HA and long for her because she's always hanging out with his mother. What happened in the meantime to have RW's mother start liking HA again - even if just for herself? I don't get it.

Also, knowing how we westerners would rarely, if EVER, give up on a love just because our parents tell us to - without us individually making the decision - I end up feeling so sad for Korean culture and the whole obeying the parents to the point of ignoring one's own unavoidable emotions. Noble idiocy is hard for me to accept. It just doesn't make sense.


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It's symbolizm and parallels with the story which RiHwan's mother has told in flashbacks to kids. About bird and rabbit. Rabbit is Rihwan and she has left him coz it was unbearable guilt towards him and burden. While Haenga was that wounded bird, whom she was hating for a long time. That means that when Mom has waken up she has erased memories about Rihwan and kept love and addiction to Haenga. Mom is in her own world right now, when she doesn't remember everything clearly and as Rihwan's narration has mentioned, she's trying to erase those memories which hurt the most by replacing them with some others.


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That's what I've read on Soompi as explanation. Not my own thoughts. But I think it could make sence


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Lunatic - I believe it's more of the effect of mom's Alzheimer's. Remember that mom also tried to erase who Ri Hwan was because of her guilt with not making peace to her dad. I have a feeling that the reason why she is demanding to Haeng Ah will be explored in later episodes.


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As well she has guilt towards Rihwan for trying to kill unborned child.


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I know I'm too greedy, but I want more romance between Rihwan and Haenga. It was not enough and only 6 episodes are left.
They are so sweet. Their chemistry is so real. Don't understand me wrong, I love this angst as well and it makes me feel their story even more, but I want to see that blinding Lee Dong Wook's smile like in episode 6.


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I hate that everyone around her is making all te decisions for HangAh but not listening to what HangAh wants for herself...her worst fear is being too greedy and losing them, so RiHwan tells her that will never happen and then bam leaves like that conversation never happened...so done with you, bad show!!


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maybe because she's letting people around do this? Or maybe because she's doing the same things towards others as well? Like deciding to break up with Ri Hwan and grant him to Yi Seol in return for her help with aunt....


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@Lucy - I don't think I understand your comment or maybe we aren't watching the same show. As far as I can tell, HangAh wasn't present at any time when others were talking about her and deciding what is best for her. RiHwan physically moved her belongings out of the house and only told her about it when he broke up with her. How is she 'letting' it happen when she isn't privy to any of this information?


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I'm watching Bubblegum. I don't know what you're watching. And all I see is miserable woman who let's everybody (including Ri hwan) to decide on her life. And what's the most pathetic about it, that she doesn't do anything to change it. I understand why people are doing this with her. Since she doesn't confront them. Not only Ri Hwan did that to her, but all of her friends and even her ex. I feel sorry for her the same as I feel sorry for Ri hwan, but it's her own fault, that at the age of 33 she has still those issues with hospitals. At least she can tell Ri hwan or Tae Hee "Stop trating me as miserable person". But she keeps silence.
And by telling that "she's letting it happen" i have meant overall situation with everybody around her.
Onother thing which you ignore, maybe because it's insignificant to you, that she has done almost the same thing to Ri hwan, when she has decided to delete him as lover. And it's Ri Hwan who has forced her to talk about it, not her. She hasn't told him anything and decided by her own...plus with Yi Seoul.
All of them have issues and are wrong, but I can't stand reading how poor the girl is when everybody are treating her like nothing. We can control our lifes and decisions in such situations by telling people what we really feel. And she's so closed and silent that even I, as a viewer, sometimes don't understand what is better for her. And I'm sure she doesn't know it as well.


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Ok - I was referring to this episode specifically and not the last 33 years of her life... However, I can tell you that for people who have anxiety and panic disorder, it is normal for them to avoid things that cause them anxiety. Does she need treatment? Yes, that is something she needs to work on but given the trauma of losing both her parents to cancer it's understandable she'd have difficulty - I don't see that as pathetic.

She has made decisions - one, to be there and care for her aunt while their family deals with this terrible disease and she even moved in to help them do that. It was her choice until RiHwan moved her out without asking or letting her know first.

I don't think she is/was miserable - she clearly tells RiHwan that the happiest time she felt is with him and moving into their new relationship but she was clearly happy and in love with SukHeon before things went south. You can see it when RiHwan shows his jealous over her excitement getting his text messages etc.

Also, I'm not ignoring the fact that she asked for time to deal with the changes between her and RiHwan - he'd known his feelings for a while but she just came out of a relationship and was adjusting to this, I don't think it's wrong of her to need time to process their brother/sister relationship and the cultural/social consequences of the fact that their parents were married and to move into a romantic relationship.


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Maybe because I have passed through hard times, maybe even harder, then she, I dare to critisize her. I know that she can deal with her panic disorder. but she doesn't do this. She's constantly avoiding it. And all her life seems miserable to me because she doesn't want to pay attention to herself and her desires. She has stucked in the position of the girl, who doesn't deserve to be happy and to be loved by man or aunt. You think she was happy with ex? Well, maybe only in the beggining when pretending that she's happy helped her to feel it. And then she has done the same thing she's doing now with Ri Hwan - trying to escape and underrate her own heart. Remember her own words about their hearts. That hearts means nothng.
I'm not trying to tell, that Ri Hwan did right. No, he doesn't. But both of them are guilty. At least she was able to grab him and don't let him go. And he didn't want to go. It seemed to me that he was waiting for her to tell him, that they will survive....that she'll survive and won't die while taking care of his mom.

emmm...by the way, when she has asked him for time to clear up things before or after deciding that she'll break up with him and will return to the friends status for his mom's and others sake? And how it's connected with the fact that she has decided by her own (ok, with Yi Seoul partially) to break up with him?


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All I want is to accept the fact that both of them are guilty in the situation where they are now. And both of them needs treatment to resolve some inner problems. Just Ri hwan has a bit less to resolve, then Haeng A, but still, he has them. And being woman who has passed through various stuff in my life, I can't understand why she's so weak. And I want her to change it. To stop being that weak.


I don't see her as weak - I see her as human. She is strong to get through the grief and loss of her parents and has dealt with things in her own way. It may not be the way you or I would go about things but we are not perfect either. She has a good job she loves, family and relationships around her and makes mistakes like all people do.

I don't see her as stuck but a little lost and trying to figure out where she stands - like in her relationship with RiHwan going from brother to lover... That takes time to process and she didn't know her own feelings until he asked her to consider him as more. And she didn't break up with him. They were still together until he broke things off with her.


Have to agree with jenn here. My first thought was that this won't be some normal breakup with a guy she dated for a few years. Ri Hwan is basically family to her, as is Mom. To take them away from her without her say is, frankly, cruel, and the way it was done might bring about more guilt in her.

If Ri Hwan really wanted to "free" her, he might have said something like, "mom's gotten worse and it's better for her to be isolated (for whatever reason)" or "talking about you makes mom worse". Something to make Haeng Ah feel that staying away does other people good.

I Can understand how one can feel that Haeng Ah brings her "life of misery" on herself, but she doesn't do that to others and I don't think she lets people run her life for her either. She can make the choice to break up with Ri Hwan because she is the other half of that relationship. She didn't actively set up Yi Seul with Ri Hwan like Ri Hwan actively moved her things out of the house. As for letting people do things to her, I thought that maybe Haeng Ah could see that this was what Ri Hwan wanted to do and that by going to him, she would be making his decision harder for him.

Honestly, this comment rubbed me the wrong way because as someone who has herself gone through hard times, when I see someone struggling, I will never think, "buck up! If I can do it, so can you!" as I used to. Instead I want to give them a hug and tell them it's OK to cry and that they don't have to do it alone.

I guess I just really like the Haeng Ah character. She's not perfect, but I like how she's open, gets to the heart of things, can analyze herself and then moves on. She didn't beat herself up when she realized she went for the wrong type of guy. She didn't go back to her old pattern even though I'm sure a part of her wanted to when Suk Joon asked. There's nothing wrong with being there for an important family member. She asked for help when she realized she had to go to the hospital, but Ri Hwan didn't pick up. She told her work her situation and lets them help her. Besides rejecting Ri Hwan and not leaning on each other, I feel like she's behaved pretty reasonably and in a way that makes sense.


All expected responses. All 'right', in their own way. All loving, in their own way. We'll see the repercussions.

That moment between them outside the house killed me. Ugh, LDW's voice.

YS is embarrassing herself, and she knows it. Everyone gets a little pathetic over their first love. I do like how she's not stepping over the line that she's created herself though, asking her family to not do anything at all.


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I like the drama a lot, but it became so sad this episode. I hope it gets more bubbly and cute, like the beginning.


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LollyPip, you said: "...(YS) claims that she hates feeling so weak and powerless, yet she continues to let people treat her that way, and even uses her weakness to get what she wants. If she were truly so abused, I would feel more compassion for her..."
exactly. thank GOD finally someone speaking what weighs in my heart re: YS.
without fail, i've been reading fans warming up to YS since ep 1. like i said, i felt nothing for her, no hate no love. but she just put on her "Dark Side" and let "IT" took over ep by ep. Until she worn out my little pity that was left.
like you said, she claimed she is weak and low self-esteem.
Let's talk about YS's "suffering":
1. First talked about her "fatness" which is the core root low esteem prob in her. Seriously! you called that "Fat"? you should see out of 10 women around me, 7 are having that kind of legs or tummy... whatever... and she does have a pretty face, with her filthy rich family, not hard to spend on a huge "Make Over", and changed that hair-style! so, "ugliness" strike off!
2. Nagging Mom. Girl, how old are You? you are what? a self-sufficient Dentist, having your own clinic, and you need to depend on Mom for earning your 3 meals and a roof? no, then what's the prob? which of the KD rich mom are NOT like that? we also can easily find these kind of mom in my own friends real life,.... actually, i ever found worse mom that her? so, suffering under Mom, strike off!
3. Suitors that desire your money only? okay, since you know most of them are like these, then wait and pray until you find Mr Right! not force someone into your Mr Right, when you know you are NOT his Miss Right! Do NOT ever use your brother to help you beat the hell out of all your undeserving suitors or get your RH. Don't bewail to RH as if you are suffering because HA and RH make you into such a "ugly person" which you "pained yourself to become such, you are torn between your good self and bad self fighting....", that is a NEW low!
above all,
4. your greatest suffering, unrequited love for RH, which you acknowledged and willing to love him continously even if he someone else... blah blah blah.. so great.... of the many KD Dramas that churn out great supporting casts that love self-less with unrequited love, and willing to sacrifice, ...i dare say YS is not close to the TOP Ten on that list of great Selfless unrequited love.
so, conclusion, i found YS has nothing really frail and sufferings as she deserved, as she took on Darth Vader finally at ep 9 and 10, and dare to wail that she "don't want to feel that way"... WEAK? MY BIG FAT TOE!
RH, thanks goodness finally he didn't do the pet-talk on her as usual. else i will flip my laptop!
LollyPip, thanks for speaking out on all our behalf.


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This show started so well...the first 6 episodes were amazing, and then slowly, it's just got worse and now I can't bear any of it, except maybe Tae Hee and Manager Jo.


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Letting HA go, for herself. So that she will not suffer Mom’s abuse? So that she will not felt torn between RH and Mom? So that she can have her own daily life back? Did anyone ponder on the depth of HA’s love for Mom? Did anyone think she started to mind handling Mom’s abuse and scolding? Did anyone exactly talk to HA and ask what does HA wants? Before judging for her, what is real happiness mean for her? HA knows Mom’s case will deteriorate, so she is happy to do whatever she can, which is only for a short while, before Mom become totally “lost”.
If anyone remove Mom’s prejudice out of the whole equation, actually all blues will dissolved in a second! And Mom got to wake up! Or should I say, allowed to dream on into her new reality, her new utopia world where she deleted all the People that caused her pains from her memory. Why must the children bear what pain their parents suffers? Mom, is this exactly what the man you loved and missed dearly want from you, when he left his beloved daughter to your care, and your son whom he treated almost like his own son?


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When Majority of people decide on something, doesn’t means when it’s a popular view, thus it should be the right view. Namely that HA and RH are bad for each other, and will torture each other endlessly? Forget what TaeHee, SY, Aunt Princess or Sukjoon said, all these few people (including Mom) doesn’t mounts to “the Whole world”. Are there not others (Uncle Gangster, Ji Hoon, Dong Il) that will fully support and cheer them on? Even if there are none that cheer them on, Can’t they just hang on and let times itself prove, that they are really meant for each other? What’s about ….. “From the beginning and in the end was all HA”?
This ep doesn’t make any sense, that it suddenly depart from it usual tones, and faded into greys.
the icing top the cake is the revelation that HA and RH might be legally sibblings (Mom and dad were married?) Did the Writer fallen ill and someone else took over to write the story. Or Who some virus creep into the writer’s mind and she/he started to change the main leads’ characters? Are not KD supposed to make us believe, true love don’t need to listen to the whole world crap? I can stand tragedies, can stand someone died in the end, or even “senseless-open-ends”, but don’t change the main Leads stunting characters, don’t let them able to forget their loved one.


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The show did exactly what the bubblegum do, it keep blowing bigger and bigger in character crafting for RH, in his simplicity and sincerely and senses..... then bubble burst flat in our face this week. while i don't ship Lee Dongwook and whatever this actress is. Somewhat RH has ascended onto my list of Best KD male Lead characters. after 9 ep of steadfast will, clear minded, and unwavering devotion… RH departed from his awesomeness. whatever possess RH or the Writer, makes me ANGRY.
To Lee MinNa, Years later, you want fans to remember and still talk about your RH like a classic signature character that define your life work. or having Lee Dongwook to say years later that his best role is RH... Writer, don't burst RH BUBBLE. i can stand OTP dying, i can stand breaking up, even open-ends, i can stand tons of evil third parties and triangle relationship,... just don't destroy the characters that shaped RH or HA into a rare gems in recent drama, esp RH, of rare clear direction, solid steadfast will, sensual yet mixed with good senses.
I woe that I can hardly find a good KD OTP, that can truly understand each other , can feel each other pains without communication, that from ep 1 to ep 16, the OTP will only do what each other wants or best for each other, and don’t try to doubt or think anyone else will be better than themselves, don’t try to decide what is best for each other even if it pains her/his heart. Writer, I though finally I can find such a unique OTP in RH / HA. I want an OTP that will weathered thru from ep 1 to 16, against all odd. SAD!


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@ mary of bethany
Mom can't 'wake up'. There is no known cure for Alzheimer's. And the people who suffer from it can't help themselves.

Having said that, I do not think that it's good for HA to be left out. She's a very caring person and loves RH's mum very much. Even though it's difficult for her, she will want to be a part of that caring as a way of showing her love and gratitude to both mum and RH. Leaving her out, will nor ease her burden...frankly, I think, it'll increase it. She will constantly worry about mum and RH, wondering how they are faring, and fretting cos she can't help out.


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hi, when i was saying Mom "wake up", i meant to say wake up when she is still sober and strong headed against HA. Wake up against her warped prejudice against HA when she still remembers everyone. Now, the timeline door is closing real fast, and she may just have lost her chance to redeem whatever guilt she actually have for opposing HA. remember the fallen bird in that sepia animation, HA was the girl Mom forced herself to hate. She needs to wake up from that baseless dislikes...
unless the revelation of the Polka Dot dress photo, then we got a glimpse into the horrid truth, which may just be that the Secrecy Marriage between Mom and Dad spelled: HA and RH as legal sibblings? is this the real reason for Mom's dislike? does it make sense, that why don't she from the beginning let RH know, HA is legally a sister to him?
like you said, HA will be in abyss if she was left out of the whole saga of attending Mom. Why, because Mom is not just the mother of the man she loved, this Mom is a motherly feature even before she fall for RH. while YS case is different, if YS sincerely loved Mom, she won't use Mom's treatment as a bargain chips for RH to date her, which is simply LOW! to rob HA of the chance to lessen RH'S load is cruel. One of the most deepest regrets in life, is always loosing the chance to do show our love and care for someone who has departed from our life. HA may suffers verbal insults, or mental stress while caring for Mom, but she will be scarred her whole life, if not given the chance to aid in letting Mom's transition be more comfortable.
even RH, of all people, should not rob HA the chance to walk this path with him. the HA he should know, should find energy to go as long as he showers her with moments like those little talks at the gate, little hugs after mom's slept.
HA is simple , and she is happy with this.


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Thanks for clarifying.
Point to note: If by 'legal' siblings, you mean biological, it's not possible. RH is just a couple of months older than HA, unless they changed the birth dates! Now THAT would be terribly horrendous!


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Here comes the noble idiocy and separation, now at least i can watch without feeling it hanging over my head. It sucks and i don't like it, but for this show, it's somewhat acceptable cos with the OTP being who they are, how can they help it?
Both Ri Hwan and Haeng Ah are people who puts everybody's happiness before their own, plus they have massive doses of insecurities of not being good enough for their loved ones, not being good enough to be loved as they are.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, yes? Have been a coward and just read recap for the past episodes, here's to sunnier episodes ahead!


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I just need to state this for the record - Yi-seul is a HOT MESS!!!!


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I think i share with some of you the confusion how it makes sense for noble idiocy to figure in here. Out of all the characters here, the one person i cannot stand is Tae-hee. Hence, a bit confused even last episode how she stands out as admirable, LLP. she is just so cold (even her so-called love for PD) and yet she thinks and says she knows more than HA. when i have a friend this strong, i end up confused, really. HA's wishes and desires have not been asked nor respected here. I think the pains wrought here were all brought upon by the people themselves. NOw think in the counterintuitive, if HA and RH went on as usual, supporting each other in this new challenge with mom, if HA was just left to work with mum, with the rest of her radio mates helping out, yes, the beginning will be tough, but i would like a drama to explore how life goes on that way. It could retain its lightness and not dive into melo, piling pain upon pain. We're gonna end up squeezing the melo on this one, when there could have been that golden opportunity to work seminally on dealing with alzh in the family without losing relationships and humanity. It is painful enough having an ill family member. Wrong choices, out of wrong advise and noble idiocy, compound the pain. In my books, friendship is not thinking i know more than my friend when it comes to her or his needs and going about telling others how to decide with respect to 'my' friend.


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"but i would like a drama to explore how life goes on that way". you said well, Merry.
like you said, Life does goes on that way, life changes, and its human to adjusted permanently your life-style, then move on.
Just the same, either with Alzh illness or the more fatal Cancer illness, when you are dealing with a family member that have such, Your whole life just change FOREVER! What is worst? to have your loved one forget you forever, but faced the most agonizing pain just prior to his memory forgeting, that he faced horror to know she will forget you soon... or to have your loved one dying and knowing you will pained your whole life missing her... in both cases, our life changed forever, but we moved on, even in darkness of night, cried our heart out listening to some late night radio song playing. But all of us, will be willing to do as much as we can, to help our loved one weather that last moment before "she forgets me" or before "she departs from this world". i believed, whatever, mental struggles, or hospital phobia, or emotional strains... HA has prepared to face for Mom's sake. Who are TH or SY or SJ to even think she will break as she bears in silent. Did not any of us, having cancer patient in our family did JUST THAT? break will we be, but we happily bear thru, because 'she's worth it" ! to HA, Mom's worth it, Mom is family.
so, even if i think as a BFF, or a boyfriend, i am "What is best for someone i loved, and what she's doing is hurting her"... but isn't this hurt is something she is happy to bear, this hurt is NOTHING COMPARED to the hurt she got from lossing the chances to do something and even be hurt for her loved one. if i am HA, i will do the same. Life is Short, what i can sacrifice for Mom, is just that much, and it will comes to past. so, will everyone just let HA choose her life , and enjoy those moments at the gate talking to RH.. those moments are suffice to HA. isn't it?


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Haha! I can feel your frustration and anger mary of bethany! I feel that same way too. Stupid, interfering people who think they know what's best for you, but never even bother to ask you how you feel or what you want! AARRRRGH!!!!


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Well said, Merry.


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I feel like this show started out fresh and fun, but now we are getting all the standard melodrama tropes. Both Haeng ah's parents died of stomach cancer, now Ri Hwan's mom has Alzheimer's, plus there are clingy second leads, interfering parents, etc. Just like any other standard weekend drama. I do like the side stories and dialogue, though.


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I do love this drama but this episode, and the last, just made it so unbearably slow and sad.

Thanks for the recap!


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HA and RH half sibblings because Mom and Her Dad were secretly married.
don't change RH's awesome clear headed, unique good senses of not conforming to majorities's warped thinking.
when we thought dark clouds looning , like cancers or alzh.illness... then the revelation of being "sibbling"-by-laws.

but i can still deal with that. Mom and dad's was a secret marriage, no one knows right... and they are really not blood relation right?
Show, so the next 6 ep, we will have them battling "i am actually your brother legally" craps?
please Don't !


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Honestly I stopped watching this show once oh my Venus started airing... I only read recaps mostly because I watched the earlier episodes.... This story keeps getting worse ,the more read recaps the more I postpone watching the series.... So I'll will wait and see how it ends then watch it.....

The title bubblegum is justified though starting sweet and fluffy and then becomes tasteless drag. let's hope the writer won't take its meaning to heart and starts eating another one and get the fluffyness back


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The break-up was so stupid! But why am I affected! Had cried a river over it!

...actually it was understandable why Ri-whan had to do it that way. When you wanted to protect the people you love, and yet he himself can get a hold of what’s happening. Haeng-ah is so addicted with her Auntie that she forget Ri-whan needs him too… so bad! But hoping for better episodes to come…

Oh please, don’t break our hearts!


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Just as I feared the drama turned totally makjang. It's like the writer started off with a trendy drama that she couldn't actually write the plot for - so she added stomach cancer, alzheimer's, pseudo-siblings, cold second leads, and crazy mother-in-laws, and some chaebol drama. I mean what else does this drama not have? I don't want to be negative, but I guess it's because when you call your drama "Bubblegum" I expect to retain some lightness and comedy. I think my other problem stems from the fact that I don't really buy Haeng-Ah and Ri-Hwan's romance. Does anyone else find it odd that until the sidewalk kiss she was still pining after her ex, and then after one kiss, she's suddenly realized a long existing love for Ri-Hwan? Their romance seemed really rushed (I mean in one episode - they went from a kiss to contemplating what dating would feel like) and now that it has all of these setbacks, I don't really buy into the strength of their love enough to validate them lasting through everything or even trying to. Somehow their chemistry just seems to be brother and sister to me - and anything more, I don't buy. I think that they have a vested interest in keeping their connection to each other (as a person to person) through all of these challenges but definitely not as a couple. Also, I find the second leads in this drama to be weak - I really liked Yi-Seul and her interaction with Ri-Hwan. But now, I'm just disappointed in her. I also don't like how the mom's illness is portrayed - alzheimer's doesn't progress that quickly and for her to go from forgetting files to suddenly forgetting her son is very, very abrupt. I guess I also don't really see how this series is going to end - mom passes away from alzheimers, and Haeng-Ah and Ri-Hwan end up together? If that is the conclusion, I feel like the whole plot wasn't satisfying enough for that to be reward. I don't really care about them ending up together - so the payoff isn't that great. I rarely write off a drama completely, and while I've definitely seen dramas worse than this one, I think what frustrates me with this drama is how much of a melo yell/cry fest it is. I often think the point of entertainment is to connect to the audience and even if it's not funny - to invoke some poignant emotions. Misaeng did this for me. It wasn't always funny and a lot of it was sad, but there was this beautiful bittersweet feeling about all of it. I feel like that's what this drama was going for, but instead most of the time, I want to cover my ears when the characters are fighting since it's so grating and tiring to watch for episodes on end.


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This last episode was so frustrating...it wasn't my favourite, can't-wait-to-watch drama, but I enjoyed watching it when I did. But now that the writer is taking it to makjang-cry-fest, I may drop it. Sigh!
I feel for Lee Dong Wook. He hasn't had many good dramas under his belt lately, and he was so endearing as RH...but if the story goes makjang, it'll be another one of those that started well but lost it's way.


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Umm... I am confused here. The subtitle said " was a marriage day of sorts". This does not mean they were married for short while, does it? It could have been a day when he proposed or something, or a day they decided to spend without the worry of the world.


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Episodes 9 & 10 depicted the worst of Korean dramas for me. These episodes were very circular and aggravating. How many more times can we watch the OTP break up and fight to convince each other that they should be together? For once I'd like a couple with some resolve. Just be together and work through the problems. Also, Yi-seul is so very unnecessary and basic. Her whole storyline just weighs down the plot. I'd get Yi-Seul if she was growing and developing but week after week she just gets worse.


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Yeah, I'm not quite sure why Lollypip wrote that RH's mom and HA's dad were married. They were not. The picture where RH's mom is wearing the polka dot dress was just a very special day/memory for her. Not an actual wedding picture. HA and RH are definitely not siblings.


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Even if Ri Hwan didn't end the relationship , it will be Haeng Ah . She said so to Yi Seul in the earlier episode .


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all I can say and I think it enough, is I watch this drama through the fast forward button.


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At least, you are still willing to watch. My daughter and I have decided that we will read the re-caps first before deciding to watch.


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I thought it was going to be a light drama, well I'm going to keep a box of tissues next to me from now on. The ending of this episode.....??? Can't drama land give us a coupe that stay together through hardship and tragedy... But then the title somehow makes sense Bubblegum, sweet, savory, colorful and as you keep chewing it loses taste, you blow bubbles which eventually pops...
I don't think RH’s mom and HA’s dad were ever married, Where they, did I miss it ???? A secret wedding that nobody know about ? But RH and HA are not blood related so it could be fine right ??

Yi-seul is still a big question mark to me, I still don't know if I pity her or if I don't like her. She seems to have find a way to keep RH close with the discovery of his mother illness (Is she going to use her money and power to put her on a experiment medical trial for Alzheimer or something like that ?? so RH will get closer to her out of gratitude towards her ?? ).

ThankU for the recap Lollypip !!


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I was the sobbing mess in this ep. Gosh. I didn't sign up for this. I thought i was buying bubblegum. Rainbow and unicorn. I don't care how. Just get them back together writernim


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This one is really sad, but it feels reasonable to me, so I'm still along for the ride and even enjoying it in a sad kind of way.


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HA needs to man up. She wants to take care of auntie but she doesn't take care of herself. If u want to be strong for someone, u have to be strong yourself. Why don't u eat properly? Your phobia is hard so it takes time. But at least u can take care of yourself. She has those good coworkers and ppl at the restaurant too. Right from the beginning of this drama, i feel her weakness. But it got irritated now. She actually makes more burden to RH to care beside his mom. About RH, i was so in love with him from ep 1 to ep9. But this ep, he went down the road of noble idiocy. YS and SJ are unbearable. SJ is annoying cold heart. Nobody wants u anymore. YS litteraly tried to buy RH. What's up with "i will help your mom if only i date me"?!?! still enjoy the drama tho ^^ Bcs LDW and JRW are freaking adorable together


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Finally somebody who understands my undertanding of HA's weakness. Regarding Ri Hwan, I feel that he should have found another way, but he's human. He can't handle everything in this world without making mistakes. That's why I want to forgive him for now this mistake and see what will happen after. I just can't stand seeing that people are blaming him. Yes, I know that he has been shown so differently and strong...but even strong people can have their ups and downs. And can be broken by different circumstances.


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Good grief this was painful. I'm mad at a whole lot of folks but Haeng Ah's "best friend" takes the cake this go round.

I'm really puzzled by this thought that to LOVE someone means spending sunny days together and nothing else. I can almost give Suk Joon a pass on this because he's got his own selfish motives for wanting to split RH and HA up. But Tae Hee is a lousy excuse for a friend. The second you run into pain you're supposed to run away and end the relationship. Because spending a life together can't possibly be about sharing happiness AND sadness, in sickness and in health, right?



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So, there was only one way that I could make sense of RH's decision to push HA away in this episode, and that was if he suspected that he and HA truly were biological half-siblings. Ok, that possibility is probably taboo in Kdrama writing, but I think the writer intended us to question it. And yes, it is entirely possible. No one knows who RH's father is except his mom, and she's not saying. RH and HA have different mothers, but that does not mean that the father could not have been involved with both of them at the same time. And after HA's mom died, RH's mom and HA's dad were definitely romantically involved, even though they hid it from the kids. I don't think RH knew anything until he saw the picture, and then put 2 and 2 together. It's right after that, he decides to dump HA. Apparently there's no DNA testing in Kdrama. I find this scenario far more plausible, and interesting, than noble idiocy. Yes, it's yucky, but it happens more often than we think in real life. Anyway, I think the writer wants us to go there, and consider the possibility.

As for Tae-hee, she is someone who is only attracted to men who are wounded. She goes from a alcoholic to a divorcee when she sees him be rejected by his own child. She needs to be needed, and yet counsels HA to avoid any situation where HA is needed. It's as though she is really talking to herself. Boundary issues, Tae-hee; boundary issues.


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Echoing everyone's thoughts here! Most of these characters started out so likable and ralatable at best, have ended up behaving in he worst way possible. What gives, Writer-nim.

I get that Nobel Idiocy is a deep rooted Kdrama culture, but can two seemingly intelligent people have a serious conversion before parting ways? One might cling dearly but at least have the guts to talk it out with your loved one. Damned.


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Noble* :/


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But if they have that convo, what to show next 6 episodes? It's drama and it's not just because of Kdrama. I can recall at least few American dramas with the same "noble idiocy" issue to split up leads for a while to make them back together. It's drama about real life? not about time traveling or supernatural heroes travelling from another stars or vampires, where you have multiple problems to solve besides "noble idiocy". That;s why they can avoid it. For me it's better this way, then vampire/alien/addicted killers hunting leads.


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Saddest breakup scene that I've seen in a long time. I pulled out the tissue box. Kudos to the drama for making me sob along with Ri Hwan and Hang Ah - I'm so battle-hardened by years of kdramas I rarely cry these days. Is it weird that I'm pleasantly surprised that our two lead actors are so great at crying? Usually I think of Lee Dong-wook as pretty wooden, but I like him a lot in this drama. And My Girl was the 3rd kdrama I ever watched, so he's got a special place in my heart and I still didn't like him that much! Our leading lady has come so far from her 2nd lead days in Kim Sam Soon, she surprises me in a good way!


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Ah... 2 more dramas on now with the Dr. Stranger syndrome. So much potential, such great actors, yet such lame storylines. Bubblegum and Oh my Venus.
It is fun to watch 2 main actors, but the storylines are just frustrating to watch and can only carry my attention so far.


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Does someone know the title of the song that was played when Ri Hwan and Haeng A were texting from their balconies? Thank you in advance.


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