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Yoo Ji-cheol (Jang Hyuk) saves the lives of a woman and her little girl, but fails to save his family’s housing money.


Jang Hyuk

Main cast

Sohn Yeo-eun

Main cast

Shin Eun-soo

Main cast



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Holy moly! I just realized that this is Jang Hyuk's second exploding bus rescue that I'm aware of. It's a reprise of VOICE, ep. 15, but with chemical assistance. And it ends in defeat, not triumph, owing to the loss of his payment for the drug trial. Yoo Ji-chul simply cannot catch a break. Ever.


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The scene in Yokohama 11 years previously puts the lie to his wife's statement that she has been tired ever since she met him 17 years ago. It looks as if they were doing well because of his boxing career, and she sure didn't look tired at ringside. Methinks she has selective amnesia.

Frankly, I thought bringing a little kid to a prize fight was stupid and barbaric. It's one thing to know his family was cheering for him, but I would have been concerned about letting a small child see papa getting beaten up. Grandma should have been babysitting her back at the hotel.

I'm enjoying the show's exploration of heroism, and how it comprises a large aspirational part of Ji-chul's identity as a father and husband.


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