The makjang drama in WWW would have been so off-putting if it was the main story, but using it to highlight Cha Hyun’s reactions makes it rather hilarious! Does anyone recognise the male actor?


    OH WTF … I just realised that the actor’s name given in the show was Seol Ji Hwan (real name Lee Jae Wook or Marco in Alhambra)… who is linked to Cha Hyun romantically in the relationship chart. So wow … I didn’t even realise this is how the show would bring in the pairing. Interesting to see how we’re going to go from reel to real in the WWW world.


      Yes her randomly searching lead me to think that maybe they wil form a couple and that will be a way they will show how actors who play jerks are not real life jerks. But then I thought I was looking way too much into it and maybe it was just hinting that reknown actors have no search results. Glad that it could actually take turn like the former.


      This needs a spolier or possible spoiler tag. 😥
