*rant again*

Call me ignorant. Coz ignorance is bliss. Iโ€™m at a state where Iโ€™m constantly worried about what breaking news will be out next. Whether the dealer/lawyer/whoever will reveal more names pertaining to whichever controversies (or maybe even new ones). Coz cโ€™mon, THIS is the entertainment industry. Thatโ€™s how itโ€™s like generally. Letโ€™s not feign innocence. It really just depends on how much information are hidden & how well they are concealed.

If everything were to be out under the sun, then whoโ€™s & whatโ€™s left to entertain me? The industry will be in ruins. Humans are ugly, no one is perfect & Iโ€™m just another selfish bastard.

*Whereโ€™s my humanity switch, I needa flip it NOW*