Devil Judge


    I am so frustrated with the Soohyun hate lol If the writer could have written her character actually based on her setting and description people won’t hate her. She actually is an ace detective, she actually cares for Elijah, she is supposed to be smart, warmth, treat everyone equally, strong and caring. If they could have just given her one more minute to showcase she took care of Elijah and called for back up, locked the car, but something still happens and she even saved Elijah, and Yohan arrived – he can still be mad at the gangs and still bring him to court. Without the whole Soohyun being reckless tropes the plot will still move normally. Soohyun became a comparison to highlight how Yohan’s character is perfect yet we sacrificed everyone else (in terms of character’s charming points)

    My only complain to this drama is the writer and director tried to highlight yohan’s charm and perfect and strong way too much in places that could have let the other characters shine. A drama isn’t good when only the main lead shines. WHY THEY NEED TO MAKE YOHAN THE ONLY ONE SAVING EVERYONE’S ASS EVERY SINGLE TIME WHEN IT WASN’T NECESSARY based on the characters backgrounds lol. I had so much issue with Taxi Driver also because of this lol.

    Gaon got a lot of hate too before they showed a little bit of his past and people still think he’s dumb til now when he is not. He’s just not a spy? lol When he does legal investigation he’s very very good at it too, and as a judge he can analyze materials so well. In his character he even supposed to be good at fighting. Why does Yohan needs to come and beat 95% of the gang when they could have at least show Soohyun and Gaon were able to handle the gang, but the guy tried to escape, Yohan came to fight TOGETHER with Gaon while Soohyun go to catch that guy, and Yohan maybe beating 65% while Gaon beats the rest? LOL The show would have been so much cooler than just Yohan being the only savior.
