Controlling myself not to ship IkjunxSonghwa #HospitalPlaylist


    surprise of this season is not that chilbongie likes SH.. but that SH also like chilbongie (although for the life of me i can’t understand how any girl can like any other boy if IK is / was in front of them 😛


    also, i will bet million dollars on the fact that JW was also in the hospital at the morning when IK went with SH..

    we keep getting camera shots from far end of an alley – too weird a choice..unless someone is watching and didn’t want to go near the two
    a) probably knew SH liked IK in college, because he was always observing SH and hence knew about SH’s movements better
    b) the scene in the beginning, dr jang has an allergy attack and her friend tells her that JW does not love her because he did not come to see her BUT (he did go to see SH.. those shots from alley )
