I feel you girl 😍😂


    Lol but she thought that he was mocking her.


    On and off DB again, huh? How’s life?


      Life has been happening! Missed all the fun here! How are you chingguyah?


        Nu-gu-se-yo?? Hahaha….

        My dear chingu, you have been sorely missed. Glad to see you back again. There’s been
        a lot going on the beanie wall. You missed the island party last weekend in honor of APAD. So fun! Please don’t let LIFE keep you away again!

        Our dear Nam-gil sunbae has been playing an evil character in My Ahjushi, which I haven’t had time to see. He’s also coming out with a new drama, Come and Hug me..he’s going to be the main lead! So much anticipation for him to do well.

        I’m currently watching APAD, Suits and LIVE. I dropped Pretty Noona by episode 5 coz I didn’t want to watch the angst that everyone is talking about now. Dropped That Man, Oh Soo coz a few beanies were upset with the ending. I felt I didn’t need to waste anymore time. Somehow, I trudged through The Great Seducter. Not sure why. Maybe it’s the power of Woo Do-Hwan. What are you watching?


          Wow thanks for that thorough update! I’m definitely watching more in the coming days. I’ve always wanted to pick up APAD, because of course poetry. What a delightful first 4 episodes. ♥️

          But guess what, I did manage to finish The Great Seducer. 🙈 Woo Do Hwan and that girl SooJi were really good. Joy should just stick to the bubbly roles though.

          Still watching Pretty Noona, of course because Jung Hae In, although I very much baffled with the whole mom thing. I don’t understand why mom is acting that way. Like why can’t they date??? I just can’t understand. There are a lot of other things though that I don’t understand. But whatever. I just want to see more of Jung Hae In.

          I stopped watching Switch at who knows what episode. But I still plan to pick that one back up again because Jang Geun Suk is still, after all, my first Oppa love. 😂😍
