This is why you don’t just divide the episodes into two parts! I was almost more than halfway into ep 8 when I realized it’s episode 8 and not 7! 😭😭😭 Ways to upset the watching experience.😫😫


    Hahaha, well if it makes you feel any better, at least you realized it halfway through.

    I watched the ENTIRE ep. 2 thinking it was ep. 1 for the premier😢🤦
    I thought it felt totally off, but i just went through it and realized my mistake, bc I saw the preview for the next episode


      So stoopid of me you know lol, actually it was almost over like barely 5-7 min left, 😂😂, which ‘is’ a horrifying experience. I kept looking forward to the next half only it ‘is’ the next and final one, until next week. 😂 A very bitter lesson learned. :/ 😅


      Aww I feel for ya. And the premiere was so good, so I remember my level of excitement and you
      must have felt frustrated enough like I did. 😅😅 This pathetic format needs to go!


    Let’s start a petition! Haha. It’s another level of annoying that some sites label the shows as normal 1-hr episodes, then some the new 30-min episode count. I freaked out when I saw the subtitle saying ep 3 when I’m sure I watched ep 1-4 last wk. Ugh.


      Oh yes! At least they are doing a good job of not making us confused. The plus side is you don’t have the risk of missing the first half, so there’s that. But yeah, the a-b, c-d format is so confusing. And I am a freak so whenever I am watching I have this weird habit of keeping an eye on the video progress bar, so I feel like the time is passing fast with the 30 min videos. 😂😂 Weird I know. 😅


        Is looking at the video progress bar being a freak? I do that all the time. I’m sure it’s normal 😉 Anyhoo I like the 30 min ep cut tbh bec it’s easier to squeeze in, say, lunchtime, I can surely finish the entire thing then the other 30-min after work


          Ah yes, that makes sense too. You can save it to watch later yeah. Just maybe they could rename the episodes like ep 8 part 1, part 2. That would be more convenient for oblivious people like me. 😀 And erm you look at the progress bar too? Hahaha, it’s normal then I guess. 😀 I thought I was the only one who has the habit of doing it lol.


    Ikr!! I downloaded episode 5 and 6 and when I started watching it the subtitles said it was episode 3 and I was like ‘dafuq?


      Yeah, I don’t get what are they getting out of it. 😐 If anything the two different rating doesn’t work for their benefit I think. Sometimes the shift in the rating is so extreme. :/
