Applying for jobs is the worst. Online applications are the worst. Why did I spend hours creating and formating a beautiful resume to upload and send to employers when they just make you enter all your information manually into godless text boxes anyway? Why have I had to type out my work experience 5 times now? Why does freakin’ Arby’s need to know my level of education? I just tried applying to a waitressing job that required 2 years of prior experience. Prior experience… for a waitress job… I just want a summer job so I’m not so poor before I go back to Uni… How am I both over-qualified and under-qualified for entry level jobs? Why did God abandon us…


    I feel your pain. Truly.


    I hear you.
    Here’s my drill:
    Apply for 2 jobs, then watch an episode. Watch another episode.
    Try to find more jobs to apply for. Have some tea.
    If possible apply for 3 jobs.
    Give up and sink into k-dramas…
    Realise that things need to get done. Start running around (thankfully the tea I had earlier!)…

    I hope that you get a job soon and that the process becomes less painful.


    there, there.
    *beanie hugs*
    I feel you.


    One of my biggest pet peeves! Sending you good vibes!
