I sat down to watch todays ep of Perfume because everyone said to give it another shot (and because while I didnt like the first ep of HPL I ultimately loved that drama). And elevator scene. I sat down, glaring, waiting to be insulted/enraged by the further fat shaming while also hoping that it wouldnt happen but so focused on it being a possibility that I couldnt enjoy a single thing in the first 5 minutes. And then FL’s clothes start stretching. Her buttons start popping. She inflates like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She scrambles to make use of her magic perfume and when SSR finds her she’s barely conscious on the ground. “my stomach….my stomach….my stomach is growling” is all she can mutter before she passes out. Because she’s fat, guys! Get it? Get it?
I guess I’ll keep an eye on the fanwall in case something cute happens but for right now this is a hard pass from me. I like SSR and all but I only just discovered him in TLE. I’ll live not watching this drama.