Beanies, I’ve finally gotten back to Come Here and Hug Me. I watched like 15 minutes of it two weeks ago and finally got the motivation to get back to it. I’ve been excited about it ever since beanies started raving about it but I’ve just had meh levels of motivation for all dramas (thank you LOM for reviving my kdrama love).

Anyways, finished through episode 2 and GURLLLL! Like okay back in the day you could wander around in the streets more freely so I’ll let it pass a little. But it was raining! And dark! And a new town! *side-eyes Mom* And then she walks into someone’s property! Goes down a dark creepy basement! By herself!!! 🤯 I’m absolutely mind-blown! I mean I’m not saying its unrealistic because it is. Sometimes youngsters don’t comprehend or discern when a situation could be dangerous. But I kept yelling “noooooo don’t do that…no don’t open the gate…nooooooooooo don’t go down there by yourself!…go for mom!…just go home!! Gahh. *side-eyes Mom again*

But yeah. Definitely has my attention, this drama.