Writer-nim decided to make the FL even more petty and vengeful no matter what ML does. And ML is also devolving into his own version of petty, though still competent at what he does along with his team.
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klurker π Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 19, 2022 at 6:08 PM
Cafe Minamdang Ep 7
Le sigh. I was hoping they would eventually go the Live-up-to-your-name route and work together despite their clashing views or pettiness. But NO. 😖
klurker π Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
July 19, 2022 at 6:10 PM
Writer-nim decided to make the FL even more petty and vengeful no matter what ML does. And ML is also devolving into his own version of petty, though still competent at what he does along with his team.