In a land of workaholics, burned-out South Koreans go to ‘prison’ to relax, by Matt Kwong, 02/14/18


    No thanks. I think backpacking would be a much better idea.


      I’d like to try out the heated floor. 😉 Oh, wait. No Kdramas… I’ll have to rethink this. 😉

      As a way of withdrawing entirely from 24/7 interruptions, it sounds like a winner to me.

      When email first came into use, it was a wonderful means of communicating with people in distant time zones without having to stay up all night, and it was a lot cheaper than international phone calls. Then again, I grew up in the era of public telephone booths, before PCs, email, and instant messaging. All the new-fangled electronic media has become just as obtrusive as telemarketing did via landline phones. I remember reading of public opposition to telephones when they were first introduced in the 1890s or whenever. People were deeply concerned about invasion of privacy at home. It sounds like a quaint idea, but they had a point, and they would probably be shocked at the bombardment — and wastefulness — of junk mail in all its forms.
