Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8

Good news — we are halfway through our show! But the not-so-good news is that we’re not totally done with the breakup story. And for our characters, while moving on is difficult, it’s a process they eventually have to go through. Even though it seems like it’ll take them forever to do so.


Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyun-min in Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8 Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyun-min in Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8

We pick up from where we left off last week with Bora’s return to Jinlee publishers. Bora is desperate to sign the book deal but Sang-jin is quite the negotiator, so Bora ends up settling for a lesser figure than she thought. A pity though, because Sang-jin was just as desperate for the deal to push through. The only difference was that he had better bluffing skills. Heh. And through this, Bora (and I) learn a lesson: to be a little more discrete with our desperation.

Soo-hyuk and Bora spend more time together this week as they plan and outline her new book, which is an autobiographical essay of how a dating coach overcomes her breakup. One of the tips she plans to share in the book is how to win back an ex after a breakup. *Rolls eyes* And it’s almost like Bora — and the show, by extension — haven’t learned anything because: 1) why is she still drinking even after being diagnosed with alcohol-induced gastritis last week? and 2) why are we still dwelling on this ex of hers?

Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyun-min in Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8

In reply to Soo-hyuk, who wants to know the plan to get an ex back, Bora says they need to analyze what caused the breakup in the first place — which is not so bad, except this entire analysis should have been over and done with four episodes ago! I thought they were already at the acceptance stage of grief? Sigh. Maybe it’s time for us to accept that we are never moving on from their breakup.

Admittedly, our scars are part of us. But for these two, it’s like their entire lives revolve around their heartbreak. In a drama where already a good number of the scenes are a little too long, we devote so many precious minutes of each episode to watching Soo-hyuk and Bora go on and on about their breakup tale, that it feels like the drama has no other story to tell. We finally get a rom-com without a murder mystery and this is it? Nah, Bora! Deborah needs to be renamed “The breakup show.”

Yoo Inna in Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8

The good thing about the show is that Yoo Inna is doing an excellent job with selling the Bora character and all her emotions, and that’s why I’m still endeared to her. Even though I find her frustrating or embarrassing sometimes — especially when she starts to avoid Soo-hyuk because he saw her pee on the street while drunk. (For clarity’s sake, he didn’t actually see her do the deed. He was her lookout, and all he saw was the extraordinarily long trail of pee that trickled down the street.)

Soo-hyuk has seen it all when it comes to Bora, and you’d expect that at this point she’d already be used to it. But no, she just has to be all dramatic about the situation. Tsk. As Yoo-jung says, “There’s no use crying over spilled urine.” But hey, while Bora is worried about Soo-hyuk’s impression of her, she has no time to think about her ex. And that is always a welcome development in my book.

Speaking of books, Bora may no longer be writing about dating tips, but that doesn’t stop her from talking about it. Her latest mentee happens to be Jin-ho, and he tells Bora and Yoo-jung about the girl he met at the club and fell in love with (Bomi). In typical noona behavior, Bora and Yoo-jung don’t approve of Ms. Club, but will they come out directly to tell Jin-ho? No. Instead, to Jin-ho’s mortification, they trash talk about Ms. Club right in front of Bomi when Jin-ho comes with Jin-woo to help move around the heavy stuff in Bora’s new apartment (which I think is kinda basic compared to the pretty apartment they moved from). Oops!

Not that it’s any of their business, but there were better ways for Bora and Yoo-jung to express their displeasure over Jin-ho’s crush than to actively encourage him to confess his feelings in public — knowing how much girls hate that stuff. But joke’s on the noonas, because although Bomi hated the public confession (where we see the iKON in him lol) Jin-ho’s sincerity wins her over and they begin to date. Yaay!

Back to Bora, she decides to break up with Ju-wan because she doesn’t want his last impression of her to be the drunken mess that begged him to get back together. But wait, didn’t they already break up? Anyway, for the grand breakup scene, Bora and Soo-hyuk stakeout Ju-wan’s favorite restaurant. And when Ju-wan shows up, Bora coolly ends things with him once and for all. Phew! I hope this is the last we see of him on the show.

Now that Bora and Soo-hyuk have put a rest to the topic of getting the ex back, it’s off to karaoke to celebrate. And there, both halves of our Heartbreak Couple acknowledge the supportive role the other played in their respective post-breakup journeys. Things eventually grow tense as they silently acknowledge each other’s presence in the enclosed space, and like the natural order of things in dramas, they go in for a kiss.

Unfortunately, I did not feel a single thing from their kiss. And I hate not feeling things during kiss scenes. It’s almost like after messing with its pacing — no thanks to the overdrawn heartbreak arc– the drama realized it still needed to tick the kiss off the usual Episode 8 checklist. But as far as I’m concerned, this kiss is way too soon.

Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyun-min kiss in Bora! Deborah: Episodes 7-8

Aside from the youngsters, there’s really no healthy relationship in this show. Not the Heartbreak Couple, and definitely not Jin-woo and Yoo-jung. To be honest, I don’t know what Yoo-jung sees in her husband because Jin-woo annoys me with each passing episode. I get a spouse wanting their alone moments from time to time, but hiding a whole secret basement from your wife? Why are you even married to her in the first place? I’m not even going to start with Yoo-jung having to stage an elaborate act to buy a bag for herself. Sigh.

I’ve never seen a rom-com that makes romance seem this unappealing. It’s almost like how Sang-jin makes being an employee of Jinlee publishers unappealing thanks to his kkondae attitude. I cannot imagine having his petty self as my boss, and that is why the staff didn’t add him to the unofficial work group chat lol. But Sang-jin, it won’t be long. You will crumble soon enough.


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"Unfortunately, I did not feel a single thing from their kiss." Really? I mean... really? You're a tough audience.

This series is like 'Strangers Again', the very stuff that others complained about is precisely what I like MOST about the drama. I like that its a character piece of a flawed, somewhat silly person rather than a by-the-numbers rom-com that we'd know all the beats to ahead of time. I like that it dwells on the breakup aftermath and doesn't just treat it as a throw-away plot device.


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Completely agree. This show has so many laugh-out-loud moments because it is so realistic. The characters are flawed but still likeable, the relationships and messy and bump up against each other in odd, uncomfortable ways that I find so relatable. And I really like the fact that this drama has taken time to dwell on the breakup phase; it always vaguely annoys me how failed relationships are given some sort of token tears and then we move on. Maybe some people can shrug off years spent invested in one person and one future dream, but for many people it is the work of weeks to pick up the pieces and find a new dream. And Bo-ra is hardly the type to dust off her hands and move on; one of the funny, endearing things about her (acted so well by Yoo In Nah) is that she does everything in her life all-in.


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I really like this show for the same reason. I really enjoy spending time with these characters every week because of their flaws and the silly things they do. They feel very real. And while the main characters have been dealing with their break ups, they've been falling for each other as they get to know each other. The kiss worked for me because we already saw things like Soo-hyuk falling for the phishing scam because he was worried about her and both of them catching themselves smiling at the silly little things the other person does. In getting to know each other in this weird way they've oddly become very close in a short amount of time.


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Agree, the kiss was so great. It was clearly not a romantic kiss, but between two people who have are no longer desired by their previous partners. There is now a closeness between these two through shared experiences and also trust. That kiss did both good!


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I have many issues with this drama, but their chemistry and the sheer romantic tension between the leads is not one of them. That line from the recap hit me like a brick lol


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Sigh. I quit. But I came back for episode 8.
I was raging watching episode 7. This show is just making it so hard to root for Bora. The drinking is irresponsible and I don’t like characters who don’t take their health seriously. It’s one thing to drink when you didn’t know the consequences, but to continue it after being sick due to excess alcohol is just NO. How is this a 30+ year old woman that I can root for?
And yes, if anyone else other than Yoo In Na was cast it would have been a drop in ep 3/4. She makes it so hard to drop. She is absolutely gorgeous and she makes parts of her character endearing. When she is smart and sober she comes across as such a wonderful person. And then she does things. 🙄
I wish I knew what is the attraction between the two? Is it only their breakup? I wish the show spent more time showing them bond over non breakup talk. I do like their talk about her next book.

The married couple. I really don’t get them. I don’t. And why does she have to lie about her husband buying her the bag?? Why is she so delusional? that guy surely doesn’t look like he wants to be in this marriage. I can’t tell what he is thinking.


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Also, it’s impossible to be invested in Sang-Jin given how little we know about it. The show did not explore why he got divorced. But we are shown him being a petty boss and an intern crushing on him.
I don’t know where they are going with this.


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Yeah, the drinking made these last few eps so uncomfortable for me to watch. I'm glad we're past the breakup now.


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Doctor diagnosed her with alcocholic gastritis, but I guess it was a soft way of saying she is an alcoholic, and yet she keeps on drinking and people who are around her doesn't seem to care. As I said in the WWW it's absolutely irresponsible the way drinking is shown in this drama.


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I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that. If Bo-ra was in the US she would absolutely meet criteria for alcohol use disorder after the drunken rant incident up through ep 7.


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I found ep 8 absolutely adorable and it made me glad I stuck around during the (admittedly very long) breakup arc.

I don't know why everyone hates that boss so much! From what I've seen in Kdramas, he's one of the better ones.


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Seems like the boss doesn't respect any of his employees' privacy, doesn't take their input seriously, way too domineering and gets angry at the slightest criticism. On the other hand, the employees also seem very petty and hurtful. Overall, not the least toxic workplace.

But at least they seem nice towards U-ri so far.


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I was frustrated with all the crying in the early episodes- probably because I'm not a cryer, BUT... I loved Ep 8, and Bora was very cute in this episode. Let's hope the next eight are just as entertaining.


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Next six, because there will be 14 episodes :)


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thx. So, what do we watch next?


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Hmmm. I have lots (more than a hundred, not kidding) of older dramas to watch, to be honest XD
But among the new ones, Race (Disney +) seems interesting, and See you in my 19th life too.


Oh @ Unit, this was such a good weecap! I agree with everything you said. In the dragging the scene too long department, ugh, the negotiation scene really bothered me. Too long, and when Bora said "You know what they say, when a woman says 'no', it means 'yes'," I wanted to shake her, and the writers, for perpetuating a dangerous myth about consent. Not funny. Simply awful.

On the other hand, while I disliked that they called it Bora breaking up with Ju-Wan, I did like what she said during that scene, and how she handled herself.


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In slight defense of this scene, I think its a bit too much to say that Bora, or the show, was advancing the myth about women's consent. It was pretty clear that she was playing to the male preconceptions because of her financial desperation. That was made really clear afterwards, when she talked to Soo-Hyuk about "selling her soul to the devil."


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Plus, she immediately backpedaled when she realized what she had just said, and IIRC also said something like "No, that's not true at all."


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I really do not know how to feel about ep 7 and 8. The breakup show is really an apt name for this drama because why are still talking about breakup? Which is why the kiss is sort of left field. I mean, yes I can see the chemistry between Bora and Su Hyuk but they spent so much time on her wallowing and drinking herself to stupor over the ex that I have mixed feelings towards the kiss.

I'd rather they took the time and spent a few eps being besties and coming together healed and actually moved on. As it is, I'm fairly certain the drama will pull a 'this kiss was a mistake' on us.
Bomi and JH are cute but every other relationship in the drama is a drag. I absolutely hate Yoo Jung's husband. And Sang Jin's office culture is so horrible I would never want to work for him.

I dunno, all in all it was a mixed bag this week.

Thanks for the recap @unit


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I actually think the story of the leads had a lot of potential, and I really like the two characters and the actors playing them. I do think they have a lot of chemistry--they are really comfortable together which is why Bora making such a HUGE deal of avoiding Soo-hyuk after peeing in the street was just wrong. Sure, some embarrassment, and not wanting to mention it, but not total avoidance. I would have thought the whole point of that scene, and its glow of comic physical relief, was that this was a necessity Bora could perform when she was with an understanding partner rather than a totally self-absorbed jerk. (I myself am not embarassed to say that there have been a few times in 30+ of marriage that the lack of public restroom facilities in the U.S. have necessitated a guarded visit to the bushes for either my wife or myself--it is embarrassing and always to be avoided when possible, but its actually comforting to know you that you aren't going to be discovered without a warning.

The reason I'm focusing on that minor example of potty humor is that I think the mishandling of this scene is representative of the writing/directing of this show, which is to come up with really promising concepts and not quite execute them. A pretty frank look at a really devastating break up and total fall from grace for a dating advisor? Not bad to detail, but don't dwell on it for SIX episodes. 4 clueless men who need to learn more about themselves and how to treat their romantic partners with the love and consideration they deserve? Good,moralistic story--except then don't let EVERY ONE of them totally off the hook for their behavior! Finally, an initially hostile relationship warming to a classic one true love? Of course, this is the whole point of why I'm watching this show--BUT make sure to show more of the increasing attraction between the two--especially on Bora's part--before springing a passionate kiss on the viewers.

Anyway, I'll keep watching this and who knows, maybe the last 6 episodes will redeem some of the first half's issues. But I'm not counting on it.


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It's mainly Yoo Inna who keeps me watching.
And Joo Sangwook's orange sweater. 😁


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You know, in all seriousness, (not really) I really like the colors of this show in general. The pastels that Bora often wears are really quite attractive! Also, speaking of fashion, you have to say that Soo hyuk really did choose correctly when it came to the break up dress.


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I just don’t get on why the writer is hell bent on embarrassing Bora. Are we supposed to find it funny? Are we supposed to laugh at her? Hey look, here is how grown woman makes joke out of herself. I am just tired of it. It’s not funny.


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I totally agree with you about the kiss, Unit. It felt rushed and it was too soon. It felt like... hey, "if this is episode 8 it must end with a kiss". Our leads are really falling for each other, and forgetting about their breakups, just give them time!

I don't like Bora as a character, and that is an absolute merit of Yo Inna, as she is making the character believable. Bora is a woman who thought happiness will come with marriage, no matter who she married, but being married will make her ultimately happy. She needs to learn to be alone, that happiness comes only from inside, that only if she is happy on her own she can be happy with someone else. That is why this kiss felt so rushed: I'm over JuWan for good, now to the next groom to be. Not Bora, first fix your life, write your book, go to therapy to overcome your alcohol addiction, find balance in your life, learn that you can live a single life, and then... then run to SooHyuk because you two together can be really good.

As for YooJung and JinWoo, for a minute I thought I had missed something and that he actually had bought her the bag, which was totally out of character, but you confirmed he didn't. Why are these two still married? Easy, because YooJung hasn't decided to get a divorce, something I hope she does when she understand what they have is not a healthy relationship. From episode one JinWoo has shown us that he only does what his wife says, he never proposed and got married because she wanted. He is with her but he could have a roommate and it would be the same. Does he care for her? Of course, as they have been together for years and I think he is a good person. Is he in love with her? Nope. At all. I know their relation is supposed to be funny, with a bossy wife and a quiet husband, but it's as funny as Bora addiction to alcohol.


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this show makes be LAFF OUT LOUD! i love it. they are silly and stupid, they are supposed to be. it's a comedy!


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This show definitely has its problems, which I'll discuss in a minute, but I didn't think the kiss was one of them. It's been pretty obvious for a few episodes now that Soo-hyuk is drawn and attracted to Bo-ra, and I think she's equally drawn to him, although she's been in breakup/move/write book mode for a long time, and therefore has neither the mental presence nor time to recognize those growing feelings. These two have had several long and fairly deep conversations as well. So it made perfect sense to me that they kissed, although I expect neither is confident enough at this point to pursue a relationship.

I agree that YIN is killing it. Without her, this show would be unwatchable. But I also appreciate the way the show isn't pretending that these two can just launch themselves into a new relationship, and magically erasing their past relationship struggles. To that end, I didn't feel that these two episodes dwelled on Bo-ra's breakup, but on Bo-ra making peace with herself by honoring her relationship in a way that felt healing and respectful to herself. So when she talked about the focus of the book being on getting an ex back, I don't think she literally meant getting back together with him/her. Instead, I think she's writing about--and living the experience of--getting yourself so together and confident that your ex would want you back. I'm cool with that.

I've been disappointed in the development of the sister's relationship with her destiny stalker, and not just because he's basically harassed her into compliance. The big problem for me is that I don't understand why he supposedly loves her other than that she looked pretty in a club. Ok, I guess many relationships start that way, but I needed a stronger initial connection here for me to buy that they could be in a relationship, and his feelings could be this strong. And really, does anyone not believe that if this guy was less physically attractive that everyone would peg him as a creep?

The married couple is ridiculous. I don't understand the point the show is making about marriage through them; I feel like the writer has no idea what it means to be married and is pulling every plot point from cliche town.


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I think I would be a lot more forgiving of this show so far if they just had handled the married couple and the young stalker differently. First the marriage. I assume the writer and the director would realize just how hateful the behavior of the husband is, but then why have the wife rhapsodize on how attractive her husband is to Bora in that last episode? Will that be shown as her attempting to delude herself, just like Bora? Maybe, but do we really need that lesson again? Otherwise, I don't know what's going on with the portrayal of that marriage.
(Also, Park So-jin is just such a charismatic actress. I want her to be the lead in a rom-com of her own.)

As for that stalker, he needed a thorough and humiliating lesson that relentlessly pursuing a woman who you don't know but just fantasize as your destiny because she's beautiful is not romantic but creepy. Then, maybe, after he realized that, if he was depicted as a truly a nice, but deluded guy, you could show him winning his love over properly, through a couple of chance meetings that then he understood not to be destiny, but an opportunity to prove himself worthy of her.


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Also, although I wanted more indication of growing affection from Bora before the kiss, I agree with you that the conversations between them have been pretty affective at establishing a growing bond. Bora's insight into Soo-hyuk's break up was right on target, and he agreed with it. Then, Soo-hyuk pretending not to be affected by Bora play-acting seduction when in fact he was being seduced was funny.


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Agreed on all counts. With the marriage, I'm especially bothered by the fact that these two have never really discussed the horrible things the husband said about his wife to Bo-ra's ex. He's never properly atoned for them, either. So that leaves the impression that he meant what he said, which means he's not in this marriage because he loves her or wants her.

She, on the other hand, seems to think this is true love, and like you, I had no idea if we're supposed to see her as correct or delusional. The whole purse thing bugged me, too. It was such a silly, gendered plot twist that led to Yoo-jung doing that awful baby-talk voice, all in service of trying to manipulate her husband into buying her more bags, because apparently that's what women want most from their spouses who badmouth them behind their backs, hide a roommate in the basement, and seem disinterested in sex or intimacy of any kind. Just give her designer bags and she's perfectly happy! So stupid.


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I hate the storyline with Bomi and the stalker boy. He basically just wore her down until she agreed to date him.


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I can’t totally agree with that. In the beginning, yes, but their later meetings were all coincidences.


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I think the same. He had sent a few messages but apart from that, the rest of the encounters and interactions were coincidences (I really don't mind he calls it Destiny). I got second hand embarrassment when he sang in the streets, poor boy. And I really didn't expect she was going to come back to "save him". I liked that.


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Truly he is no stalker- and frankly I like him. His heart is in the right place but is Bomi mature enough to handle him? I am afraid that she will really blow this.


I have to admit that I laughed with many moments in episode 8, starting when Bora shut the door in Soo-Hyuk's face. And that happened in minute 4 😅.

About the kiss, I also think it happened too early. I wanted them to stay as friends a little more.


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I agree, I think this romcom is often funny! There aren’t many k dramas that made me chuckle out loud 😀


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We finally get a rom-com without a murder mystery and this is it?

See, serial killers in rom-coms aren't all bad (er, lets find a better way to phrase that).

They can:
1: Use up screen time so the show doesn't have to drag out things like negotiation scenes.
2: Help drive the leads together.
3: Make even a lackluster romance seem appealing by comparison.


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I wouldn't have minded if the kiss had waited except. . . . . it was played as spur-of-the-moment spontaneous without any forethought. Both had reached a major turning point in their lives, they were celebrating and having fun. I thought it worked well, but then I'm assuming that this isn't the start of anything for them. Yet. I'll be interested to see how the writer/director plays the next scenes - shock? denial? regret?

It reminded me of the 1st kiss in "Crazy Love". Also spontaneous (and "fake") but both parties were clearly affected.

I'm hoping they take a big step back, recognize they are both still in rebound mode and work on the book. With plenty of tension, and reflection, along the way.

What I'm not getting about this show is all the other messy relationships - there is usually another couple having issues but you hope they make it to the end. None of that in this show - it is all focused on Soo Hyuk (my favorite character) and Bora.


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Nice shoutout to Crazy Love tho. Amazing drama.


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My all-time favorite - although I'm a fairly newbie to k-drama (only 1.5 years). Maybe it will be equaled someday and frankly if Bora! sticks the landing, it might be my 2nd 10⭐.


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the "pee" moment gave me a good laugh like OMG lol she is so embarass and made a lot of excuses but the kiss gave me goosebumps. I mean I didn't see it coming. Although it wasn't as romantic as I imagined but still it gave me the feels lol I wonder what else they will show us on the next episodes


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I guess I am one of the minority as this finally got me out of a drama slump. That getting back the ex thing which infuriated other watchers was not even the plan (and was explained also later) as she was winging the plot of her next book in desperation to seal the deal.

Then when she got a little more time to think about it, I did like her second break up plan which is really all about getting back her dignity. That was also emphasized so well in ep 8 and small as it is, I considered that a win.

Haven't anyone tried to avoid seeing the person who witnessed the most embarassing moment of your life? That would be my natural reaction at first too, so of course she will try to avoid SY. Tha natural progression to being comfortable with each other afterwards was a nice segway.

Anyway, the kiss was also a spur of the heightened emotional moment, I think the preview of the show seems to imply that so I am not too concerned whether it is too soon or not.

One thing is sure, the chemistry of the two here is out of bounds, I like them when they are together.

We watch shows with different lenses, I accept that, but in my lense, this show is likeable because none of the characters (so far) follow the usual kdrama character rules. They all have likeable and dislikable traits but no one has an overdramatic trauma to overcome. And I like that the plot subverts expectations about the heroine and the hero.


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My opinion about this drama and its characters is very similar to yours. I'm enjoying the series and I don't really dislike none of the characters (except Bora's ex) at this moment. I know that could change later but I really hope a happy ending for all of them.
The only episode which wasn't good imo was the seventh, to the point It seemed to me that it had changed the writer. Fortunately the eight was good again.


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Bad renaming alert! I only now discovered 'Bora! Deborah' also goes by the cheesy title 'True to Love'. Yuk, that's as bad as them taking the series 'My Wife In Having An Affair This Week' and renaming it the insipid 'Listen To Love'. 'Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food' became the non-descript 'Something In The Rain'. Sometimes I look up a series to watch and think I don't have access only to find it had been renamed something entirely different.


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HAHA I remember reading the alternate title for this show (true to love) and went "is that a new show?" I was mad confused


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So obviously Bo-ra is flying by the seat of her pants here and has no plan for the book whatsoever, but I think her scheme to re-break up with Chicken King was kind of genius. I mean, not to make him beg for her love back (because, ew), but for her own closure and to leave a better impression behind, I think it was such an interesting idea. And Soo-hyuk came in so clutch! Not only was he right about the dress (I loved that they poked fun at dramas' tendency to put someone in slow motion whenever they are looking particularly good), but the man knows how this story is supposed to end. Or, in this case, at least how it’s supposed to look like it ends, with the FL walking off with a better man. He is an editor/publisher after all, he knows storytelling. I actually think this was a totally great plan and will be perfect material for her book - her tragically inaccurate reading of the ending of Lala Land aside.

At first I wasn’t sure what to think of the kiss. I was totally drawn in regardless, but I kept thinking about the lead-up and whether it was a good idea. After reading some other comments, I think the lead-up to it makes sense. They were both in a heightened emotional state and a small space. She had just had a triumphant moment that he helped her orchestrate. They’ve been having deep conversations and getting closer for weeks now. It was impulsive and rash and born from a temporary (so far) closeness. All that tracks for me. As to whether it was a good idea - probably not, but I sort of love the show for depicting that. The whole situation is messy and unclear and complicated, just like breakups often are in real life. I hope they back out temporarily before realizing that maybe it wasn’t a mistake after all.


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The kiss is totally out of place and too soon. The pacing is a mess, dragging out the heartbreak arc and milking it while nit giving enough build up to the main story we came for. Also the black dress shopping, slow motion and how Bora tried to seduce Soo-hyuk are too cheesy and not romantic or swoony at all.

It looks like we won't be getting a satisfying rom-com this year.


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It’s ep8, the kiss must happen at all cost! 😅


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I thought this week was good. The humor was there. The twist reveal with the contract scenes had me laughing! I like hearing Bora's inner thoughts and how she tries to plan ahead and make a strategy but can still fail. And Bora faking her slow-motion to tease Soo Hyuk, heh.

They have a funny & friendly relationship. He's seen it all. They can question and critique each other and still give advice.

Her final conversation/ending with her ex was nicely done. I didn't mind that the show kept on with this breakup plot. It fit with her steps in her book writing and for her to move on in a healthy way.

I didn't really expect the kiss, but it wasn't surprising. I liked it. The move of his arm wrapping around her. *eyebrows waggle* Maybe the show being at the halfway point was in the back of my mind. I don't think it was rushed though. Both of them have gotten to know each other and have spent a lot of time together. Soo Hyuk became more and more attracted to her. He was a tough critic about the seduction moves, but he wasn't immune. He definitely had feelings before she did. I'm curious about her reaction. Don't think she'd be aghast about it. Not at all.


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I loved the kiss! I didn’t think it was too soon, but the directing wasn’t that good and it almost felt like a prelude to a murder scene ya know?


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The last two episodes were exactly what I hoped for from a rom-com. I'm glad that Bora has finally crossed the valley of tears!

Since Soo-hyuk is already clearly attracted to Bora, despite her escapades and all the drama, I think it's safe to say that this must be true love. Nothing deters the man.
The pee scene wasn't even Bora's lowest point, but I laughed in tears.


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I feel like I have whiplash, 8 episodes(!)of breakup and then a kiss in the last few minutes of the episode...what the?
The lows we had to sink too along with Bora for the alcoholic gastritis diagnosis, 6 episodes(!) and yet here she is drinking again without a care.
Jun-ho confessing his feelings to Bomi in episode 8 but we are yet to see them have a decent, in anyway meaningful two way conversation. Bomi hasn't given him the time of day or been nice to him so I can't see what the attraction is other than they are two good looking individuals. Another beanie commented that if Jun-ho wasnt so attractive we would be viewing his behavoiur at the start as stalkerish which is true.
Yoo-jung, apart from all the red flags with the marriage, whatever the cost of the handbag, why do you need a man to buy it for you? Buy it yourself.
Thank god for Yoo-In Na.


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"Bomi hasn't given him the time of day or been nice to him so I can't see what the attraction is other than they are two good looking individuals".

They barely know each other so I don't think they are officially dating yet. For now she has agreed to keep in touch and go out to know him better.
I can't understand why he is so in love after having watched her three times. They have not talked about anything. Bomi even seemed to be more attracted to Soo Hyuk at the beginning of Episode 8.


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* Jin-ho, sorry.


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I watched ep8 thinking I finished ep7, but after figuring out what happened in the last 10-20mins of ep7, I’m not going back to watch it.

YIA is doing such a good job portraying Bora but I just can’t root for her if she keeps on digging her own grave every sec. Like girl, pleaseeee. Why don’t you love yourself? You’re an amazing woman!

As for the rest of cast, I’m no longer interested.

P.S. ep8 kiss still exists, writernims never change eh


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I like the 2 main characters together. They're very honest with each other and it's kinda the only ones in this show. I liked their kiss scene. Bora tried the traditional way but it didn't work, Soo-Hyuk lacked spontaneity and failed. They need change!

Yoo-Jung is married to a man who never grew up. He's hidding his special place like he would with his mother...

I don't understand why nobody told Jin-Ho what he was doing was wrong. Everything he said sounds creepy. He's nice a boy but he doesn't know boundaries.


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My stream of consciousness thoughts on the episodes -

Ep. 7: Deborah try not to embarrass herself in every episode challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] [GONE WRONG]
But she's so pretty, I--

With every unbelieving scoff ML does, you know he's falling for her bit by bit.

Former army dude still in his creepy arc, I keep expecting to hear the SVU opening music at some point and Stabler & Benson to flash their badge before arresting him....

EP. 8: finally, at the halfway point, so long after the premiere week, I enjoyed an episode. It was genuinely fun. She finally got over the cheating asshole, broke up with him in a mature way and had a hot makeout session with Suhyeok. He's completely fallen for her and hard... But who can blame him? She literally got me too during that seduction scene.

Meanwhile, creepy army guy got together with the annoying brat of a sister. Not sure how to feel about that. Plus, it's not really confirmed at all, but the initial signs seem to suggest that new employee girl likes her much older boss, who's just realizing he's playing with fire? Both are a bit of a yikes for me. With this drama, you win some and lose some, I guess.


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This romcom is short on both rom and com. The constant drinking is ludicrous and embarrassing, particularly as she suffers from gastritis. More and more we see the "drink-til-you-barf" scenario in Korean and Chinese dramas. Apparently Koreans drink more than any other nationality in the world, according to a report I read recently, and I can't think of a drama I've watched recently that didn't have the FL getting sloshed at some point. And why why why does everyone barf either ON the boyfriend or IN the car? For a society where self-discipline and proper behaviour is so greatly respected it's extraordinary and out of what I perceive (from KDrama, of course!) to be national characteristics. I'm not saying it isn't extremely funny at times (Business Proposal was hilarious), but particularly in Chinese dramas, the heroine has half a glass of wine and proceeds to behave like your stereotype of a drunken sailor.

But I did think the kiss was terrific, she's SO pretty, and he was so kind and thoughtful when he picked her up off the stage and the chemistry is definitely there.

And the relationship between the boss and the gushingly adoring office part-timer is definitely getting creepy.


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Honestly I'm having a tough time keeping up with this show. I couldn't get through ep8 despite really enjoying the first half of the show but I'm not sure why its not keeping me hooked anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I love In-na and she's doing a great job at portraying Bo-ra & her heartbreak but tbh I'm actually more invested in Bo-mi & Jin-ho.
I think its due to the severity of Bo-ra & Soo-hyuk's heartbreak that I can't see them as a couple right now. Maybe if they go for a time jump and they meet again, it would be more believable as they both need time to heal.
IIRC, this show has a limited amount of eps (it was stated 12 on Asianwiki but when I went to fact check a few mins prior to writing this they removed it) too hence I had a feeling, after seeing the pace of the first half, that they would try to push their romance on us despite them still being two broken individuals.

I'm still on the fence about continuing this or sticking to weecaps but i guess we'll see


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I agree that the kiss was too soon. I believe that the breakup scenes were not stretched out too long but were rather realistic but that simply means that the kiss was too soon. I Think it was inserted simply because that is where the first kiss normally happens in a standard Kdrama romcom. But that is the point- this show has successfully avoided the standard romcom script so why revert back to the 'normal rules' now. Why not give us a couple of episodes of growing attraction first?


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I don't think this will be a popular opinion, but have to say it's been hard to identify with any of the characters. Especially Bora. I think most of us have been through our share of serious breakups and have moved on, but Bora reminds me of the loud unfiltered friend at a 'girls' night' who feels that SHE is going through more pain than everyone else in the room EVER has experienced and is constantly needing feed back (and attention) from everyone (and anyone arund her on the bus) about her loss.
There is a slight sense of narcissistic entitlement from her even at the beginning when we meet her as the Dating Specialist on the radio. She 'tells it like it is' as if she knows it all because she's safe in the arms of a relationship; but then after her 'dumped downfall', she still thinks of herself as the only one entitled to the biggest hurt. When her girlfriend lets on that not all is great with her husband, Bora comments about it lightly and then it's back to her own 'pain'. We certainly get the idea who the star is in this friendship as well.
The topic of love is a worthy one, but for me this series over-focuses on the breakup & angsty pain for so long that I began to lose respect and patience for Bora, especially when the embarassing overdrinking scenes pile up, and now her impulsive need for revenge on her ex is offered as the recovery answer? I could understand her physical & emotional breakdown, but I couldn't call her journey either a comic or authentic look at 'getting back on your feet'. Yoo Ina is a favourite actress and although she likely got across the character exactly as the writer intended, at episode 8, I am underwhelmed by the show. I expected more "grow through what you go through" I guess. Likely this will happen, but wishing it would have started by now. The Dramabeans ratings for this at 7.8* don't make this too hopeful though.


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