Been rewatching bits of Gangnam Beauty – my opinion hasn’t really changed, but I noticed Cha Eun-woo’s subtle expressions really improved by the end!


    Oooh I’ve been re-watching too, and I think he definitely improved as the drama went on. He’s no great dramatic actor by any means, but he isn’t without talent too. Considering that it seems his personality is the polar opposite of this character, he’s not bad. But I definitely think he needs a few more supporting roles to hone his skills a bit.


      No, he’s definitely green but the drama has showed me that he has a lot of potential! He was cute in The Best Hit, and he didn’t have a lot to work with here but whenever he was supposed to be gleeful, freaked out, or quietly angry, he conveyed it persuasively.


        Being the lead actor all of a sudden was a big step – I hope he takes all sorts of roles from now on.


          I definitely think that given the right roles an opportunities to grow his talent he could be a great male lead one day. This was definitely a good role to get his feet wet with, since his character didn’t carry the bulk of the emotional arc. I love how you see his body language change when he get’s comfortable with people or when he’s with his sister. I don’t think there’s really anything major to criticize with him here either. I liked him in The Best Hit and Revenge Note but those were much smaller parts, but they definitely allowed him to show a little more range.


    I’m watching this right now and I love it! I agree that the ML is really green. He’s stiff and has only one facial expression. I’m on ep 9 but I’m seeing some subtle improvements! Just give me more facial expressions please!
