So. I binged the first 3 eps of Let Go My Baby. It is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life. Every single second is screen shot/gifable. Love & must learn who DongDong is. So precious.


    I think I will start watching it too! I need something cute and sweet. And you can never go weong with Jackson.




        Oh, please do! I LOVE it SO MUCH! Jackson is adorable and there’s a celeb who the kids call DongDong–I haven’t caught his whole name yet and he’s also adorable. He was apparently in a different reality, or “reality” show where he was a first grade teacher so after he warmed up to the kids he’s the one who’s the “disciplinarian” of the three Geges. The third guy so far sits on the couch and hopes no one asks him to do anything.

        It is SO, SO, SO cute. The three babies are adorable! And a fourth baby just arrived! And I’m going to stop saying things because I am typing exclusively in exclamation points and talking about this drama is going to make my face sore because I literally cannot stop smiling. It is a LEGIT HAPPY PILL and I need to bookmark it so that every time I’m in a bad mood for the rest of my LIFE I can watch this show and feel better. Like—when these babies are 20 years old I want to still be watching this ridiculous little thing and yeah, I’ve gotta leave now. You know I will rant and squee and fangirl until I pass out or my keyboard breaks.

        WATCH IT!!!


    Ok, whoever the dude is who had to wear the bear costume as punishment is hilarious and hot. His little grunts and mimes have me cracking up 😂
